Sunday, October 31, 2004

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Happy Halloween, again.
10/31: 2 hours, 5 minutes. 20 miles. After 10 miles at decent pace, threw in 5 miles at 5:45-5:55, which felt good, and I was moving. Then I did 4 more miles around 6-6:10 pace, then jogged/staggered last mile.
Today's run was quite draining. I enjoyed the extra hour of sleep due to Daylight's Savings, although still didn't get a nice and early start. I drove up I-83 about 25 min. North of Baltimore to a rail-trail extending by Gunpowder Falls, just above Loch Raven Reservoir. The trail was nice enough, much like Jersey's towpath, although the surface was harder, more packed stone. It was nice to be able to run without worrying about traffic, turns, etc. I could just concentrate on running. Hard. Although, it was also enjoyable to attempt to catch leaves as they fluttered to the ground. This passes the time rather well on long autumn jaunts. Once I figured out the mile-marker system, I got rolling. It was unseasonably warm today, 70's, which let me run shirtless, something else I wouldn't do in downtown B-more. I could've stopped the run around 18 or 19 miles, but I figured I might as well go for 20. That last mile turned out to be quite the struggle, however, and maybe I should have ended beforehand. It was one of the runs where I staggered in, dried salt all over my body and chafed in places nobody cares to experience. There was one waterstop I hit on the way out, but skipped coming back because some bikers were in line there. I probably should've taken the 30 seconds required to stop and got some agua, but I was rollin', dude, and wanted to keep the flow going. I was really thirsty afterwards and have been drinking fluids all day in response. Also have felt a bit sick to the stomach, but better now. I am concentrating more on my long runs these days and hope that it will pay dividends in the future.
This was a good week of training. Higher mileage than I have done in a while, 3 workouts (none super long), and a difficult long run. I tend to work myself rather hard, and must pay attention to getting rest and recovery, as I will be racing a few times in the coming weeks and want respectable showings. Perhaps a few more PR's, too.

Right now, I remain in Baltimore, to leave tomorrow. I have an Amtrak ticket left from a previous trip that was neglected to be collected, so I will take the train back tomorrow (much nicer than bus). Got a trifle of academic work done today. Well, I guess it was decent, but not as much as the Stacy, study-machine. Have an exam tomorrow in "Operations and Supply Chain Management." Not stressing too much. Also, I will register for classes.

Too tired to make this any more entertaining. Hey, it's basically just my training log, anyway. Live long and prosper,

Mike Bloggy Blogg


Friday, 10/29
AM: Friday in Charm City. Yeehaaaaa. Got out for a decent run in the morning, 65min, 10.5 miles. Ran up from Mt. Vernon area up to Hopkins, through Wynman park, and to Druid Hill Park, and back. The first 2.5 miles are uphill, and so the last 2.5 are downhill, which makes for some odd paced runs. There is a decent, ghetto little trail behind Hopkins which I like to run, and a grass strip that I also run on. Not a bad run. Did some 100 pushups, some situps.
PM: 5 miles, 34 min. Ran back up Charles St. again to corner of University. Ran as daylight was waning, and at least one homeless guy heard me coming and jumped around like he was preparing to fight/be attacked in the dark. This always adds a bit of adrenaline to the run, but I will try to get out earlier.

Slept much of the afternoon, tried to get a little work done, but it felt good to rest up. Checked for College Conference results a lot. Sad to see Princeton fade to 6th at Heps. Almost went to see race, but decided too much travel. One year, a teammate blamed lack of cheering for subpar performances at heps in the throws. So, guys, sorry, I'll take the blame for the loss at Vvan Cortlandt. I should have been there to cheer you to victory. Princeton is a talented team, but they've been slipping ever since my freshmen year, when we were dominant. Lots of young guys, whom I don't even know, I hope they are winners; I think success at Heps is much about attitude and intangibles. Rough inauguration for Coach Dolan, who I met last summer and seems to be a good guy. Not as 'hard-core' or 'bad-ass' as Brady, but a nice guy. Villanova also didn't do superbly well, 4th in a strong Big East, but props to Bobby Curtis for winning individually.
I went to a Hopkins Med. School Halloween party friday night. Yeehaaa again. I had a dandy cowboy outfit and ate/drank as much as I could to get $'s worth. That being said, I ate/drank a substantial amount. Yeehaaa, it was a fun night and Stacy drove home. My favorite costumes were either the people as lamp-posts (functional lights), or the Reno 911 cop. The cowboy belt I borrowed from home was a bit large and my pants were drooping. Yeehaa.

Saturday 10/30
AM: got out earlier than yesterday for an easy 5 miles. Ran down through inner harbor to federal hill. This is a big hill with a flag on it looking out on the harbor. pretty cool run, yet there were police all over the hill this morning on lookout, which was odd. Also a dj was playing out on the harbor bc there was a walk-a-ton dealy that I was weaving through.
Ate a substantial breakfast.
PM: Did about 3 mile warm-up direct to Druid Hill Park. This, interestingly enough, is where the R&B group Dru Hill got their name. I look for them when I run there, rapping in the trees, but haven't seen them yet. Over the summer, though, thugs do come out in this ghetto park, riding real and miniature motorcycles.
Anyway, managed to get in a decent workout. 3 X loops around the reservoir for a 22.5 min. tempo run at a good pace (probably more than 4.25, but less than 4.5 miles). I tried to push it, but could only do so much alone.
Quote of the day: "You're awesome!" from an unidentified female pedestrian, who was impressed that I did the whole lap and was back while she only went like 100m.
Did some strides and then a 3 mile cooldown back. A few drills (fast feet, high knees) but not too much.

Went to the supermarket. Cans of frosting were on sale and Stacy purchased me 2. This was always a favorite snack in college--can't beat a fresh can of frosting and bag of cookies. I gave these up for a little last spring, but now I'm back on the can, I suppose. It's good stuff.

Basically just tried to get some work done. Midterm on monday. Spoke with Matt, who is running Marine Corps tomorrow and wished him luck. It's unseasonably warm, and I hope that doesn't slow things down. Also, there is increased security which sounds like a hassle. I bet I could do an all right marathon right now. Well, maybe not. Never mind.

A cheery Halloween to all and to all a good night


PS Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. If you don't I don't care, I'll show you my underwear.

PPS Thinking about creating a better format that makes more sense, but for now, crazy jumbled training log based is what it is!

Thursday, October 28, 2004


I am happy to join the blogging world. Currently, I am a graduate assistant at Villanova University, helping professors complete research while earning my MBA. I graduated in 2003 from Princeton University. I am an avid runner and one of the main purposes of this site is to begin keeping track of my running log once again. I had the opportunity to travel to Japan in early October as part of an Ivy-League alumni team and compete against the Japanese, who were wonderful hosts. I ran a 14:35 5K, which I was pleased with. We saw great big-city life in Tokyo, tranquil shrines in Kyoto, and had many interactions with locals in Izumo. The last night there, we ran from Tokyo to Yokohama, about 20+ miles, hard. After checking out the guidebook on our return, I realized we had wandered around the largest dept. store in the world, and stretched by the largest ferris wheel in the world. Then we stinky Americans rode the subway back to Tokyo, clowning on the car because nobody would say anything. I'll see if I can get some photos up here eventually and hopefully some stories.

My watch is full, so before I erase all my digits again, I will at least try to record them. On that note, here's what I've been doing lately:

10/16: 68min. Back in the States. So sleep-deprived and jetlagged. Still got out for a good run in the hilly woods near my family's home. 10.5+ miles

10/17/04 AM: 26.5 min, 4 mile light morning run, around the crappy park nearby
PM: 55.5min, rather tired, 8.5 mile afternoon run

10/18/04 I know I went to the Green in Wissahickon park and ran a 4 mile tempo in around 20:25. Also ran 4 hill sprints afterwards. 3 mile warmup, cooldown. Also ran a few in the morning, though really slept in till noon, as I was jet-lagged from Japan. 14 or so for the day

10/19/04 80min- Believe this was a decent run around the Willows.

10/20/04 67min-This run was by myself, from apartment out to Haverford and back. Stopped by to see if anyone wanted to run, but most were going later and I didn't feel like waiting. After run, I headed back out and watched the Haverford Invite.

10/21: AM: 2 mile warm-up, then: 5:02 mile, (1:30 rest), 5:02 mile, 1:55 rest, 5:01 mile, 2:07 rest, 2:55 1000m, 2:58 rest, 5:00 mile, 25 min cool down. Worked out with Kerrigan and Milos. Team went to Rose Tree Park, south of Philly. Hilly intervals, not good footing= not fast and easy place to run. A good, solid workout. My HR monitor was not working much, but occassionally during the rest it would bleep on and look fine. Think I'm starting to get into a little bit of shape.

10/22: AM: Sunday long run was pretty long. 2 hours. Back at home, hit up the Horseshoe trail and Warwick County Park in Chester Co, PA. Lots of trails, but stumbled over lots of rocks as I got quite tired. Longer than I usually do. Call it 19 miles.

10/23: PM 59min: Haverford, etc. Rather tired from yesterday's long run, so didn't double. Pace quickened nicely in Haverford, made it worth coming out to run with the boys. A solid 9-9.5 miles. Also did some drills, strides, etc. Did the rope climb twice, which is a humorous 'right of passage' deal at Nova, it seems. Guys seem to be getting better at it, as I've seen some (Steve, Richard) flying up the rope, when they couldn't before. Then, there are always guys (Pelerin), who try to hide in the corner and not go up the rope. Marcus got us chalk this time, and we had fun with it.

10/24: AM: 7 X 1000m on the grass, over at some high school nearby Nova. Ran with non-BigEast guys, since everyone else is preping for their big meet. We did 7 X 1000m in : 313, (209rest), 3:02, (245r), 306,(235r), 305, (405r), 307, (210r), 307. Actually felt quite good. Course isn't exactly fast, hills and mud and whatnot. Ran faster than was directed, but felt better over 2nd half than first half of workout. Left me feeling good, wish that we could've done more; Marcus sometimes is more conservative than I would be. Oh yeah, Sonia O'Sullivan showed up today, which was rather cool.
PM: Got out for another 5 miles. Did some lifting with my dumbells and Pilates.

10/25 AM: 90min, ran trails at the Willows. After 19min of narrow busy road, I can finally get on some grass. Don't like most of the runs around Nova, but this one is decent. Went rather long, but hey, what the heck. Tried to keep pace decent, but wasn't rolling or anything. Call it 13.5 miles.

10/26 AM: 2.5 mile warm-up, 12Xhills (half 37-8 seconds, half more like 16 seconds). Rest was the downhills. Ran with some of the guys not going to BigEast. Very different workout than what I've been doing, hence not quite ready for it (much more anaerobic than normal). Workout totalled only about 2.5. Then 2 mile cool-down. Rode bike back home and did another 3, because knew I may not get out later. This turned out to be true. I forced myself to eat a fairly good meal, rushed to finish up some work for Jonathan, than rushed off to catch the train to the Philly Greyhound station. I hopped on a bus to Baltimore to visit Stacy, my girlfriend of almost 2 years. Damn Greyhound. They always find a way to be late, and I always find a way to sit next to an obese person, or a crying baby. Today, it was the crying baby, which made it impossible to catch any rest, so I played some Zelda and read the paper. Called it a day when I got here. Should be studying, but doing this Blog deal instead.

More later. Farewell.