Saturday, November 20, 2004

F day

AM: easy 3 miles, just to get out door.
PM: 3 mile warm-up. 4 mile tempo run, 20:50, at the Green (upper Fairmount Park). Drove there with Marcus and a few other Nova student-athletes. I got a HR monitor that finally worked, and stayed within 175-8 bpm for the most part. Thus, I slowed down as the workout progressed and did not push as much as previous tempos (idea is to run a certain % of max HR, which keeps one from working too hard, or not enough). I still finished way ahead of any of the others on this particular workout. I also did 4 X 15-35 second hill sprints afterwards, then about a 2 mile cool down, in the waning daylight.

Interaction of the day--
Rando Pedestrian: "Are you guys LaSalle?"
Marcus O'Sullivan: "It's very kind of you to say so." (something like this)
(Subtle jab and reference to the fact that LaSalle, cross-town Philly rivals, dominated Villanova at Districts last weekend. This should NEVER happen. I actually came close to going to LaSalle, but instead worked for half a year and came to Villanova.)

By the conclusion of the workout, it was dark outside. It took us a long time to depart the office prior to the workout, as Marcus was running about doing this and that (he normally has 1 million things going on at once). Got home around 6, and went grocery shopping with Stacy (here to visit!). As I have been starving lately, I really procured a heartwarming stash of groceries. Now I remember that it's not always wise to go shopping when one is already famished. Oh well, at least now I am stocked until approximately 2005. My haul includes 7 boxes of cereal, 36 pop-tarts, 5 pounds of meat, 18 eggs, 7+ pounds of fruit, etc. The bill was over $125, and was one of the most mammoth displays of grociery procurement in history. On the way home, we stopped by "Peace a Pizza" and ordered an X-Large pizza pie. I consumed 5 slices while watching the Apprentice. I probably should've eaten sooner after the workout, as this aids recovery. Better late than never.

(This was added to Thursday, and I don't want it totally lost in shuffle: To watch an example of pilates with Villanova hunks, view Two thumbs up. Way up. "Can you handle this?"


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