Monday, August 22, 2005

Oompa Loompa doom-pa-da-dee, if you are wise you'll listen to me.

Ladies and gentlemen:
1) Please wipe your feet before entering;
2) No shirt, no shoes, no service (pants strictly optional, in case of any ants in the pants);
3) Thank you, come again.

8.22.05 AM: 70 min, An easy, though deliberate 10 miles about Baltimore. My watch is being held together with scotch tape. The band that I bought at Wal-Mart, though labeled to fit all styles of Timex Ironman watches, apparantly does not fit my style (it is the correct size). Somewhere, those corporate fatcats must be having a fine old chuckle.
PM: 34 min, 5 miles in the afternoon. Ran up 7 flights of stairs both in AM and PM.

Weekly Total: 90 miles. A pretty healthy mileage total this week, and I was far from "forcing it." 2 decent workouts.

8.21.05 1 hr 43 min. I will conservatively label this 15 miles. Ran around Patapsco Park, south of Baltimore with Jon Bell. This park offers a plethora of trails, sometimes rugged and sometimes confusing. Jon tried to cry about an hour into the run when we had no idea where we were, but he was too dehydrated on this muggy day to produce any tears. In the end, my awesome navigation got as back to the cars within a clock strike of perfection.

Later that day, following a 3 hour nap, Stacy and I hit up Wal-Mart. I was not impressed with the high proportion of vulgar, ugly populance generally inhabiting the store, and question how it reflects American society as a whole. I did score some sweet prices, however.

Met Mr. Jon Bell (now living in MD) for a wittle workout on the NCR trail, north of Charm City.
Warmup 2.5 miles. 6 mile tempo in: 32:41, which is about 5:27 per mile pace. Jon hung for about half the run, but is still striving for physical fitness. My calves remain sore from Tuesday's workout, and I was uncomfortable on the workout. 17 min, 2.5 mile cooldown. Congrats to Josh O for a truly bangin' victory in West Virginia, the first American at a big race, with a fat bounty.

Went to Arundel Mills mall later in the day. Got my mane chopped (finally). Upgraded my underwear supply for the first time since college, so if I have an extra spring in my step next week, you know why. The highlight of the night was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This movie was bizzare, but I quite enjoyed it, and it did have a good heart. I only wish I could have understood the lyrics of the Oompa Loompas' better. By the way, how do those little buggers reproduce? They all seem like dudes to me, plus as was pointed out by Jon, approximately the same age. Something for me to think about tonight while trying to get to sleep, I suppose... In any event, to flashback to the original 1971 movie and hear some oompa songs, click hither. FYI, the original oompas came from across Europe and didn't all speak English. They were painted outrageous colors so that they wouldn't conjure up African, slave-like images. Also, they would go out and party even harder than the munchkins from the Wizard of Oz.

54 min, 7.5 miles or so easy around Haverford. Ran prior to my final day of work for the summer at The John Templeton Foundation (JTF). I'm ready to close out this internship. Though it was stimulating at times, other days were a little slow. The JTF gives about $50 million in grants ever year to a range of programs, but the majority of green stuff goes towards furthering research and dialogue between science and religion. Drove down to Charm City, hit up the grocer with Stacy, and chowed down some burgers.

AM: 37min, easy 5 miles in the morning around Haverford. Calves feel broken.
My managers at work took me out for lunch today, as it was my last week. I tried to be honest about my impressions of the internship, without being critical. To quote myself "It was...(pause) ... good?"
PM: 70min, 10 miles or so around Haverford. Finally got my new driver's license. The employee who helped me had a breathtaking unibrow, in case you were interested.
AM: 30min, Oh, say 4-4.5 miles.
PM: 68min, I would have to guesstimate 9.5-10 miles. Really rather sore today. Did a little bit of lifting in the dojo found in the basement of my new residence. And, fyi, there is no mercy in this dojo.

AM: 35 min, 5 miles.
PM: 17.5 min, 2.5 mile warmup to Haverford track. Raining steadily out for duration of workout, though I did wear flats. First long, tough workout in a while, went well. 10X1000m, with rests of 200m in a little over a minute. Calves started burning halfway through, but I closed out all 10ks, and was sore the rest of the week.
Total time 42:40 (12k), 10XK-- 3:07, 64r, 3:06, 65r, 3:08, 66r, 3:08, 65r, 3:07, 64r, 3:08, 66r, 3:09, 72r, 3:08, 63r, 3:10, 72r, 3:05, 70r
17min, 2.5 cooldown.

PM: 67 min, 10 miles or so. Monday and back to frickin' work!

Weekly Total: 85 miles. A lower mileage total, but still a fine week. Backed off when shin started hurting, even took a day off.
1 hour 40min: an uninspired, nay, a tired long run. 14-14.5 miles. Did not get a real early start, and today was devastatingly hot. I ran around the Willows park. Around the middle, I halted and jumped in a little swimmin' hole. I sat neck deep for a few minutes in the cold water, which was about as good as a coca bean to an oompa loompa. However, little fishies would not leave me alone, and I left before they started chomping on me (perhaps I still smelled of bait from my fishing expedition, or they sought vengeance for my catches).

Today I spent moving from Bryn Mawr to Ardmore. The owner of my former house infuriated me by getting the driveway re-paved the very weekend I was moving, so that I had to trudge around the backyard with all my belongings. The new house that I live is quite nice and inhabited by 3 other Bryn Mawr Running Co. runners.

After a hot move, my parents took Stacy (who arrived about at the end of all the work) and I out to Tango, a hip little restaurant in close proximity to the Bryn Mawr train station.

AM: 63min, 9 miles. Last morning on Pawleys Island with the Bell family. "Ran" out of time for the beach this morning, as we had to be out by 10. The vacation to Pawleys was very good with copious swimming, kayaking, surfing, frisbee flying, running, yahtzee playing, and the like.

PM: 10min, 1.5 miles. After a long day of travel, I had to run back to my place and get my car to pick up my junk, put it in my trunk, and begin unpacking. And yes, I'm counting this in my weekly mileage.

Took the day off from running, both as I was tired and also alarmed at a pain in my left outter shin. Jon and I woke up before the jerk-face, lazy sun, at 5am, and went on an all day deep-sea fishing trip. The boat ride out was 2-3 hours and about 50 miles out of Murrels Inlet to the Gulf Stream. Contrary to my parents' prediction that I would be green to the gills, I did not succumb to seasickness at all. The fish weren't throwing themselves at us, but I still caught between a half dozen and one thousand, keeping a few to feed the fam. I caught some snapper, and jolthead, and don't remember what else. Jon and I both caught sharks, which was gnarly. I would've liked mine as a pet, but that wasn't an option. The fishermen staff either cut up, stabbed, kicked or beat any fish that came into the boat. My clothes and shoes still smell like the squid bait which we primarily used to catch the fishies.
I like fishes, they're so delicious.
I considered putting my sandwich on the hook and going after something awesome, but this did not transpire.
The people on the boat were primarily rednecks and hillbillies, and much as the world still swayed for me even hours after being on land, my inner monologue drawled in a Southern accent, and I had an uncontrollable urge to go hunt gobblers in the morning and white tail in the evening. Yeehaa.

(Pictured: Some yummy squid bait)

AM: 35min, 5 miles. Wanted to do a fartlek, but a pain in my shin frightened me into an easy day. One of the worst things that could happen right now is a stress fracture. Did extensive kayaking today. My boat kept flipping, but turns out it was full of water as the plug had come undone, d'oh!
48min: 7 miles.
One of these days I watched Alan Webb run like a clown at the World Champs. I admire his skill and tenacity, but come on! Does he have downs syndrome? (side note--he does have a rather large head). Position yourself for the victory, do not sprint a lap or two in the middle of the race. He doesn't have the credibility to inspire fear with such a move.

AM: 72min, 10.5-11 miles. Found a golfcourse to trespass on this morning, which was a nice change of scenery. Also, fudge at the beach rules. That is all.
PM: 35min, 5 miles

AM: A little tempo running. 17.5 min 2.5 warmup, 30min tempo, 20 min cooldown. All in all, 10.5 miles. The Ambiguously Bell Duo was too weak to run in the rain this morning and put off their workout all day. After much swimming and 'yaking, I presume they were tired as an oompa loompa in Wonka's sweatshop.
PM: 41min: 6-6.5 miles. Just to show Jon and Ron how awesome I was, I started their tempo with them during my double.
AM: 71.5 min, 10.5 miles. Did the standard Pawleys Island loop, up and back on the island, and a little bit outside of it on a bikepath. Also did a few strides. I believe it was tonight that I went out to Drunken Jacks with the Bells. (Note-they might as well have named it Drunken Jons after his 2 drink performance at the bar before dinner). This is a radical, pirate themed restaurant. I ate a few pounds of hushpuppies with ever-so-sweet honey butter, in addition to my other sustenance.
PM: 34min, 5 miles.

Weekly Total: 100 miles. A dandy week, progressing in my training. Psyched for a number of good races this fall.
AM: 62min, an easy 9 miles 'round the Island. An earned easy day. Kayaked out in the ocean today right up next to a few dolphins. At first, I wasn't sure if they were sharks, as we just saw fins cascading through the water, but we were able to get up very close, and see their smirking, fishy little faces. I also posted a simply dominating yahtzee performance, highlighted by 2 yahtzees in one game.

1 hour 49min (16 miles). A muggy, hot day in Raleigh. Did a run with the Ambiguously Bell Duo at Umstead Park. I owned the brothers on this long run, who could not hang more than 70 min. This run was hilly, and generally high quality. When I tried to push the pace, however, a root attacked my foot and I ended up spread-eagled along the trail, eating bushes.

AM: 68min, 10 miles before work.
PM: 34.5min, did an easy 5 late in Raleigh.
AM: Today was blistering hot, so I got in a workout early. 13min warmup, 28:12 tempo which was about 5.2 rolling miles, and a 21min, 3 mile cool down.
PM: 41min, 6 miles relaxed.

Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) came in to work today to meet with staff and promote his new book. He is ultra conservativ, both hated and loved. I liked meeting him and receiving a signed copy of his new book. At the very least, I don't think he should be summarily rejected based solely on any politics.
An intriguing political website can be found here: Answer a few questions, and the site will categorize you into a political typology that is much more specific than just "republican" or "democrat." One goal of the site is to recognize and illuminate some of the many shades between the left and the right. FYI, I am an "optimist", or some such thing. (For example, economically conservative, but not quite a gay-basher.) But I must be careful, I don't want to walk my blog down this slippery slope.

Peace out. This entry took an eternity.

Michael (edited by the oompa loompas)


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