Sunday, July 24, 2005


Total Weekly mileage: 108 miles. Hopefully the high mileage lately has increased my aerobic capacity. On the horizon: get faster, better.
Sun 7.24.05
1 hour 50.3 min, 18 miles up on the Rail Trail North of Baltimore (average of about 6:07/mile). A stupendous run, and a controlled effort. Though warm, humidity seems to have plummetted. At 9 miles, I was at 57 min, and I negative split 53 min for the last 9 miles. Kept an eye on my watch the last 7 or so miles which were in this neighborhood: (5:57, 5:59, 5:54, 5:52, 5:47, 5:44, 5:44).

Now I must turn to face the waning weekend-- will I work today, nap, or entertain myself otherwise? Or perhaps, push the boundaries of 3 dimensional human existence by doing all 3?

Sat. 7.23.05
1 hour 35 minutes, 13 miles. Headed south of Charm City to Patapsco State Park, where a plethora of trails awaited (150+miles). I parked by the Cascade Falls trail, and galloped through this area. There are webs of trails that intersect with each other, so it was a bit of a challenge to find my way back out. I ended up running about 30min longer than I wanted to, because the trail that took me to my car disappeared. It was like at Harry Potter's Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, when cooridors just happen to vanish or hide once in a while. Well, I really slowed the pace dramatically when over time, even as my shorts chafed my groin like a cheese-grater. Finally, I found my way out, and passed a little waterfall. I kicked off my shoes and hopped in the swimmin' hole, which felt gorgeously *cood (*cood=combination of cool and good).

Later that day, I wrestled with Stacy's kitchen table from IKEA. After a few hours, a few IKEA-inspired curses, and a few blisters, the lumbered beast was finally assembled. As of Sunday morning, it was still standing up.

Fry 7.22.05
AM: 56 min, about 8 miles. Ran befo' work, here there, and about. I probably sweated enough in this humidity to fill up a toilet.
PM: 51min, about 7 miles slow, around the mean city streets. Ugh, there was a festival, or ganster convention or something in the area, and the streets were too crowded for any meaningful running. I also slipped into a rather dubious section of West Baltimore, which was just no good at all. Something about large groups of people sitting on corners/steps/etc., with nothing else to do makes me nervous. Plus, the guys on motorcycles who kept going by me doing wheelies. And the abundance of coppers cruising about.


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