Friday, September 09, 2005

A quick updater

A fast, running dominated update follows:

Labor day weekend was good, but not too exciting, in Baltimore. Really spent much of it studying or occupying myself similarly.

AM: 48.5 min, touch over 7 miles. 2 loopers around Haverford, felt purdy good.
PM: 28.5 min, a tad over 4 miles. Ran around South Ardmore Park, an ok little patch of grass in the neighborhood. My achilles was feeling tight, have to work on that again. I have been managing it pretty well, and don't want it getting out of control again.

Dropped a bomb on Timothy A. Booth of Spring Grove, who owes me $500 on behalf of his stupid, chompy dog. Sent him a certified mail, return receipt requested threatening legal action unless he pays me now.

Flying to Providence tomorrow morning, hoping to bag another trip to the far East.

17.5 warmup. 12X400m, w/100jog. 400jog after every 4. Didn't feel so easy, wanted to do light workout around 5k pace.
72, 49rest, 71?, 35 rest, 70, 44rest, 71, 2:58 rest, 71, 41, 70, 43r, 69., 39r, 69, 3min, 68, 40r, 70, 37r, 70, 42r, 69
17min cool down

Did tough presentation tonight, went fairly well. Felt like I really carried my group this time. Presented "against" another team, who tried to challenge us. The class made a deciding vote, who did a better job, and that team gets 10% of the grade the other will lose. Will find out next week who won.

69min. Ran 'round Dru Hill. Finished stuffing 1500 envelopes for major survey... up next, 1500 follow-up phone calls.

21:13. 4 mile tempo on the NCR.
16, 5X1min hard, 1 min easy in the middle.
Didn't feel like pushing too hard this day.

65.5--9.5 miles at Patapsco park with JB. Turned right ankle pretty hard. Iced rest of day.
33--5 miles in afternoon
8:45min--1 mile slow with Stacy.

1hr 42min at Patapsco with Jonny B. Tired from all the hills, mountains, and whatnot I had to ascend in the park. Went to Jon's place later, which is a nice crib that has a pool and hot tub.


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