Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Friend of the Wookies I am

Star Wars! I proclaim 2 thumbs, along with 2 big toes up. Dialogue could've been tightened up, but I enjoyed watching and wished for the movie to continue. A personal drama for me unfolded during the movie. My bladder was poised to erupt, so I dashed out during one of the aforementioned clunky dialogue scenes. Tragically, I left at the precise time when the one major wookie scene came up! I was saddened to my core. But, no need to despair, while exiting after the conclusion of the flick, I noticed another theater also showing Star Wars. Thus, I snuck in to that movie just in time to see Yoda hanging with the Wooks on Kashyyk. It was a dope, though forced scene. I would have preferred a larger and longer presence. I also desire Georgie Lucas to make the 3rd Star Wars trilogy, but don't have my fingers crossed. To read unfilmed plot scripts to these movies, check this bad boy out: The proposed movies involve Luke Skywalker and Vader clones, which sounds perhaps a bit batty. There would also be further Chewbacca scenes on his home planet, where his brother fixes the Millenium Falcon's hyperdrive. For now, my mind's eye will have to suffice.
At least there will probably be an Indiana Jones 4. Not to mention Charlie and the Chocolate Factory next month. Start camping outside the theater now, to reserve prime seating. This remake better not disappoint me as much as The Planet of the Apes did, or else, well... I'll be sad. Perhaps even transmit a letter or telegram.

In running news:
Wed. 6.1.05
30 minutes, 4+ miles. First run in quite a bit, so... I reckon I'm back, sort of. There's always an odd feeling on the first run in a while, the limbs feel foreign, the body a slug. I usually feel like I'm flying, but I'm truly crawling. Still, new starts always bring excitement and expectation, big plans and high hopes. Plus tired, confused muscles. Today, gnats were out in clouds along the road, attempting to penetrate all orifices. I required to work late, so only got my run in around 8pm. Did some upper and middle body strengthening, as well. Achilles felt dandy on run, but when I touch it, the tendon is not right.

Smell you later,



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