Thursday, March 16, 2006

Slam dunk in yo face

March Madness, The Ides of March, Spring Break, St. Patrick's Day-- what a bangin' week. I have peppered my post with many photos from last weekend's race in Baltimore for your delight (click to enlarge).

62 min. Solid run, 3 laps around Haverford I believe. Ran into my professor's wife and new child, who is pretty cool, for a baby. Road trip down to Baltimore. To celebrate Stacy's spring break and the springlike weather, we walked up to Tapas Teatro, a swingin' Spanish-themed tapas restaurant. We enjoyed trout, fried vegetables, and chorizo. !Que bueno!
42 min; relaxed pre-race runabout in CharmCity. Jogged tomorrow's course, and had to stop at many lights downtown. Inner harbor was quite crowded, most likely due to beautiful (70s) weather.

Baltimore St. Patrick's Day Race
Justin McCarthy came up from DC and Jon Bell manned up to race for the first time in years.
16.5 min warmup, looping through Red Light District with Justin and Jon; Stretched in Stacy's apt, then 5 min frenzied jog to start. We had to cut up through 2900 people and squeeze onto the line, and missed any chance for strides. I was talking to people on the line, when suddenly an airhorn went off and the race took off. This lack of warning was rather irritating, and I vented my feelings by stiff-arming some poor schmuck that sprinted out in front of me. I got out much faster than anyone else, taking advantage of the downhill to run about a 4:29 first mile. Like last year, I gave myself a blister on my right, outside foot, but it was manageable. I trotted through 2 miles in around 9:24, eventually holding off all comers but one, crossing the line in 14:56 for 2nd place and $125. Results can be found HERE.
20 min cooldown, back through red-light district. The helpful bounceres swore to us that we could cut through their fine establishments, that they were shortcuts even. We refrained.
The post-race party was first-rate. Let's just say it was sponsored by Miller, and we were all intent on getting our money's worth (see photo of Jon and fox). Plus, we filled up a backpack with beautiful Dannon and exquisite protein bars. The ransacking, gluttony, and hoarding conjured up images of Cloister and college.

Weekly Mileage: 78 miles. In an effort to hold myself more accountable for quality training, I'll bring back the weekly mileage summaries. A solid week, with 2 workouts, a few doubles, and a nice race. The flexile spring break schedule certainly helped.

1 hr 34 min
Dru hill. Still nice and warm t'day. Ran up and around the park, at only a moderate pace. Drove back to Ardmore, Stacy in-tow. Very busy, and had to stay up into the wee hours of the morning completing 2 Grad. Assistant assignments that have been hanging over my head.
Stepped out for a sweet run.
57:45; quick 3 laps at Haverford; last lap in 13:47ish. Upon completion, I picked up Stacy (on her 3rd run of year), and jogged 24 min very easy with her. We spent all day at school, as I was busy with 3 meetings and class.
I was very wary today, but nothing ominous occurred.
15.5 min Warmup.
23:16 4 lap tempo at Haverford in trainers, very windy (25mph) (mile splits in 5:17,5:20,5:19.5:18). I changed into old racing flats and did some strides on the track: 6 X 200 on, 200 off in: (33.9, 63r, ~33, ~63r, 31.5, 62r, 31.7, 64r, 29.9, 65r, 29.1).
14 min cooldown.
Total ~10.5 miles
59:42. 2 laps around haverford in the waning daylight,followed by neighborhood running. Trail running fast, neighborhoods slow.
9 mi
I went into Center City to do some lawyer work today. 'Twas not a terrible experience, and I made a few Washingtons. I finally got my watch battery changed, after 6 months of good intentions. I was rather sleepy today, as I couldn't catch more than a few winks last night.

The March madness has kicked off, and so far my bracket is beautiful (Hint--Villanova shocks the world by winning the whole enchilada). My picks are 15 for 16 so far, but don't expect my luck o' the irish to persist indefinitely. At least not past St. Patick's Day. They're always after me lucky charms, anyway. (Side note--do you think that Lucky Charms really are magical? Read about the debate here.) Have a magical St. Patty's day. I'm racing again this weekend--5k in NJ.


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