Sunday, October 31, 2004

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Happy Halloween, again.
10/31: 2 hours, 5 minutes. 20 miles. After 10 miles at decent pace, threw in 5 miles at 5:45-5:55, which felt good, and I was moving. Then I did 4 more miles around 6-6:10 pace, then jogged/staggered last mile.
Today's run was quite draining. I enjoyed the extra hour of sleep due to Daylight's Savings, although still didn't get a nice and early start. I drove up I-83 about 25 min. North of Baltimore to a rail-trail extending by Gunpowder Falls, just above Loch Raven Reservoir. The trail was nice enough, much like Jersey's towpath, although the surface was harder, more packed stone. It was nice to be able to run without worrying about traffic, turns, etc. I could just concentrate on running. Hard. Although, it was also enjoyable to attempt to catch leaves as they fluttered to the ground. This passes the time rather well on long autumn jaunts. Once I figured out the mile-marker system, I got rolling. It was unseasonably warm today, 70's, which let me run shirtless, something else I wouldn't do in downtown B-more. I could've stopped the run around 18 or 19 miles, but I figured I might as well go for 20. That last mile turned out to be quite the struggle, however, and maybe I should have ended beforehand. It was one of the runs where I staggered in, dried salt all over my body and chafed in places nobody cares to experience. There was one waterstop I hit on the way out, but skipped coming back because some bikers were in line there. I probably should've taken the 30 seconds required to stop and got some agua, but I was rollin', dude, and wanted to keep the flow going. I was really thirsty afterwards and have been drinking fluids all day in response. Also have felt a bit sick to the stomach, but better now. I am concentrating more on my long runs these days and hope that it will pay dividends in the future.
This was a good week of training. Higher mileage than I have done in a while, 3 workouts (none super long), and a difficult long run. I tend to work myself rather hard, and must pay attention to getting rest and recovery, as I will be racing a few times in the coming weeks and want respectable showings. Perhaps a few more PR's, too.

Right now, I remain in Baltimore, to leave tomorrow. I have an Amtrak ticket left from a previous trip that was neglected to be collected, so I will take the train back tomorrow (much nicer than bus). Got a trifle of academic work done today. Well, I guess it was decent, but not as much as the Stacy, study-machine. Have an exam tomorrow in "Operations and Supply Chain Management." Not stressing too much. Also, I will register for classes.

Too tired to make this any more entertaining. Hey, it's basically just my training log, anyway. Live long and prosper,

Mike Bloggy Blogg


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