Friday, November 10, 2006

Above is what I looked like a year ago, running over Thanksgiving at the Delaware Cross Country Championships. Below, after some time off from running, is basically what I look like today.

I have actually been on a few runs lately, most recently 46 min relatively hard on 11/9. I ran from my apartment to Colonial Williamsburg, and up and back historic DOG street. At one point, someone tried to run up on me. I may be overweight and out of shape, but I still don't let people pass me on my easy runs. So I huffed and puffed and held him off. My achilles hurt a great deal today, unfortunately, so it looks like its back to the less inspiring elipticals and whatnots in the gym. I did the stationary bike for 30min today (11/10), and my HR was up in the 180s during portions. What is greatly frustrating is that my left achilles is feeling better, which is the one that has always hurt. My right achilles now is what really hurts, which has never bothered me before. I think I may have hurt it in one of my intramural softball games earlier in the fall.