Sunday, August 20, 2006

quck and dirty update

6/26/2006- 6/29/06
No physical activity. Watched some World Cup. Studied/worked a lot down the street at the cafe.
At the last minute, made travel arrangements to upstate NY with Jon, Ed, and Bruce. Left on very early flight, and made it up to NY by the afternoon, in time for some water activities.
So, after not running for about 2.5 weeks, I ran 70 min today with Jon and Bruce. Not only that, but we ran up a Mt. Titus, a steep ski slope. I did manage to hang in there, but my legs were cramping. Going up the mountain pretty much destroyed my quads the rest of the day.

I attempted some water skiing later on, and barely succeeded in getting up. I was much more skilled at Le Tube, or the hot tub.

45.5 min run with Bruce and Jon. My whole body was so sore today, from the run yesterday, and the copious amounts of activity.

Remained up late into the night, played lots of games, ate a lot of meat, drank a lot of hops, had a lot of fun this weekend.

More of the same at Camp Zysik, no run today.
Flew back to Baltimore. Neat to see fireworks from the airplane, around 9pm, stretched out over the horizon.

No run.
41 min easy run, up and around Dru Hill park via the Art School.
39 min, same run, slightly faster.
38 faster again.
No run, taught some LSAT today.

36.5 Same course as always, except I rolled quicker today.
29.5 relaxed run.
47 min, longer run than normal, up around hopkins.
38.5 min, don't recall. Either up north or down to inner harbor. Excessively hot, if I recall.
48 min, up by hopkins, probably.
No run. My achilles still hurts a decent amount, but I'm icing. Check it out--I'm a recreational runner.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Phillies on Phather's Day.

From athlete to vampire

62.5 min, 9 miles or so.
Ran late in the afternoon to Dru hill park.
I seem to have gotten sick, bleh. Didn't run, did have to go to Kraplan training.
1 hr 26 min, semi long at Patapsco.
Decent pace, so I'll call it 12.5 miles. Achilles felt good most of way, dealt with my cold symptoms.
17.5 warmup.
16 X 400 w/ 200 rest, rest around 1min, 74, 72, 72, 73, 74, 72, 72, 74., 74, 74., 73, 74, 7573, 72, 72
16 min cooldown.
Achilles started hurting halfway through but I pushed through workout. In hindsight, this stubborn 'tude was a mistake, as I couldn't walk later on. I wore trainers for the workout and ran around the reservoir.
Laced up my shoes, went out the door, and... made it about a block. 23 seconds. Too painful to run. I have pushed my achilles injury to the point where I am forced to take some time off. Rather dissapointing, as I had a few more road races in store for the summer.
Back at my parent's home, I did a 1 hr bike ride on my dad's bike which might be older than I am. Stacy did her best to keep up, but she ended up making herself sick. Nothing quite like trying to make it up a really steep hill on a bicycle... although I've never tried it on a unicycle.
Celebrated my dad's birthday and father's day and relaxed by the pool.
Went to Phillies! Still limping badly and unable to run, I will have to take some time off.

Weekly total: 31.5 miles. Alas, I am forced to take a hiatus. My achilles has chronically hurt the past 2.5 years, all throughout my Nova running and also my brief postcollegiate career. The injury has been very frustrating and limiting. I hope to rest, ice, and stretch it into oblivion, and return stronger than ever, kind of like Darth Vader.
Getting beefy? I weighed in at 172 lbs at the Dr's office (with clothes, etc.).
Kraplan-- finished! The training program was rather more intense than I expected, but I'm finally ready to teach me some LSAT. Also busy these days with my independent consulting/research work.
made some tacos grandes
Studied in Fells Point section of Baltimore, where we also went to dinner at the Green Turtle.
Weekly Total: No running to speak of. Some of these days I don't even venture into the sunlight.