Thursday, February 03, 2005

what the deuce have I been up to?

Been busy. I will take the time to write wittier and snappier blogs this weekend, as I don't have the tiempo right now.

Last weekend was fine, yet busy. Stacy and I went to Kawasaki, where I had Japanese cuisine for the first time since my fateful October journey. It was good, but since we were there with a group of 30, it took them 3 hours to prepare. I felt fortunate to escape without shrimp or peanut poisoning (me no likey-ebi). One of the highlights was eating the birthday cake we brought with chopsticks, since I don't think they had enough silverwear. Researched all day Saturday for naught, then returned home Sunday to visit with my brother Andy. Andy is visiting from Colorado for the first time in a year. Nice to see him again and get a nice home-cooked meal. My mother tried to save all our souls by forcing us to watch the beginning of The Passion of the Christ following dinner. It's a film I wouldn't mind watching sometime, but I had much work to do.

Classes are fine. I am working on a big project on selling laundry detergent in Europe, of all things. I am also developing a full business plan to open up a wine bar. Anyone interested in dropping some capital?

I worked one day last week and will work again on Friday, Feb 4th with Alan in Philly. In news there, Ty, my replacement has finally quit. He'll be leaving by the end of the month and made it just about a year, which is longer than most people there. I help out mainly with matters dealing with a particular client in Liechtenstein, which often proves enjoyable (in the short term).

On Tuesday, I had a meeting scheduled with Scott, one of the professors I work with. I remembered up till about noon, then totally forgot about the 1 pm meeting. Later in the day, I received an email from Scott apologizing for missing me because he was at a meeting that ran late. Phheeew! That was a close call. I told him it was cool, man.

I interviewed with AT&T for a summer internship this morning. The phone interview went fine, and I'll hear from them in about a week. It's a position in sales that I don't know if I really want, but I considered the experience to be at the very least an exercise in interviewing.

I have eaten hamburgers for dinner 3 of the last 4 nights. On the 4th night, I ate a pizza.

My Amazon items have been selling well, and every time I go to the Post Office, I get another order right when I get back, and have to return. I'll mail 2 books off tomorrow from Philly. I've made about $170. I try to underbid the competition. (those suckers).Click: One of my listings.

Tomorrow bright and early, I plan to attend one of the premier competitive eating events in the world. Much more news on this follow. (

Remus, my stalker weirdo running dude from Baltimore keeps calling and text-messaging me. I refuse to answer.

Chocolate Chip Cookie dough PopTarts aren't worth trying.

Go Eagles. Go

My parents caught and neutered a feral cat. I look forward to getting to know my new brother, Smokey, better.

It's late and I must be off to lay my head down to sleep and dream of gorging on wings and legal ranting.




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