Saturday, September 17, 2005
Me powering home in the final strech of the Providence 5K.
44 min, about 6-6.5 miles, down Lancaster Ave. to St. Joe's. Later in the day, Stacy and I went into Philly and picked up my race equipment for tomorrow's "PDR" half-marathon in Philly. I'm hoping to have an all right showing, and help out my team. With a stacked field, I'm nervous for my first foray into racing above 10K. With Deena Kastor going after the AR along with the women's Athens marathon medalist, I'll be fortunate to beat out all the heroines. Today, Stacy and I went to a Border's downtown for a spot of studying. Very busy and much traffic in the big city.
AM: 7-7.5 miles. Ran around Haverford, saw Artie there. Also threw in 4X200 at the track for kicks. So humid out, my trousers were soaked with perspiration. Humidity forecast for tomorrow's half marathon: 85%. Oh bother.
Worked a bit at Villanova today. I have finally gotten all 1500 surveys for my professor in the mail, but now I have to call and follow up at each of the 500 companies. This is not always fun. Also, I've noticed that a disproportionate amount of secretaries are named "Pat" or "Pam", as was the secretary at my internship. What's the moral of this story? I rule.
PM: 40 min. 5.5-6 miles. Ran around the neighborhoods in Hardmore. Found some swank, mansionesque establishments.
10 miles I believe. My watch died however, so I can't verify time. I hustled over to Radio Shack, where they sold me a battery, but made me change it there myself for liability reasons. Well, joke was on them, because it took my half an hour and I spread out, blocking their front register. Since it took so long, my parking meter expired. As we were heading back towards the gallant Taurus, I saw a pompous-looking meter maid wadling off in the distance. Sure enough, she was making a direct line towards my automobile. I broke into a trot and reached the scene as she was swinging around my car to get the liscense digits. Seconds away from disaster, I rolled out of the lot with a wave, riding high on adrenaline. Then I remembered the parking ticket I got in Baltimore last week, and went home to mail off the funds.
2.5 mile warm-up. 6X1 mile at the Haverford grass loop. Miles between 5:00-5:05 (in trainers), rest was between 1:55 and 2:00. 2-2.5 mile cool down, a nice workout. In my simulated marketing experience, my group is middle of the pack. Gotta go for the gold!
AM: 9.5 miles or so. About Haverford.
PM: Around 4.5 miles I believe, around the neighborhoods and local park.
AM: 1 hour 37.5 minute for a decent long run. 5 loops around Haverford College, which did get old after a while. Caught up with some "Developing countries" studying. Stayed up late tonight only to watch the Eagles get humiliated. Sad, sad day.
Providence race! 20min warmup, then 5k race in 14:44. Blocked from blasting out at the start by people in front of me, but still split 4:35 and 9:10. Much of the opening mile is down hill, and the same proportion of the final mile is uphill. For much of the race, there was an Ivy pack racing each other. I managed to be the 4th Ivy human across the line, securing my spot for Japan. Cooled down around 25 min. Sunny and warm, but not bad running weather.
Flight back to Philly was a-ok, even signed a few autographs, which I'm sure the recipients will be disappointed with later on.
35 min relaxed run in Providence, checked out the course, and a did a few strides. Had to get up early and I cut it quite close with my flight. I decided to fly at the last minute, but I'm glad I avoided the long drive. I was picked up at the airport and transported to the race hotel HQ, where I immediately headed to the hospitality suite and got hooked up with a free massage. We were treated very well and it was nice to masquerade as an elite for the weekend. The massage man confirmed my hypothesis that my soleus muscle was really tight, probably leading to my achilles issues. My calves felt a little sore, but definitely better after being worked on. He also stuck a fist in my stomach to somehow work my hip flexors. "I hope you didn't have a big lunch" and "This will feel a little funny as your intestines slide back into place" are 2 statements that made me a tinge nervous.
That night at dinner, Adam Goucher introduced himself to my table, after he came over to talk with Paul Morrison. Growing up, Goucher was always someone I looked up to, so I enjoyed bandying about a few words with him. I played it cool, though. I was like, "Later, Alan" I think I heard Josh weeping with pleasure later that night. Well, either that, or the pain from Texas's narrow victory over OSU.
In other news, This online game has been way too entertaining to me. Plus the song has been stuck in my head for a few days. I challenge you to beat 67.

44 min, about 6-6.5 miles, down Lancaster Ave. to St. Joe's. Later in the day, Stacy and I went into Philly and picked up my race equipment for tomorrow's "PDR" half-marathon in Philly. I'm hoping to have an all right showing, and help out my team. With a stacked field, I'm nervous for my first foray into racing above 10K. With Deena Kastor going after the AR along with the women's Athens marathon medalist, I'll be fortunate to beat out all the heroines. Today, Stacy and I went to a Border's downtown for a spot of studying. Very busy and much traffic in the big city.
AM: 7-7.5 miles. Ran around Haverford, saw Artie there. Also threw in 4X200 at the track for kicks. So humid out, my trousers were soaked with perspiration. Humidity forecast for tomorrow's half marathon: 85%. Oh bother.
Worked a bit at Villanova today. I have finally gotten all 1500 surveys for my professor in the mail, but now I have to call and follow up at each of the 500 companies. This is not always fun. Also, I've noticed that a disproportionate amount of secretaries are named "Pat" or "Pam", as was the secretary at my internship. What's the moral of this story? I rule.
PM: 40 min. 5.5-6 miles. Ran around the neighborhoods in Hardmore. Found some swank, mansionesque establishments.
10 miles I believe. My watch died however, so I can't verify time. I hustled over to Radio Shack, where they sold me a battery, but made me change it there myself for liability reasons. Well, joke was on them, because it took my half an hour and I spread out, blocking their front register. Since it took so long, my parking meter expired. As we were heading back towards the gallant Taurus, I saw a pompous-looking meter maid wadling off in the distance. Sure enough, she was making a direct line towards my automobile. I broke into a trot and reached the scene as she was swinging around my car to get the liscense digits. Seconds away from disaster, I rolled out of the lot with a wave, riding high on adrenaline. Then I remembered the parking ticket I got in Baltimore last week, and went home to mail off the funds.
2.5 mile warm-up. 6X1 mile at the Haverford grass loop. Miles between 5:00-5:05 (in trainers), rest was between 1:55 and 2:00. 2-2.5 mile cool down, a nice workout. In my simulated marketing experience, my group is middle of the pack. Gotta go for the gold!
AM: 9.5 miles or so. About Haverford.
PM: Around 4.5 miles I believe, around the neighborhoods and local park.
AM: 1 hour 37.5 minute for a decent long run. 5 loops around Haverford College, which did get old after a while. Caught up with some "Developing countries" studying. Stayed up late tonight only to watch the Eagles get humiliated. Sad, sad day.
Providence race! 20min warmup, then 5k race in 14:44. Blocked from blasting out at the start by people in front of me, but still split 4:35 and 9:10. Much of the opening mile is down hill, and the same proportion of the final mile is uphill. For much of the race, there was an Ivy pack racing each other. I managed to be the 4th Ivy human across the line, securing my spot for Japan. Cooled down around 25 min. Sunny and warm, but not bad running weather.
Flight back to Philly was a-ok, even signed a few autographs, which I'm sure the recipients will be disappointed with later on.
35 min relaxed run in Providence, checked out the course, and a did a few strides. Had to get up early and I cut it quite close with my flight. I decided to fly at the last minute, but I'm glad I avoided the long drive. I was picked up at the airport and transported to the race hotel HQ, where I immediately headed to the hospitality suite and got hooked up with a free massage. We were treated very well and it was nice to masquerade as an elite for the weekend. The massage man confirmed my hypothesis that my soleus muscle was really tight, probably leading to my achilles issues. My calves felt a little sore, but definitely better after being worked on. He also stuck a fist in my stomach to somehow work my hip flexors. "I hope you didn't have a big lunch" and "This will feel a little funny as your intestines slide back into place" are 2 statements that made me a tinge nervous.
That night at dinner, Adam Goucher introduced himself to my table, after he came over to talk with Paul Morrison. Growing up, Goucher was always someone I looked up to, so I enjoyed bandying about a few words with him. I played it cool, though. I was like, "Later, Alan" I think I heard Josh weeping with pleasure later that night. Well, either that, or the pain from Texas's narrow victory over OSU.
In other news, This online game has been way too entertaining to me. Plus the song has been stuck in my head for a few days. I challenge you to beat 67.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Domo Arrigato, Mr. Roboto

Friday, September 09, 2005
A quick updater
A fast, running dominated update follows:
Labor day weekend was good, but not too exciting, in Baltimore. Really spent much of it studying or occupying myself similarly.
AM: 48.5 min, touch over 7 miles. 2 loopers around Haverford, felt purdy good.
PM: 28.5 min, a tad over 4 miles. Ran around South Ardmore Park, an ok little patch of grass in the neighborhood. My achilles was feeling tight, have to work on that again. I have been managing it pretty well, and don't want it getting out of control again.
Dropped a bomb on Timothy A. Booth of Spring Grove, who owes me $500 on behalf of his stupid, chompy dog. Sent him a certified mail, return receipt requested threatening legal action unless he pays me now.
Flying to Providence tomorrow morning, hoping to bag another trip to the far East.
17.5 warmup. 12X400m, w/100jog. 400jog after every 4. Didn't feel so easy, wanted to do light workout around 5k pace.
72, 49rest, 71?, 35 rest, 70, 44rest, 71, 2:58 rest, 71, 41, 70, 43r, 69., 39r, 69, 3min, 68, 40r, 70, 37r, 70, 42r, 69
17min cool down
Did tough presentation tonight, went fairly well. Felt like I really carried my group this time. Presented "against" another team, who tried to challenge us. The class made a deciding vote, who did a better job, and that team gets 10% of the grade the other will lose. Will find out next week who won.
69min. Ran 'round Dru Hill. Finished stuffing 1500 envelopes for major survey... up next, 1500 follow-up phone calls.
21:13. 4 mile tempo on the NCR.
16, 5X1min hard, 1 min easy in the middle.
Didn't feel like pushing too hard this day.
65.5--9.5 miles at Patapsco park with JB. Turned right ankle pretty hard. Iced rest of day.
33--5 miles in afternoon
8:45min--1 mile slow with Stacy.
1hr 42min at Patapsco with Jonny B. Tired from all the hills, mountains, and whatnot I had to ascend in the park. Went to Jon's place later, which is a nice crib that has a pool and hot tub.
Labor day weekend was good, but not too exciting, in Baltimore. Really spent much of it studying or occupying myself similarly.
AM: 48.5 min, touch over 7 miles. 2 loopers around Haverford, felt purdy good.
PM: 28.5 min, a tad over 4 miles. Ran around South Ardmore Park, an ok little patch of grass in the neighborhood. My achilles was feeling tight, have to work on that again. I have been managing it pretty well, and don't want it getting out of control again.
Dropped a bomb on Timothy A. Booth of Spring Grove, who owes me $500 on behalf of his stupid, chompy dog. Sent him a certified mail, return receipt requested threatening legal action unless he pays me now.
Flying to Providence tomorrow morning, hoping to bag another trip to the far East.
17.5 warmup. 12X400m, w/100jog. 400jog after every 4. Didn't feel so easy, wanted to do light workout around 5k pace.
72, 49rest, 71?, 35 rest, 70, 44rest, 71, 2:58 rest, 71, 41, 70, 43r, 69., 39r, 69, 3min, 68, 40r, 70, 37r, 70, 42r, 69
17min cool down
Did tough presentation tonight, went fairly well. Felt like I really carried my group this time. Presented "against" another team, who tried to challenge us. The class made a deciding vote, who did a better job, and that team gets 10% of the grade the other will lose. Will find out next week who won.
69min. Ran 'round Dru Hill. Finished stuffing 1500 envelopes for major survey... up next, 1500 follow-up phone calls.
21:13. 4 mile tempo on the NCR.
16, 5X1min hard, 1 min easy in the middle.
Didn't feel like pushing too hard this day.
65.5--9.5 miles at Patapsco park with JB. Turned right ankle pretty hard. Iced rest of day.
33--5 miles in afternoon
8:45min--1 mile slow with Stacy.
1hr 42min at Patapsco with Jonny B. Tired from all the hills, mountains, and whatnot I had to ascend in the park. Went to Jon's place later, which is a nice crib that has a pool and hot tub.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
American Gladiators? No, just some Amishmen runners

The Maneim Township crew, representing old school style at the Amos Herr Honey Run 5K.
On another note, has my blog "jumped the shark" yet? Check out for a fun look back at when every tv show ever reached its peak.
Mr. T and Me

I met Mr. Taffy at Ocean City and he gave in to my picture demands. This was after Stacy and I bought ice cream, following a performance by the Belfast youth orchestra, who were inexplicably performing. I'm wondering if I could eat a stick of taffy that large. I bet I could at least devour all his limbs.
Jump! Jump!

Word up to you nerds, I came to drop some words;
Villanova is back in full gear, so give a fatty cheer;
My running is the bomb, it's hard to stay calm,
Next week I go to race, straight-up in Rhode Island's face.
Ahh, September, or as the Spanish would say, septiembre. Falling leaves... Cross country... Cool air... New books... Fresh classes... I invite you to meander through my online Web Log at this most wonderful time of the year.
AM: Warmup up 1.5 miles. 6 mile tempo run up at the NCR trail (north of Baltimore) in 31:25. Mile splits were approximately 5:13, 10:25 (5:12), 15:45 (5:20), 20:58 (5:13), 26:15 (5:17), 31:25 (5:10), average of about 5:14 per mile. 1.5 mile cool down. A solid little workout.
PM: About 5 miles
9 mile run or so, around Haverford college. Threw in 6X200m on the track in the middle, just to stretch the ol' chicken legs out.
30 min, 6X 200 (w. 200 jog) btwn 34-36, 20 min.
Drove down to Baltimore after some work, just barely beating traffic. Extremely long lines stretched out onto the roads at Maryland gas stations, as people succumbed to their fears of a gas shortage. I actually topped off my tank last night, when gas was $3.19, as I expect it to approach $4 before it creeps lower. I might have to resurrect the aging Trek Antelope pretty soon.
Awful scenes in New Orleans. Hope that Seamus, a former track dude at Princeton now at Tulane, is all right. I can understand a little looting from the disenfranchised, but the violence and gang rule is just disgusting. The situation is out of control and beyond my comprehension. Villanova is going to accept around 25 college students from the affected area.
83min-- 12.5 miles or so, around Haverford college. Ran into Artie and did a loop or so with him. Groups were assigned today in Marketing. Lucky me, I have a 30-60 min presentation and 10 page paper due in 1 week (after a holiday weekend). Oh well, at least the assignment won't be looming over me. Plus, it's about selling paint in the Southwest. I mean, come on, it doesn't get much more exciting than that! (Editor's note: this case really puts the "pain" in "paint").
18min warm up. Workout at Haverford of 3 X (1 mile grass loop, 1000m on the track), then 4 X 200m. The rest was ample, though active. My hips and legs were a little fatigued before and during this workout. Also, heat index of 90+, quite humid.
4:58 mi, 3min rest, 2:57 k, 3 rest, 5:04, 3 rest, 2:59, 3.25 rest, 5:06, 3 rest, 3:02, 2.5 rest; 33.9, 77r, 33.5, 73r, 33.5, 75r, 33.0
15 min cooldown.
28min, 4 miles around Ardmore mile loop at night, post- class.
AM: 34min, 5 miles.
PM: 66min, 10 miles solid run, around (where else?) Haverford.
I got a dope new mobile telephone today. Half the size of my previous one, it also takes photos and videos, providing for all my James Bond, superspy needs.
92.5 min, long run (but not too long). Hit up some random parks and roads around the Ardmore area. Somehow ended up in Philly, Havertown, along City Line Ave., Haverford, and who knows where else.
My Monday class is on Developing Countries and Emerging Markets. Dr. Doh is the professor, who is also one of the professors I do Grad. Asst. work for. It seems like a very dynamic class, that I want to excel at.
So far this semester, for Dr. Doh, I have been assembling 1500 surveys and mailing them out. No, that wasn't no typo--1500. Dr. Doh? More like Dr., d'oh!
College students spend near $500 per semester on books. Through fishing around on the Internet, I got away with spending closer to $300, plus I sold a few books this week on Amazon, netting $250. Bairdobooks runs a mean business model, outbid the competitors by 1 cent and ship quickly.
Back in farm country! Stacy and I hauled it out to Lancaster County for a local race I found with a few dollars at stake. It provided a good opportunity to see some hometown buddies and test the waters a bit in a 5k before I have to run fast (in Providence).
12 min AM shakedown.
18 min warmup, say 2.5 miles.
5k race: 15:19 (on my watch), 1st place, $100 and a sweet, bronzed honey bear trophy. The sponsor of the 5k was a local honey factory, so the sticky stuff was flowing like water. I took it out in about 4:45, then 9:52. Someone hung around for about half the race, but never really challenged (he ran around 15:40). Of course, there was the obligatory "Rocky-inspired" hero, who sprinted out and led the first 200m (in front of all the spectators). I cut him off on the first turn, as he passed gas, apparantly already losing control of his bodily functions. He literally sounded like a car sputtering out of gas, I had to consciously restrain myself from striking him. The course had rolling hills the whole duration. I was pretty much a ringer at this low key, community event, but felt good bringing home the bacon. Oink. Oink.
24 min cool-down around Hempfield HS with the Caullers, Matt, and Brown Bros. Inc. Ate pizza like it was going out of style later at Matt's house.
50 min, 7.5 miles,

52 min, 7.5 miles. Ran some with old man Tantino, who showed me a park with a garden for blind people. Later, I saw a sign for it on the street. I must know, how will the blind people see the sign on the busy road directing them to the blind garden?
36 min, 5 miles. Where's Stacy? She missed the first Greyhound bus, and the 2nd was so late, she missed all trains out of the city. I took the "exciting" route into the city to pick her up, cutting through the sketchy slums of West Philadelphia after midnight.
AM: 18min warmup, 2.5 miles. 6X1k, alternating tempo pace and 5k pace. Jogged a lap slowly for rest. Wanted to do a workout where I started to get acclimated to 5k pace.
2:55, 2:48rest, 3:06, 2:30r, 2:56, 2:33r, 3:06, 2:41r, 2:57, 2:45r, 3:07
16.5 min cooldown.
PM: 27 min, 4 mile shakeitout run, after class terminated early.
Thursday night class is Advanced marketing. This class looks like it could be a doozy. Every aspect of the course is established around getting us to be at each other's throats. We don't only present, we present against another group, and the class votes who is better, and that group gets a superior grade. Also, we are running a semester long simulation game, where the team that wins gets more points than the others. I'm probably going to go all Omarosa on them.
AM: A good, long run in Patapsco park. At least 12 or 13 miles, I can't quite recall. Spent a half an hour looking for my wallet today. Where was he? In my shorts pocket! CRAZY!!
PM: 32min, 4-4.5 miles at a leisurely pace. First day of class! Whoopdee woo. Class got out early, so why the deuce not go on a run?
My Wednesday class seems like it will be the easiest of the bunch. Advanced Corporate Finance, with lots of group work, case studies, and the like. The teach is quite into class participation.
AM: 1.5 warmup.
8 mile tempo run on the NCR trail in 43:50, which is around 5:29/mile pace. Good, solid li'l run, longer tempo than I have been doing.
1.5 mile cooldown.
PM: 37 min, 5+ miles, because I am a mileage glutton.