Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Did you know that the hand signal I'm giving is a rude gesture in London? It roughly translates to "up yours." I'm such the cheeky devil here, outside the National Gallery, where I viewed many timeless art works. All sorts of Manets and Monets, Van Goughs and Cezannes; a stupendous stop, though we had to rush. Later, in the States, a cadre of Wang sisters and I hit up the Dali Exhibit in Philly, where more rude gestures may or may not have been involved. But more on that foray into lobster telephones and psychoanalysis some day in the future.

to run a ton is fun when done

For now, a running update. Stay tuned for my rap on finals, my bro's wedding in Colorado, Princeton reunions, Star Wars, my summer job at The John Templeton Foundation, and so much more...

Zero miles. Unless one counts capering from the Genomics building at Princeton out to the Street during Reunions because it was raining furballs and woofers, then maybe close to 1 mile.

Upon discussion with Marcus O', I decided to take some time off. I desire my achilles to heal, although it still is not quite right. Thus, treatment I must seek. Either massage, or achilles replacement are some of my primary options. Anyone want to donate me their tendon?

My running goal is to qualify for Japan again. That gives me over 3 months still to get into tasty shape-- sweet like Mrs. Butterworth hooking up with Aunt Jemima.

Sat. 5.7.5
23 min, 3 miles easy.
Fri. 5.6.05
40 min, probably 6 miles or so.
45 min, probably 6.5 to 7 miles.
59 min, somewhere between 8.5 and infinity miles.
55 min, 8 miles give or take.

Know not where I ran. Neighborhoods, parks, and the like.

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Lots of news to relate, not much running to report. But, first things first: one more wackyweird, face-morphed photo, for old time's sake. Since I haven't updated for nigh on 2 weeks, anyone who has checked my blog lately has been greeted/frightened by my bizzaro collage. I'll remedy that soon enough.
But, back to freak photos. Above, is me as a half-man, half-chimpanzee hybrid. I'm likely the most guapo and suave manape around (no offense, Dean).
In the original collage below, going down the left hand column is me as baby, child, teen, young adult, and older adult. Going down the right hand column, the party really begins: Afro-Carribean Bairdo, West-Asian Michael, Mike as would be depicted by Spanish painter El Greco, female Don, and Japanamation me.
If you'd like to make the magic happen yourself, try:
http://www.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~morph/Transformer/. Another option can be found here:
The Websites are as fun and fruitful as walloping a bloated piñata.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Click to enlarge!!!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Me (on the left) and Stacy (on the lower right). Buckingham Palace looms pompously in the background. We are standing amidst a jollygood bit of greenery, I believe it is called St. Jame's Park. We're on an unseen, though scenic, bridge, not levitating on water.

Changing of the bloody guards! What would London be without it? Our view wasn't actually this good. I reached my arm over some tourists' heads and through a fence to get this no-look shot. Came out pretty well, eh? This spectacle basically involved a lot of ceremonious, straight-limbed marching, some trumpet playing, and razzamatazz. I still want one of those pipecleaner hats.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Dude, I'm busy

Greetings fellow dudes and dudettes.

I am quite busy, as it is the final week of class and I have a host of projects to complete, while simultaneously preparing for 4 consecutive finals next week. But then... intellectual freedom!
Might as well do a spot of blogging, before it's next week and I'm completely buried. By the way, did you know that Google bought Blogspot? That's as hot as a fresh pizza pie.

55min, ran from tiny park to tiny park in the local neighborhood. 8.5 miles.

Got measured for a swank tuxedo today for my brother's wedding in a little over a fortnight. Spent the day working on a research paper on European laundry detergent. My group for this project is pathetic: either they collectively have Downs Syndrome or they don't put enough effort into it. I'm just basically going to write the paper by myself.

66.5 min, a good 10 miles. Ran down to Fort McHenry in Baltimore, and around it twice. This is the famous Port where the flag flew by the dawn's early light and inspired the Star Spangled Banner song. I thought of hoisting my trousers up the pole so the whole world could salute my shorts, but decided against it.

Merry May Day. 90 minutes, good run. Ran around Druid Hill park. 14 miles or so. Worked away during the day.

1 hour. 9 miles? Well shoot, guess my time completely off didn't last long. I ran up and around the reservoir at Dru Hill. Went to Towson Mall to try to do some errands. Not overly successful, but did get my mane chopped. The barber lady seemed shocked at how short I wanted her to cut my hair. She asked a few times when I last had it cut. For literally a few minutes, she was just combing my gold locks, apparantly trying to figure out what to do with me, which did not instill confidence. She got it right on her 3rd try.

We also passed a group of protesters... "Honk if you like chicken!" Well, I honked like a madman, because I like chicken. Upon rounding the bend, I saw that the hipsters were protesting against KFC. I would have rescinded my honks if possible, as I believe they were ascertained under false premises. I did not honk to crush "the man", merely to state my appreciation of "the chicken". Stacy clucked at my impetuosness. I did the Chicken Dance.

Zero. Zilch. Nada. Yeah.... didn't feel up to it. Considering taking time off to rest achilles, which is hurting like a beaten child.

Went to Stacy's end of the year med school formal at a hip-hoppin ballroom in the Inner Harbor. I felt a bit left out of all the med genius gabbing. Plus, nobody took my photo. If I go to the trouble of donning a suit and there's no record of the occassion, it's basically wasted effort.

1.5 miles or so shake out around noon.
3 mile warm up.
5K at Penn Relays-- 15:00.04. (I minimize this number so perhaps those visually challenged will just skim over or miss it).
3 mile cool down.
So... this was not a great performance. I did go out very swiftly and at least "went for it." I went out so fast, I was afraid to look at splits, but I was at least 2:45 for 1K. Frank, who ran 14:20 didn't pass me until the last mile, so I must have died very hard. I'm just not in great shape. Plus, I could feel my achilles pulling the whole time. I wanted to run at Penn Relays for the fun and tradition of it, but getting lapped by world-beater Alan Webb was discouraging. Not sure if this will be the end of track for this year or not. I really want to get my achilles healthy, and my training doesn't support high performances right now.

Actually went to school and did GA work for all the afternoon. Jonathan dropped some work on me today, of all days. Missed class for the race. Waste o' time.

40 min, 6 miles. Easy pre-race strutting about.

20 min 3 mile warmup. Followed by light workout. Wanted to get used to spikes a tad more.
800m- 2:22, (2:39rest), 4X200m w/ 1 min jog rest- 34.66, 34.98, 31.5, 31.36.
27 min cooldown.

Tonight my Vino Wine business plan team did a truly butt-kicking presentation. I now try to do my presentations with no note cards and dynamically--walking about the room and so forth.

54min, 8+ miles.
23 min, 3+ miles. Don't recall today.

57.5 min. I was required to run late in the evening. Ran around Bryn Mawr grad college. As I was thinking how cool I was to be running in the fields at night, I dropped my leg in a whole and wrenched my ankle. Then I left.

60 min, 9 miles. I was quite toight from yesterday's experience, especially the achilles region. Actually loosened up on this rainy run. I hit up the golf course, where the pansy-golfers flee when there's but a trickle from the sky.

Worked with Stacy today at The Point and The School.

Headed back to the Old Nassau to try to get a race in. Fun to be around, especially since I still know many of the humans on the team. Felt bad to disappoint, but I'd rather drop out than run 15 minutes today. Just not used to running on the track or running hard, for that matter. I've got to get with the program.
15.5- 2 mile warmup with Princeton guys.
12 min-- about 4k of 5k. What? Someone must have miscounted my laps! Actually I dropped out. Decided along the way I didn't have it today and wanted to save myself for Penn Relays in a few days.
16 min cool down.

Went out to dinner in Princeton with Stacy, Edmund Zysik, and the loquacious Pauly Rodney. Later, the men played pool in Frist. Good to see Ed again and Princeton will always have a special place in my chest cavity. Stacy managed to get pulled over in my automobile because she was driving with no headlights on. BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!

42 min, pre race light 6 mile jog.

If you made it this far, you deserve a wacky video: http://lelombrik.free.fr/LoMBriK/Ascenseur/.

The M to the D to the B!