Thursday, April 06, 2006

Baird's Blog:
Tastes great!
Less filling!

F: 17-Mar
35 min pre race relaxed run, about 5 miles. Sore achilles. It was St. Patrick's Day today, but I didn't see any leprechauns. Eh, they're always after my Lucky Charms anyway. Maybe I should travel down to Alabama, where leprechauns seem to inhabit the trees (thanks for the video, Jon). Well, they're leprechauns, or "crackheads." That's some ace reporting.

(Haddonfield Race Photo, I'm on the far left)
S: 18-Mar
Since Bryn Mawr received a free team entry, I decided to head over to Zoo Jersey and race a 5k in Haddonfield. I got pumped up before the race when the school janitor tried to start a scuffle.
17 min warm-up.
14:58 5k race. Splits were relatively even. It was windy and a bit chill today. Tom and I busted out our spanking new uniforms for the competition. I ended up 7th in this decent effort, beating at least a few decent folks. Results here. Our team got railed by PhillyTC, but I still managed to pocket a token $25 prize purse. Whoopee!
33.5 min easy cooldown. Walked off with a case of water from the post-race festivities. Note to self--these cases get very heavy when you have to walk 1 mile+ back to your car with them. I was also able to pick up some old awards from USATF, including a hat and sweatshirt. Sweetness!

S- 19-Mar
1 hr 28 long run. This run traversed Haverford- 5 laps which got progressively faster (15:30, 15:00, 14:40, 14:30, 14:20). The end of this was at least 6 min pace. I worked much of the morning (4 hours) on an invigorating group project involving toothpaste sales in Latin America. Deliciosa.

Weekly Total-- (drumroll) Approximately 76 miles. This was a proper week, including 2 long runs and another race.

M- 20-Mar

This morning I drove my parental units to the Philly airport for their trip out west to Arizona. Later on, I squeezed in 65.5 min, for about 10 miles. I felt good today, maybe because I ran later in the day.
T- 21-Mar
15.5 WU to Haverford.
6X Mile in the grass, 90-95 seconds rest; 38:24 total workout miles in: 5:06, 5:01, 4:59, 5:01, 5:00, 4:59.
13.5 cooldown

(Total running around 10.5 miles)

This is a staple workout, and I think it went well. I may need more speed, but getting strengthwork in the grass felt right today.

By the way, want a glimpse of the next up and coming international popstar? Check it out. (May take a moment to load).

Speaking of hilarious links, I recommend, which displays mis-translated and inappropriate English words on display in Asia. It kind of makes me wonder what all my Japanese kanji shirts say...

W- 22-Mar
63 min tired, 9 miles or so. Ran 1 lap of Haverford, then 1 lap of the road loop. My achilles was sore today. I lifted weights, which I really must do more often. I'm gonna Pump you UP!

T- 23-Mar
64 min easy run, 1 lap of Haverford in the waning daylight, 1 lap road. Sore achilles and I was tired.

I worked today in Center City at the small law firm, which was a bit of a circus. My achilles always hurts coming out of there, I think I channel stress to it.

F- 24-Mar
15.5 WU
35:03 6 lap tempo at Haverford (laps in 5:55, 5:49, 5:49, 5:49, 5:51, 5:49); most mile splits were a little under 5:20 pace. This was a solid run, 38 seconds faster than 3 wks ago. I do these in trainers most often. The course is an undulating grass, gravel and dirt on the Haverford cross country course. There is 1 turn which I may cut a little short, because I'm not sure where the cone used to be, but it only gets me a second or so. I just can't help myself, gluttonous as Jabba the Hut (FYI, courtesy of Wilkpedia, "Jabba was a robust Hutt, with a broad, slobbering smile dividing his dreary countenance, and two yellow-red reptilian eyes gazed with detached amusement from his mammoth cranium.")
13.5 min cooldown

(10.5 miles)

Had to rush a little to make it to school in time for our Net Impact meeting, my little attempt to give back to society.

Tonight, Stacy and I went to the classic Ardmore bar Brownies to watch Villanova in the Sweet 16. People were going ape, and it was entertaining, even if I frigheningly skewed old for the joint (Note- after the actions I saw due to bathroom traffic, I don't recommend using the sinks). There's a live cam if you want to scope out the Brownies scene. Unfortunately, I don't think they serve desserts, but specialize in liquids. Anyway, Nova won a thrilling game in OT at the last second over Boston College. Take that Beantown!

S- 25-Mar
93 min long run. I ran through Haverford, Bryn Mawr, and so forth. I believe it was raining on this date. Fair run, but nothing spectacular.

I actually had a busy day, with lots of work to catch up on. This was ironic, because Stacy is on Spring Break. Role reversal!
S- 26-Mar
62 min, around 9 easy miles about Havertown. I lifted again today, in my pursuit of hugeness. Spent a lot of time again today selling toothpaste.

Also, looks like I'll be doing some consulting work on the side for one of my professors, if I ever get around to it.

Weekly Total- Around 72 miles. Another decent week. I intended to double a few times, but good intentions evaporated. I'm stressing lately about law school, but more about that in next week's entry, when I visit schools and ruminate further.


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