Sunday, January 29, 2006

I like fishes they're so delicious...

0. Started the year off with a big zero. But hey, it's a holiday, right? Made some dope pancakes and said bye to Matt and Becky. I convinced Matt to drive down, and I was glad his car wasn't vandalized.
1 hour 30 min. I do believe this was around the one and only Druid Hill Park.
75min. I found a new park to run at this week in East Baltimore, by Lake Montebello. The park was rather run-down, and I was glad not to get attacked or step on any needles. Someone yelled encouragement to me in Spanish and I understood it. A crazy guy also stopped on the street to salute me . Maybe he thought I was Lt. Dan from Forrest Gump. Maybe not.
Trekked up to the NCR trail.
18min warmup.
31:06 tempo for 6 miles, which is about 5:11 pace. I actually raced an adult on his bike during this workout. I waited for him to pass before beginning, but then reeled him in. He actually turned around a few minutes before I, and I caught him again. Having this training partner to humble actually helped. One time on this trail I passed a lady who must have been at least 100 years old and she told me I was embarrassing her. Once I can't pass someone like that, I quit.
21.5 min cooldown. I was very light headed, as I didn't eat anything this morning.
Stopped by the grocery store in Timonium, where Gatorade, Pop-Tarts, and cookies were on sale. It was dreamy. I chowed on some Tarts on the way home, proclaiming to the pastries that "We are such stuff...As dreams are made on", in an echo of Shakespeare's Prospero. I was probably still hypoglycemic.
For some reason, I was feeling a might fiesty this morning, and the run was swift. On my way down to the innner harbor, I cruised by the courthouse around rush-hour. As I crossed the street, moving pretty fast, police officers started shouting "Stop him" and pointing at me. Well, I stopped before I was brutalized by the men in blue, re-directing myself. Apparantly the blocks around the courthouse were closed off and they thought I was an Al-Quaida bomber of some sort, as I ran right into them. While I am the bomb, I did not have a bomb. I continued my run through the Inner Harbor and around Patterson Park. I buzzed by a group of students on a field trip, who expressed their astonishment at my prowess by dropping some f-bombs of their own.
I headed back up to the NCR trail.
19 min warmup. Windy today. Also, one direction of the workout was slightly uphill.
45 min total workout (10:14 2 miles, 4 min rest, 10:07 2 miles, 3:58 rest, 4:56 mile, 3 min rest, 4:55 mile, 3:50 moderate run back including 2X30second hard)
14:45, 2 mile cooldown
Instead of going to Narnia that night, ended up watching "Breakfast at Tiffany's" instead. I liked that the cat's name was "Cat", although I still think "Dog" would be funnier. By the way, 2006 is the year of the Dog. Woof.
59min very easy. Today was chilly. I ran by the Baltimore Aquarium in order to pick up tickets. I didn't know I'd have to wait in line for 30min, or else I may have worn more layers. Many folks showed up to take advantage of "Dollar Days" where entrance is only $1. Down under in "Australia" (Baltimore Aquarium)
Later that day, Jon Bell, Stacy, and I strolled down to the Aquarium. A few highlights of the exhibits included seeing a monkey, finding Nemo at least half a dozen times, and witnessing a dolphin do the high jump. I also saw Triasic Triops (or "shrimp" as the aquarium would want you to believe), which were smaller than the Triops that we grew back in college. Eventually, one of my Triops back in 2002, affectionately nicknamed "Weiner," outlasted all the others, thriving until Josh turned off his heatlamp one night. I also saw African Frogs, which are the same as the Grow-A-Frogs my family has had as pets for the last 15 years. Originally mine, my mom took over their care when I tired of feeding them. In the Amazon

For many of the fish, it was feeding time. Here are 2 videos I took of feeding time, and the greatest beast of them all: MAN!:

Video 1

Video 2

Next time I go to the aquarium, I want to bring a fishing rod. That would be hilarious. Not to mention delicious.

Later that day, we paid $1 to go to the Top of the World and look out over the Baltimore skyline. We also scarfed sustenance down at California Pizza, which we only went to because of a coupon we had for a free appetizer. Darn, clever marketers!

With JB in Patapsco, decent run, good bit of hills.
Later today, I went to Best Buy and purchased a swell new printer/fax/copier/scanner contraption. I have no land line, but perhaps eventually I will.

Finally, I feel compelled to include a random Mr. T link. This site features a compilation of amateur "Mr. T vs." Websites. This site of T singing, on the otherhand, is just plain awesome. I may have linked or referened it a few (dozen) times already elsewhere.


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