Saturday, August 12, 2006

From athlete to vampire

62.5 min, 9 miles or so.
Ran late in the afternoon to Dru hill park.
I seem to have gotten sick, bleh. Didn't run, did have to go to Kraplan training.
1 hr 26 min, semi long at Patapsco.
Decent pace, so I'll call it 12.5 miles. Achilles felt good most of way, dealt with my cold symptoms.
17.5 warmup.
16 X 400 w/ 200 rest, rest around 1min, 74, 72, 72, 73, 74, 72, 72, 74., 74, 74., 73, 74, 7573, 72, 72
16 min cooldown.
Achilles started hurting halfway through but I pushed through workout. In hindsight, this stubborn 'tude was a mistake, as I couldn't walk later on. I wore trainers for the workout and ran around the reservoir.
Laced up my shoes, went out the door, and... made it about a block. 23 seconds. Too painful to run. I have pushed my achilles injury to the point where I am forced to take some time off. Rather dissapointing, as I had a few more road races in store for the summer.
Back at my parent's home, I did a 1 hr bike ride on my dad's bike which might be older than I am. Stacy did her best to keep up, but she ended up making herself sick. Nothing quite like trying to make it up a really steep hill on a bicycle... although I've never tried it on a unicycle.
Celebrated my dad's birthday and father's day and relaxed by the pool.
Went to Phillies! Still limping badly and unable to run, I will have to take some time off.

Weekly total: 31.5 miles. Alas, I am forced to take a hiatus. My achilles has chronically hurt the past 2.5 years, all throughout my Nova running and also my brief postcollegiate career. The injury has been very frustrating and limiting. I hope to rest, ice, and stretch it into oblivion, and return stronger than ever, kind of like Darth Vader.
Getting beefy? I weighed in at 172 lbs at the Dr's office (with clothes, etc.).
Kraplan-- finished! The training program was rather more intense than I expected, but I'm finally ready to teach me some LSAT. Also busy these days with my independent consulting/research work.
made some tacos grandes
Studied in Fells Point section of Baltimore, where we also went to dinner at the Green Turtle.
Weekly Total: No running to speak of. Some of these days I don't even venture into the sunlight.


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