Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Gotta keep this quick, muggles, as there's a Harry Potter book beckoning me.
W 7.20.05 It's my birfday. 2 dozen years. I rule.
AM: 35 min-- 5 miles, looped around park. Picked it up towards end. Still humid.
PM: 82 min-- about 12 miles. Felt good, ran around Willows Park. Quite hot, a little less humid at least.
T 7.19.05
AM: 42 min-- 6 miles, around park, etc. I saw a mama deer and 4 bambis in my back yard today. I tried to rush the venison, but to no avail.
PM: 55 min= 9 miles-- did a little fartlek (thrice by 3 on, 1.5-2 off, 2 on, 1 off, 1 on, 1 off). Paces when "on" were 5-5:20ish probably. Sooo hot, heat index near 100. I practically melted.
M 7.18.05
AM: 35 min-- 5 miles.
PM: 68 min-- 10 miles--around Bryn Mawr grad college, etc. Did 8 X 100 m strides at Agnes.
Apprx Weekly Mileage 7.11.05-7.17.05= 101 miles. Not shabby for a blazing hot and humid week. Have to start adding more workouts. I have been doing strides here and there, and doing some upper body. My hip flexor has been sore, and I have been limited in ab work/pilates that I can do. Achilles is improving--self massage and a little icing seems to be doing the trick.
S 7.17.05 1 hr 44.5 min-- Ran trails at Warwick County Park, which were a bit soggy, but nice. One of the stream crossings was flooded out, so I readjusted. Quite humid and warm. A solid, though rugged run on real trails. At one point, saw a deer foot in the road. No leg, no body, just a foot. I thought about grabbing it for good luck, but that might only work for rabbits. For 2nd day in a row, people asked me directions. Surprisingly, I was able to point them in the right direction (for a dog show! dog show!). About 16 miles today.
S 7.16.05 66 min-- Ran 10 miles out on some totally rock and roll trails. I saw a mother, offspring, and hound swimming in a spot where I picked up a leech 2 years ago just standing ankle-deep in the water for some fishing. They were having a good time, and I didn't have the heart to be a party defecator. To combat the biting flies, I applied vinegar all over myself, and though I stunk like a skunk, I was free from flies. Also got in a good lift. Following my run, we went to the Blob Fest in Phoenixville. This is the town where the legendary 1950's horror classic was spawned. My parents, Stacy, and I viewed the movie in the classic Colonial Theater, which is featured in the movie. This was in part a nerd convention, but geek is truly sheik these days (see Napoleon Dynamite, et al.). The man behind me in the theater had no internal monologue... gee, I was so impressed that he knew what was coming up every scene. All in all, twas a nice outing. Partied like it was my birfday that night-- the highlighted gift was a picture perfect knew digital camera. Now I can add copious pictures of meself to zee blog. Stacy did valiantly in getting me the first 5 seasons of Simpsons on DVD.

F 7.15.05
AM: 55.5 min- 8.5 miles Ran Radnor trail, got going at decent pace for early in the am.
PM: 38 min-- 5.5 miles Got out for a quickie at home while parents dined. Caught some of a rainshower which was refreshing.
T 7.14.05
AM: 35.5- 5 miles.
PM: 77--11+ miles around Willows park. I saw a frog. I was stopped and declared: "You're the man now, frog." He fell off the log.
W 7.13.05
AM: 35min, 5 miles.
PM: 21 22 28. A wee bit o' tempo running, around 5:30 pace. 11 miles. Ran up at Valley Green in Fairmount Park. Not too far of a drive from work, and a glorious location to train (shaded, soft, mileage markers). Sadly, today was ultra hot, and I had to keep the tempo short. I was seeing stars and feeling lightheaded on the cooldown. Runner's high? Probably more like heat exhaustion.
T 7.12.05
AM: 57 min. 8ish miles-- Bryn Mawr grad school?
PM: 49 min 7ish miles.
M 7.11.05
1 hr-- Ran somewhere? 9 miles, maybe Radnor trail
35 - 5mile
Apprx Weekly Mileage 7.4.05-7.10.05= 96 miles.


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