Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Who did the what now?

Note- blogspot is proving very vexing, and not allowing me to post photos. I'll have to try again later to finalize this.

M: 17-Apr
69 min, 10+ miles of trailage at Warwick County Park. Today, I only fell into the stream with one foot.
T: 18-Apr
68 min run, with some 200s thrown in the middle at Haverford.
46min, 2.5 laps.
9 min 6 laps of track consisting of 6 X 200 in 33, 33, 32, 32, 31, 31
13 min jog back.
I assembled a project for my interactive marketing class in which I analyzed all the direct marketing that I was exposed to over 2 weeks. This includes spam emails, direct mail, banner ads, infomercials, and telemarketing. For purposes of the experiment, I pretended my gmail account didn't exist, which alone gets 50+ spam emails per day. All in all, the assignment was a little more fun than banging a kick to the crotch.
W: 19-Apr
15 min warmup to Haverford.
32:10 min total workout; 4X400 (68, 66, 67, 67) with 70 seconds rest, 3min rest and 400m jog, 3200m in 9:58, 3 min rest and 400 jog, 4 X 400 (67, 67, 67, 67) w. 70 rest.
14.5 min cooldown.
This workout felt swell, and might not have been challenging enough. Marcus was milling around, which provided motivation not to look overly snail-like.
T: 20-Apr
This was rather a long day. I worked for Alan in the morning, prior to cruising down to Baltimore to interview with Kaplan Learning Center. I gave a slamming talk on "how to prepare for a marathon." I wisely volunteered early, because the girl who followed me talked about "how to prepare for a 5K"--yawn, talk about unoriginal. I kept the talk simple, and even shocked myself by advising beginners to take walk breaks (for shame, I know). I have been offered this job and will begin training in June to teach GMAT and or LSAT courses.

35.5 min easy run, 5 miles around Baltimore. My achilles/heel was quite sore after a rather long day. I ran down to Federal Hill, which provides amazing views of the Inner Harbor. During the Civil War, Union troops set up on the hill, pointing cannons at the Baltimore business district to ensure their allegiance.

F: 21-Apr
16 min warm up to Dru Hill Park in Charm City.
I proceeded with a light tempo: 16:19 for approximately 3 miles around the reservoir, followed by 5X1min on, 1 min off through Wynman Park, and finally a 19 min cooldown by Hopkins undergrad and down historic Charles St. Total run was around 61min, so I will estimate 10 miles.

Tonight, Stacy and I went to a dinner party at the house of the head of Radiology at Hopkins. She is very ecclectic and has a house decorated with art hailing from across the globe, interspersed with childhood relics and pop culture references. I enjoyed the Jabba the Hutt doll about as much as the suit of ancient armor.
S: 22-Apr
6 or 7 miles, easy stroll around B-more. I don't recall the rest of the day, but I assume it was awesome.
S: 23-Apr
Pike's Peek 10k in Rockville, MD
18 min warmup, followed by
30:30 10k (4:55/mile), and
19 min cooldown with Frey, Bitok, and 1 or 2 others. I'm glad I met Bitok, who I will continue to run with in Baltimore. I believe Frey and I are good friends in some alternate, bizzarro universe. He was on recruiting visits with me to William & Mary and Princeton. I chose PU, he went off to W&M. Now, he's looking at law school at Villanova, where I just left, and I'm heading to W&M for law school. To quote Kansas "all we are is dust in the wind."

This was a superb race for me. I finished 5th overall, and bagged $150 along with a PR. Click here for results. A few papparazzi shots here. I felt strong today, and negative split the second half, throwing in a few surges to drop the 6th place finisher. I made the drive to the outskirts of DC to seek out the spicy competition, take advantage of a quick point-to-point course, and because the race was kind enough to "comp" my entry. The post-race fiesta wasn't too bad, either.

Weekly total: Approx. 62 miles. This was a solid week, w/ 2 workouts and a mighty race. Mileage remains low and my achilles would cry if it had tear ducts.


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