Saturday, April 29, 2006

Great Scott!

*N.B. Back to the Future Fanatics should check out:, which describes where to find every filming location.

This week is ancient history. I'll scribe what few bytes I recall:

M: 3-Apr
69 min, or approximately 10 miles. I ran through Baltimore's Inner Harbor to Fort McHenry and did a loop or two around the historic grounds. There is a recent controversey about whether or not the Star Spangled Banner should be sung in Spanish. I have my reservations about that, but I'm sure some exceptions may be possible. Discuss amongst yourselves...

T: 4-Apr
15 min Warm-Up.
37.5 min workout in running flats at the Haverford track; 5 sets of 4 X 300m, 100m jog btwn intervals, 400m jog btwn sets (50, 36r, 50, 35r, 49, 34r, 50) 3min rest (49, 34r, 50?, 35r?, 50, 32r, 50) 3 min rest (49, 35r, 50, 33r, 49, 33r, 49) 3 min (49, 34r, 50, 35r, 51, 34r, 50) 3 min rest (49, 33r, 51, 32r, 50, 32r, 50).
14.5 cooldown. This workout is always a pleasure. My interactive marketing class on Tuesdays is less pleasing.

W: 5-Apr
62.5 min
Morning run with Tom, Fasulo, Blincoe. 10 miles. I dragged myself out of bed early, but Marcus didn't show at his own run. It actually started to snow quite heavily at the beginning, which was highly unpleasant. We had more spring in our step than typical, even on a wintery day.

I negated the benefits of getting up early by taking a nap later.

R: 6-Apr
AM: 15 min WU to Haverford.
29:09 5 lap tempo, which is around 5.5 miles at Haverford grass loop in trainers (mile splits approximately 5:20, 5:23, 5:17, 5:22?, 5:15). This loop is rather slow.
14 min cooldown.

PM: 33.5 min, 4.5-5 mi road loop. Look at me, I doubled!

F: 7-Apr
74 min, 4 laps around Haverford. I need to find elsewhere to run around here. Total run between 11.5-12 miles. Today was when I had to squeeze in a long run, which didn't end up very lengthy.
I picked up Stacy today from the bus station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

S: 8-Apr
47 min, 7 miles easy through Havertown on the roads.
Stacy and I had an eventful visit to King of Prussia Mall today. I went to the cheapest place I could find to get a haircut, which is usually a hit-or-miss strategy. Unfortunately, today was a miss. Maybe the guy though I said, "Can you please give me a bowl cut?" Because that's basically what he did. Stacy made tensions run high when she basically insulted the man, and almost got us kicked out. In the end, she got her way and I was cleaned up. Don't let Claude cut your hair, he's a menace. Where's Edward Scissorhands when you need him?

In addition, we went to a 1950's style diner and drained milkshakes and pounded burgers. That night, we watched Back to the Future III. Words of wisdom from Doc, "Marty, we all have to make decisions that affect the course of our lives. You've got to do what you've got to do. And I've got to do what I've got to do."

S: 9-Apr
I had good intentions to race today and pick up a dollar or 100. But with Doc's words echoing in my head, when I woke up at 6am, I decided going back to bed was what I had to do. Later on I got out for a moving 59 min, or 3 laps of Haverford, 9.5 miles.

Total Weekly Milage: 72.5. Not bad. Trying to get back on track after a rough previous week of training. Next few weeks continue to improve.


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