Tastes great!
Less filling!
F: 17-Mar
35 min pre race relaxed run, about 5 miles. Sore achilles. It was St. Patrick's

(Haddonfield Race Photo, I'm on the far left)
S: 18-Mar
Since Bryn Mawr received a free team entry, I decided to head over to Zoo Jersey and race a 5k in Haddonfield. I got pumped up before the race when the school janitor tried to start a scuffle.
17 min warm-up.
14:58 5k race. Splits were relatively even. It was windy and a bit chill today. Tom and I busted out our spanking new uniforms for the competition. I ended up 7th in this decent effort, beating at least a few decent folks. Results here. Our team got railed by PhillyTC, but I still managed to pocket a token $25 prize purse. Whoopee!
33.5 min easy cooldown. Walked off with a case of water from the post-race festivities. Note to self--these cases get very heavy when you have to walk 1 mile+ back to your car with them. I was also able to pick up some old awards from USATF, including a hat and sweatshirt. Sweetness!
S- 19-Mar
1 hr 28 long run. This run traversed Haverford- 5 laps which got progressively faster (15:30, 15:00, 14:40, 14:30, 14:20). The end of this was at least 6 min pace. I worked much of the morning (4 hours) on an invigorating group project involving toothpaste sales in Latin America. Deliciosa.
Weekly Total-- (drumroll) Approximately 76 miles. This was a proper week, including 2 long runs and another race.
M- 20-Mar
This morning I drove my parental units to the Philly airport for their trip out west to Arizona. Later on, I squeezed in 65.5 min, for about 10 miles. I felt good today, maybe because I ran later in the day.
T- 21-Mar
15.5 WU to Haverford.
6X Mile in the grass, 90-95 seconds rest; 38:24 total workout miles in: 5:06, 5:01, 4:59, 5:01, 5:00, 4:59.
13.5 cooldown
(Total running around 10.5 miles)
This is a staple workout, and I think it went well. I may need more speed, but getting strengthwork in the grass felt right today.
By the way, want a glimpse of the next up and coming international popstar? Check it out. (May take a moment to load).
Speaking of hilarious links, I recommend www.engrish.com, which displays mis-translated and inappropriate English words on display in Asia. It kind of makes me wonder what all my Japanese kanji shirts say...
W- 22-Mar
63 min tired, 9 miles or so. Ran 1 lap of Haverford, then 1 lap of the road loop. My achilles was sore today. I lifted weights, which I really must do more often. I'm gonna Pump you UP!
T- 23-Mar
64 min easy run, 1 lap of Haverford in the waning daylight, 1 lap road. Sore achilles and I was tired.
I worked today in Center City at the small law firm, which was a bit of a circus. My achilles always hurts coming out of there, I think I channel stress to it.
F- 24-Mar
15.5 WU
35:03 6 lap tempo at Haverford (laps in 5:55, 5:49, 5:49, 5:49, 5:51, 5:49); most mile splits were a little under 5:20 pace. This was a solid run, 38 seconds faster than 3 wks ago. I do these in trainers most often. The course is an undulating grass, gravel and dirt on the Haverford cross country course. There is 1 turn which I may cut a little short, because I'm not sure where the cone used to be, but it only gets me a second or so. I just can't help myself, gluttonous as Jabba the Hut (FYI, courtesy of Wilkpedia, "Jabba was a robust Hutt, with a broad, slobbering smile dividing his dreary countenance, and two yellow-red reptilian eyes gazed with detached amusement from his mammoth cranium.")
13.5 min cooldown
(10.5 miles)
Had to rush a little to make it to school in time for our Net Impact meeting, my little attempt to give back to society.
Tonight, Stacy and I went to the classic Ardmore bar Brownies to watch Villanova in the Sweet 16. People were going ape, and it was entertaining, even if I frigheningly skewed old for the joint (Note- after the actions I saw due to bathroom traffic, I don't recommend using the sinks). There's a live cam if you want to scope out the Brownies scene. Unfortunately, I don't think they serve desserts, but specialize in liquids. Anyway, Nova won a thrilling game in OT at the last second over Boston College. Take that Beantown!
S- 25-Mar
93 min long run. I ran through Haverford, Bryn Mawr, and so forth. I believe it was raining on this date. Fair run, but nothing spectacular.
I actually had a busy day, with lots of work to catch up on. This was ironic, because Stacy is on Spring Break. Role reversal!
S- 26-Mar
62 min, around 9 easy miles about Havertown. I lifted again today, in my pursuit of hugeness. Spent a lot of time again today selling toothpaste.
Also, looks like I'll be doing some consulting work on the side for one of my professors, if I ever get around to it.
Weekly Total- Around 72 miles. Another decent week. I intended to double a few times, but good intentions evaporated. I'm stressing lately about law school, but more about that in next week's entry, when I visit schools and ruminate further.
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