Sunday, November 07, 2004

Wrapping up the week

Total weekly mileage: 98 miles. Another solid week. Don't really want to run this much mileage, so will cut back, especially since I will be racing again soon (Sunday). Think it wears on me, especially in the short-term. Congrats to those who ran well at the NYC marathon today, I watched the so-so coverage on NBC. Couldn't compare with the Simpsons' Halloween Special, however,

Sunday, 11/7/04
AM: 1 hour, 45 minutes, about 16+ miles. Ran from Mt. Vernon area of Baltimore, through Hopkins undergrad and Wynman Park, over to Druid Hill Park, around the frisbee golf course, and back. Nice, warm and sunny weather today. Felt fine, left achilles still tender, especially up hills. Slept in, but also went to bed late after watching "Lost in Translation".

Saturday, 11/6/04
AM: 1 hr, Up through Wynman Park near JHU, calling it 9. Took it rather easy. Only problem with this park is that everyone who owns a canine in Baltimore seems to walk here with their mutts. Only had a problem once, and ironically, it was also the only time I ever got Stacy to jog on the path with me. Sometimes (as on Sunday), a friendly dog will run with me for a bit.
PM 32.5min, 4.5 miles approximately. Ran in the twilight. Quote of the night- "You're fast, you went around fast" from a maintenance guy working at the JHU track. Some lady (crazy random pedestrian) also decided to try to keep pace with me for a little in her streetclothes. I didn't have it in me to make any comments, just dropped her like Jon Bell's GPA.

Hasta luego,



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