Thursday, February 16, 2006

who runnin?

Pictured: There's a reason I'm running so fast. Orcs like to eat dudes like me for breakfast.

On the law school application front, William & Mary is my leading option for next year. Penn State and George Mason have also offered me spots in their classes, and I'm waiting for others. W&M is my favorite at the moment, where I would also work 8-10 hrs/week as part of a fellowship.
I have 3 classes this semester: International Marketing, Interactive Marketing, and Strategy. I will comment more on these when time permits.

This weekend I'm heading to NYC to run with the big canines at the USATF cross country championships. If you happen to be up Sunday at midnight, check out ESPN2 for coverage. The big mystery is how the course will look after the snowstorm, warmweather, and subsequent cold weather. I'll have to let you know how it goes. I'm going to try to update more, even if only for my own amusement.

Without further ado, a snapshot of my running--

59 min around parents' home. On the beginning of the run, a few kids on bikes zipped by and yelled something. I couldn't tell if it was among them or to me, so I pursued them, and caught up about 1.5 miles later, as they struggled up the mammoth County Park road hill. They seemed friendly enough, actually, and my awesome showdown fizzled. I showed them my heels and let them eat my dust. Silly punks.
2.5 mile warmup
(6 X 800m in 2:14, 15, 16, 15, 18, 18) 2 min rest between each. An attempt to go at a decent clip (flats).
2 mile cooldown. Ran part of the cooldown with Adam Leive, a young gentleman I knew at Princeton, who lives in the area. My greatest memory of Adam involves the fateful night that I punctured my foot on one of the gothic gates at Princeton. But that's enough about that tomfoolery...
In the midst of a 10-10.5 mile run, I did some pickups on the track, in my trainers.
7 miles
mile on the track including 4X 200 29-32
2 miles back.
This was most likely about an hour.
P.S. Anything can happen at Check it out.
I headed out to Fairmount Park/Forbidden drive and got in a bodacious workout.
3 mile warmup.
6 mile tempo in 30:34, about 5:05 pace. (splits: 4:59, 10:06, 15:08, 20:08, 25:20, 30:34), followed by 4 X hill sprints. I pushed the pace pretty well today. It was muddy and mild. I had to dodge some horses, and some kids out on a nature walk field trip.
2 mile cool down
1 hour
1 hour 32 min
many laps round haverford
63.5 min
2 X road loop. Had a joyous Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
14.5 min warmup.
37:41 total workout. Ladder workout: 2X1000m, 2X800m, 4X400m, 2X200m (2:54 1k, 3:33r, 2:53 k, 3:31 r, 2:16 800, 3:33r, 2:16 800, 3:31r, 67, 90r, 67, 92r, 67, 91r, 66, 92r, 30, 71r, 30).
14.5 min.
First day of classes, o my brothers.
65 min.
slow, dark. I agreed to work for Alan in the city today- Ugh. On a positive note, I ran into Matt F-D a few times on the train over the next week or 2; good times, great oldies.
bleh, another late night run after slaving in the city.
62.5 min. Achilles quite sore, put off workout 'till tomorrow.
14 min.
22:32, In Baltimore, ran a tempo around the reservoir. Very windy, wore trainers, about 300m short of 4.5 miles. Just wanted to get something in.
15 min cooldown.
1 hr 42 min Patapsco.
0. Here I am sacrificing training again to do Alan a favor and go into work.
Went into Center City only for a half day, so I could get a workout in, and meet with my professor.
15.5 min WU
34min workout, 2X1600m, 2X800, 2X400, 2X200. Tired. (4:45 1600, 3:00 rest (400), 4:48 1600, 3 min rest (400), 2:19 800m, 3 min rest (400), 2:20 800m, 2:47 rest (400), 67 400m, 78rest (200), 68 400m, 84 rest (200), 31 200, 71 rest (200), 30 200m, 46 (200)
14 cooldown
One shady section of the track was icy and slick.
65.5 min; ran late at night. Got rather lost, but miraculously made it back at just the right time.
59:51, decent run 'round Haverford (14 min laps)
49min slow at night after work.
15 min WU
38:18 5 loop tempo around Haverford (went through miles in around 5:17 each, muddy conditions, wore trainers). Originally considered racing today, but too tired.
13.5 cooldown
1 hr 32.5min long run, back to Villanova area. Checked out my old asylum/habitat/domicile.
Put in 8 200s in the middle of my 10+ miler today.
12:05 3200m on track in normal trainers, with 8 X 200m accelerations in (33, 58, 35, 60, 32, 61, 57, 32, 58, 32, 56, 32, 55, 31, 53)
62min Haverford
yeah, a double for once. Wet outside.
15.5 min WU
38:19 (2:16 800m, 2min rest, 2:16 800m, 2min rest, 2:17 800m, 2min rest, 2:19 800m, 3min rest, 2:20 800m, 3min rest, 2:20 800m, 3min rest, 66 400m, 2min rest, 66 400m, 1:30 rest, 30 200m, 1:30 rest, 29 200m
14.5 min cooldown
56.5 min
Late, ran after work again. The groundhog saw his shadow. Stupid swine.
16 min wu.
19:59 for 6400m tempo on the track, sub 5 min per 1600m pace; 4 min rest, 4 X 200: 31, 32, 31, 30.
On the way to Haverford, I had a hard fall in the mud, going very slowly. Working out in the mud would not have worked today.
1 hr 36 min
Rainy long run. Took Stacy to Chili's. Yeah, I'm a high roller.
46.5 min
Turned ankle pretty hard at Haverford, so I cut the run short.
14.5 min warmup to Haverford. Windy today, did 5 sets of 4 X 300m, just for fun, in flats.
39.5 (5X4X300; 100 jog rest, 400 rest btwn intervals: (49, 45rest, 50, 41r, 49, 41r, 48) 3:12 rest, (50., 39r, 49, 38r, 50, 36r, 50) 3:03r, (49, 37r, 50., 36r, 50, 37r, 48) 3:02r, (49, 34r, 49/50, 37r, 49, 39r, 49) 3:07r, (49, 33r, 49/50, 37r, 49, 39r, 48, 1min).
61 min.
35 min. Took an easy day, as I was considering racing tomorrow. This idea was eventually scratched, as I became busy.
19.5 warmup.
9:48 3200m at a decent pace, in flats. Cold out today, had to wear pants.
4min easy.
4 X 200m, 32, 34r, 33, 40r, 33, 37r, 32. Not a great workout today.
14.5 cool down.
1hr. Oddly enough, my ribs/chest hurt a lot today. I did a bunch of pushups, and I think my body's trying to grow muscle.
1 hr 40 min at Patapsco with Jon. Achieved a longrun on Saturday, as a snowstorm of magnificent proportions approaches. Went to study at the Cafe down the road from Stacy's place. Rumor has it one of the gay dudes from "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" was spotted their recently.
59 min in the afternoon. Snowy conditions. Ran around a few backroads, and Dru hill.
62 min. Ran on some industrial backroads, and the zoo.

15 min WU to Haverford indoor track. First workout indoors in quite some time. 38.5 min total: 2 sets of 5 X 400m, and 4 X 200 in flats (66, 64, 66, 65, 65 w/ 2min rests/200m jog) 3.5 min rest/400m jog (65, 66, 67, 65, 65 w. 2 min rests) 3.5 min rest, (30, 41r/100m jog, 32, 41r, 32, 38r, 32)
13 min cooldown.
Dragged my carcass out of bed to run early w/ Tom, Fasulo, and Marcus O'; 'twas an icy excursion. Lost the benefit of getting up early by taking a nap later. Calves/achilles sore. Nice to run in a group, helped to pass the time.
52.5min. Relaxed run. Great weather, near 60 degrees. Hit the road, a la Forrest Gump, my hero.
Now I'm doing this update as a last resort because I don't want to do any actual work. Oh, I also made a bid on ebay for a pair of heelys, those shoes that have wheels on the back. Apparantly, one can find them in adult sizes if he looks hard enough. No more walking for this guy!


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