Thursday, November 18, 2004

One week till Turkey day

AM: 3 miles easy just to stretch me legs. Stopped by a tiny store I discovered recently. Grabbed some milk (livin' it up with 1%, cereal (being healthy with Honey Nut Shredded Wheat), poptarts (French Toast style were dirt cheap), and ham (oink oink). Ran home cradling a big brown grocery bag.
Speaking of nuts, watch some wacky weirdo work at the 24 hour NutCam:(courtesy of McKeeman):

PM: 2 mile warm-up over to Herriton (sp?) high school with some of 'Team Hayden' (guys running with him this weekend at Rothman 8k). 5 X (1000, 400) out in the grass-- 1 short, steep incline in the middle of loop. Pelerin was leading the charge, although I borrowed a HR monitor, it still doesn't work. Maybe I have a freakishly shaped chest or a bashful beat? Times: 3:00 (1:38 rest), 74, (1:26r), 3:01, (2:09r), 68, (1:45r), 3:04, (2:15r), 72, (1:45r), 3:02, (2:16), 71, (1:57r), 3:12, (2:14r), 68. About a two mile cool down. The rests were slow jogs in between starting points, probably close to 300m?. This workout was supposed to have another interval, but Marcus cut it out at the end of the workout. I said, "Marcus, weren't we doing 6?" "Yes, we were," he said. But then we didn't. He also advised us to slow down on the final 1000 (3:12). He tends to be quite conservative like this. It's all good, however, as the workout left me a-ok and wanting more. This was basically a "workout-lite" in my case. I will now be able to easily come back Friday and tempo, and then be back on schedule. Today was a little quicker, too, which will help me transition into the next few weeks, which will incorporate faster intervals in an effort to peak for club nationals. In any event, the workout today was easy. Nice, cool weather, as well.
Total miles: 13

So after my workout I met with Len, my Leadership professor. Oh, pardon me, he's my "boss." I've always had conflicted opinions about this guy. He is the only professor I've had actually admit and officially assign grades based on whether or not he likes you. He has established an elaborate class project where I am not allowed to ask him questions, only go through my "chain of command." Len also believes that nobody in the professional world cares about anyone else and it is entirely cut-throat. He is molding us into shwankers, just like himself. Anyway, tonight, in a 1:1 meeting he advised me not to go into business unless I was all about the Benjamins, the dinero, the loot, the greenbacks, the bling bling, money, $$$. He seemed to pick up vibes from me communicating that there was more to me than that, and he urges that I explore my passions. Ay, there's the rub.

Oh, by the way, an assignment for Tuesday in my Leadership class is to plan out the next 15 years of my life, so I'll keep you posted.

Managed to wrap up much of my E-business case study that is due for tomorrow. Here's a preview of the hotttness: "I recommend that iPremier leave Qdata. It’s time to focus on issues other than growth and old loyalty. Their entire operation depends on confidence and a secure, functioning Website, and there should be a top-down initiative promoting security."

That stuff is exciting compared to accounting, which held one of the most boring lectures ever this evening.

That is all.



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