Saturday, November 06, 2004

11/5/04 Friday
AM: Relaxed 3.5 miles, just to get out the door. A few crunches, little lifting.
PM: Went with Nova humans up to Valley Green, a towpath like, rolling path in upper Fairmount Park, Philly. Little muddy from rains of yesterday. 3 mile warm-up. Then 4 mile tempo run in 20:38. Ended up in no-man's land, between Bobby and Ryan and everyone else. Felt good, easier than last week, but then again, went a little slower. After tempo, we did 6 X hill repeat/sprints of between 15-30 seconds. Usually, we do 4, so when Marcus kept walking up the hill, after many put a lot into the 4th, it was a little humorous to witness the disbelief of a few. Pretty solid workout. 3 mile cooldown as the daylight disappeared, felt quick because of the shadows. The hi-light of the day for me was when I got to discuss Lucky Charms with Richard, a freshmen on the team from Ireland. Contrary to my dreams, Lucky Charms are not a staple in Ireland. In fact, they don't eat the cereal at all. He appeased my wishes by remarking, "They're always after me lucky charms." It was great. I had to hold myself back from tackling him into the brush and demanding my pot of gold right then and there.
11/4/04 Thursday
AM:1 hour 27 minutes, about 13 miles. This was quite an uncomfortable run. The weather was lower 40's and it was raining substantially. Wasn't rolling because hard to move. Went to the Willows, where the trails were tough to maneuver because they were blanketed with leaves. At least a few roots and rocks said hello to my ankles. When I got back, my nether-regions were so cold, I could have excreted ice. Plus, since I was numbed up, I didn't notice the nasty chafage until later, but take my word that it was unpleasant.
11/3/04 Wednesday
AM: 39min, relaxed probably only 5.5 miles. Ran around my neighborhood, managed to get a little lost looking for a different park. Also managed to trip and fall running up the hill by my house. Actually, I saved it pretty good, as I feel like I stumbled, and was running horizontally with my face about an inch of the ground for a few feet, before I put my hand down to catch myself. I cut my palm a bit, but patched it up good as new. I am one smooth operator.
PM: 53min, about 8 or 8.5 miles. Ran from my apt. up to Bryn Mawr grad school and did 2 loops around the grass there. Fine run. Planned to go with the team, but had Gayane (aunt) and 2 young cousins stop by to visit, which conflicted with practice schedule. One of the cousins, Ani, I have never met before, so it was worth missing a practice. She has puffy cheeks, like a chipmunk.
Total daily mileage: 13.5

On Friday, after the workout, we got back to school at 6. I had a train to catch at 6:15, so I showered, changed, packed up my bags, rode to the station, and bought a ticket across the tracks all remarkably fast. Then, of course, since killed myself to make it on time, the train was like 10min late. Took the train into Philly, where I was going to have a mini-reunion with old Manheim Township homo sapiens. I was supposed to bring a dessert to the party, so went to the candy store at 30th street and purchased some fudge. Wasted abit of $ by going overboard and getting like 1.5 lbs. Oh well. Hopefully Brian will consume it in the future. Took the trolley, which reminded me of Space Mountain a little (at DisneyWorld) because it was narrow and dark, over to West Philly. The get-together, reunion fiesta was nice. Enjoyed seeing some chums from the Olden Days (well, I guess it was only 5 years ago). Had to leave a little early to head down to Baltimore and see Stacy.

Got to say, I was pleased with the election results. I find the extremes of politics to be a little blind. For example, I know some people who think that anyone of the other party is basically evil and sees the worst in all their intentions, while assuming only the best of her own party. This type of notion is just wrong. People are people, all playing the same dirty tricks. Got to be open-minded enough to see the big picture and at least consider the positions of the other side. Anyway, I still have a guarded faith in our country.

Picked my classes for next semester, they include:
MBA 8401 Corporate Finance -Monday
MBA 8110 Management Accounting -Tuesday
MBA 8310 Economics of Strategy -Wednesday and
MBA 8527 European Business Management -Thursday.

My schedule will be full, spilling over even.




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