Wednesday, November 10, 2004


AM: 48 min; 7+ miles. Ran out to bike shop to buy tube for the Antelope. Ran back with tube in hand. Dropped it off at home, then did another 2 miles. Fixed bike afterwards. Rather chilly, wore pants, good night's sleep. High point of the run was going by a traffic control/speed sensor out on Ithan Rd. I doubled back to make a few sprints towards it down the road, and succeeded in going Michael Johnson on it, hitting 15mph. I rule.
PM: 54min; 8 miles. Ran down to the Bryn Mawr Grad college and did 2+ loops around the grass there. Fine run, nothing too exciting. Went to accounting class and surfed the Internet because it was dangerously boring. Antelope bucked its latest tube and I have another flat. D'oh! @#$%!
Total Wednesday mileage: 15
Later dudes,
Mr. MBA(ird)


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