Tuesday, June 06, 2006

breaking news...

M: 24-Apr
1hr 52 min at Patapsco Park. By the time I got to run, it was warm and I was lightheaded with hunger. 'Twas a pleasant long run through the park, extending up into the upper reaches of the enchanting forest. 16 miles at a pedestrian pace.

Conflict abounded on my journey to the park, however. I strolled out to my car as usual, turned the key, and... nothing. Sadly, my battery passed away sometime the night before. R.I.P., Die Hard, you're in a better place now. I telephoned AAA on my mobile device, who arrived in a flash and performed a battery transplant lickity split, on the spot.

I missed a meeting at school, but in positive news, my toothpaste sales project is going swimmingly.

T: 25-Apr
62 min, I believe this was 3 laps at Haverford college. I'm the man now, dog: 9.5 miles.

W: 26-Apr
15:20 warmup 37.5 min total workout; consisting of 6 X 1 mile in the grass, with 90 seconds rest (5:03, 4:58, 4:58, 4:57, 4:56, 4:55).
14min cooldown; total of 10.5 miles. This workout was better than a box of puppies. I believe I was rather tired for my class tonight, however, and ever so famished.

R: 27-Apr
59 min easy lope around Ardmore in the morning, where I scoped out a parking spot, 8.5 miles. I worked for Alan today in center city, and stuck around for some pleasure at the penn relays. I have run at Penn the last 4+ years, but I decided to take a year off from my annual butt-kicking extravaganza. The highlight of the night was the steeplechase. Last year, a certain Nova alum was kicked out for being "too drunk", while another fan had his cowbell taken away. This year, revenge was vowed, and justice was indeed served. Moments before the first wet and wild race, a hero pulled out 2 bags full of cowbells and passed them out to the crowd, commencing a cacophony of jinglejangle insanity. (Cowbell project website, fyi). Even the 'squeegee men' were lauded for their efforts at cleaning up the track each lap. This meet was about as rowdy as track and field gets, and I was glad to spectate. I was a little bummed that I missed most of the 5k, though, while I was down the street at a Penn bar picking up some much needed sustenance. I caught a late train home and walked to my car with others, which was humorously parked almost as far away as the walk to my house would have been.

F: 28-Apr
AM: 47.5 min easy on the roads, Havertown loop, 7 miles.
PM: 31.5 min loop around Haverford, 4.5 miles.
I doubled up today, after attending a Net Impact meeting, where we continue to compile our nonprofit marketing plan, good samaratin superheroes that we are. I also lifted rather too hard today, and will feel it the rest of the week.

S: 29-Apr
15 min WU
6 lap (apprx 6.5 mi.) tempo at Haverford: 34:57 (5:47, 5:48, 5:50, 5:49, 5:52, 5:49), mile splits between 5:16-20 on this slow course.
13.5 min cooldown; total 10.5 miles.
Although stomach demons threatened, the workout was hot like a breakdancing monkey. Maddeningly, there was a local race today where I could have run the same workout and made $300. I later travelled down to Baltimore: hip hip hooray. Stacy works too hard these days (30+hrs in a row). We managed to go out to the legendary Owl hotel bar/restaurant before she passed out.

S: 30-Apr
91 minutes, easy long run at Patapsco Park with Jonathan. Fairly good pace over this hilly terrain. We were cruising through that jungle like two hobbits on a mission to Mordor. I will conservatively proclaim it about 13.5 miles.

Weekly total: 80 miles. Holy cow, a better mileage week!


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