Friday, June 23, 2006

Worf: "Klingons do not 'pursue relationships.' They conquer that which they desire."

Mon, 5/8/2006
Took 1 day off after Broad Street to recover. I'm a busy beaver these days, wrapping up my MBA!

In other headline news, instead of a genearal research fellowship at William & Mary, I will be one of 3 law students working with the Courtroom 21 Project, the world's most technologically advanced courtroom. I was sold by this quote from Ed Blumburg, President of the Florida Bar: "I thought I had stepped into the courtoom in 'Star Trek'..." Well, beam me up!
(editor's note: I'm having difficulty uploading pics in the middle of my text, so you'll have to imagine a photoshopped pic of me in a Star Trek uniform, wrestling around with Lieutenant Worf.

Tues, 5/9/2006
63.5 min, 3 laps of the Haverford trail, 9.5 miles easy and relaxed (in other words, slow).
Tonight marked my final Villanova class. For interactive marketing, I had one final group case study to turn in and discuss tonight, which I highly valued. The study was about United Way, and provided me with knowledge that I immediately utilized in my real-world nonprofit marketing plan. Don't kid yourself, the most effective nonprofits know how to push your buttons. Philanthropy isn't always pure altruism-- it can be elicited through pressure or even guilt.

I hedged my bets and skipped the "extra credit" research project for interactive marketing, which could have been quite time-consuming. Fortunately, I got an "A" in this class even without the extra work, and avoided wasting my precious time. Joy to the curve!

Weds, 5/10/2006
15 min warmup to Haverford.
4 lap, 4.5 mile tempo in the grass in 23:55. This was not a blistering workout, but it was sufficient. Not sure why I'm working out so close to my 10-mile race, anyway. Laps in 5:55, 5:54, 5:55, 5:50. Followed by 6 X strides.
14 min cooldown. (~9 miles).

I worked out in the evening, after I finished my last MBA assignment! My take-home final for International marketing was due by 5pm. The instructions dictated a 10-page limit. Normally, double-spacing is implied, but one enterprising student asked the professor if single-spacing was all right. The prof. said single space was acceptable, and word trickled down to me of the slightly revised parameters. 5500 words and a carpal tunnel syndrome later, I was done. Here's a taste:
"In theory, countries with similar cultures should be open to similar marketing strategies. Geert Hofstedeā€™s dimensions of culture provide one method of segmenting countries, providing insight into effective interaction with people from other countries. Hofstede argues that people perceive the world along five main dimensions: power distance, individualism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, and long-term orientation."
Don't forget to cite me.

Thurs, 5/11/2006
63:31, 3 laps haverford, easy and relaxed. Think I was in pain today.
I was conscious into the wee hours last night laboring away on my group's nonprofit marketing plan, and at school by the crack of 10:00 to finalize it. Our plan should be very helpful, but we'll find out for sure next week when we present it to them. Afterwards, a number of the grad assistants went down the street for lunch at an Italian joint. I could feel it in my tum tum later during the run run.

Following this and a brief meeting, I went to turn in my computer. Villanova provided me a computer 2 years ago, but apparantly I have to return it. My little friend was pretty mangled over the years, and barely had the will to live. Luckily for me, the undergrad right in front of me at the IT station was passing off a computer that was literally hanging together by a wire, so my damage was less noticeable. I think I braved the storm without an atrocious fine.

So, without a computer, how am I writing this mind-blasting blog update? Well, I ordered the first available shipment of the fly new Dell Latitude D620. Dude, it's a Dell. And Dude, it has dual processors and I can calculate a million digits of pie faster than it takes Kobayashi to chow a dog (v. fast). Even the computer wankers are impressed, but it cost me a pretty penny.

Fri, 5/12/2006
Ay, chihuahua, my work continued this day. I kept pushing off a large data gathering project for one of my professors, but finally completed it today. Next up was:
35 min, or 5 miles on the roads, easy pre-race pace. Then I drove down to Baltimore.

Sat., 5/13/2006
20 min warmup
15:32 5k at Pimlico, 4th place, ugh. I specialize in finishing 1 out of the money.
15 min cooldown with Cauller, Berdan.
This course seemed inaccurate. I did get out fast and ease off, but not as ridiculously as my splits indicated: according to the mile marks I went out in 4:24, and my next mile was around 5:20. I really didn't feel up for a race today, but I showed up to chase some dinero. Last year, 16min won, and this year a $500 bounty was on the line. Unfortunatly, 3 foreign athletes (Kenyan, Ethiopian, Russian) showed up to block me from any money. I was tired and unenthused, and backed off at the end when 4th place was unavoidable. The course itself was annoying, with a few random turnaround spots, which were slick due to rain. At least I got to talk a lot with some long-lost Lancaster runners: Greg and Dave. This race was also mildly cool because it served as part of the lead-up festivities to the Preakness horse race, and finished on the horsetrack. The highlight was probably the human wearing a red riding outfit who tooted his trumpet to announce the start of the race.

Sun, 5/14/2006
1 hour 48 min
I ran this morning with Kip Bitok at Loch Raven Park. This run was hot as a pistol, with a 30 min period of increased effort towards the end. Nice new location, wooded trails around a reservoir/lake. Call it 17 miles? Hard to judge.

Weekly total: 58 miles. Not too shabby for 6 days, right after Broad St. The race was a mistake, but you have to take a shot at the dough now and again.


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