Tuesday, June 27, 2006


(June '06 note) I am watching World Cup soccer on my computer while writing this update. ESPN 360 is rad--even without cable I can watch all the kicking footballer action. Even though the U.S. has been sent packing, I am surprisingly entertained. Here's a haiku I dedicate to the action:

Corner kicks are cool,
But bicycle kicks are best,
Put it in the net.

Anyway, let's turn the pages of my training log back 6 weeks:

Mon, 5/15/2006
58:34 for 3 laps circumnavigating the Haverford trail. I drove back to Ardmore today with a rumbling belly, yet I still headed out for a run that was swift like a swallow. Laps in 15:40, 14:40, 14:20 or so. 9.5 miles.
Working a fair bit on my top secret educational consulting project.

Tues, 5/16/2006
15:14 slow warmup to Haverford.
42 min workout; 2 X 1600 (4:42, 4:45); 2 X 800 (2:18, 2:19); 4 X 400 (67, 67, 66, 66).
15 min cooldown.
This workout was one red hot chilli pepper. I don't remember the rest exactly, but it was not excessive; I think it was a lap between intervals, maybe 2 laps between sets? Saw Freddy at the track, who (probably wisely) took some time off after Broadstreet. Total mileage: ~10.5mi

Weds, 5/17/2006
My achilles hurt too much to run today. The workout yesterday went "Mike Tyson" on my achilles.
One of these days I watched "Anchor Man," a brilliant flick. It really took me to pleasure town. You know, when in Rome...

Thurs, 5/18/2006
59:14. The location of my run is lost in the sands of time. I'll assume it was 8.5-9 miles.
I worked for Alan today, doing lawyerly things. Today could have been my last day working here, which would terminate a 3 year history. I held onto a key, however, and have a gut feeling I'll be back once or twice. Alan suggested that I read 1L this summer, a novel about his law school class at Harvard. Amazon has delivered and I will eat up the words when I have a chance.

Fri, 5/19/2006
15.5 min warmup to Haverford.
35:14, 6 lap Haverford tempo run: (laps of 5:53, 5:53, 5:51, 5:50, 5:55, 5:51; mile pace usually about 30 seconds less).
14min cooldown.
This was an uninspired though sufficient workout in trainers in the grass; I was content to squeeze in anything. And so I'll pat myself on the back for getting out there.

I experienced a bit of trouble sleeping the night previous, and class day started early (at least in my opinion). Today was for the College of Commerce & Finance, and festivities kicked off in the Connelley Center, where Nova's legendary basketball team hoops it up. After marching into the gym, a handful of speeches ensued, and then everyone had their name called and walked the catwalk for a fake diploma. Afterwards, my parents and I went to a wine and cheese reception at Bartley Hall. I enjoyed talking and seeing all my classmates, some of whom were MIA lately.

After a nap in the afternoon, I ran out of time to run very far.
46.5 min, 6.5-7 miles, road loop.

I drove into the City of Brotherly Love to pick up Stacy, and we hit up an exclusive restaurant known as The Olive Garden.

Sun, 5/21/2006
90 min, 13 miles?, about half in the dark. In a startling display of dedication, I went out for a long run after a very long day. Half on roads, half at Haverford.

The weather for graduation was beautiful, which was conducted outside in the track stadium (some may call it the football stadium, but I say disagree). I was literally one of the very first students to process in, but my family still missed me. Here is a video of all the students rocking our alma mater during the ceremony. Afterwards, my parents, Stacy and I went to brunch at Tango, a tasty destination in Bryn Mawr. I ordered salmon because, let's face it, I'm never going to cook fish on my own, unless I catch it. After sending some of my possessions home with ma and pa, I drove into Philly to drop a certain someone off at 30th st. station. Only after this, in the dying daylight, did I step out for my run, which is why the pace may have lagged.
Weekly total: 59 miles. Not a bad training week, but my achilles is unhappy. You can call me master now.


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