Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Hey hey hey, Election Day!

My running/training for the day:
Tuesday Total mileage: 15.5
11/2- AM: 2 mile warm-up at Rosetree Park. 10 X 1000m hilly, grass loop. The odd-numbered in set were 1000m, more downhill. The even numbered in set were not exactly 1000m, may have been a little more, but were more uphill than downhill. My HR monitor basically doesn't work, but I occassionaly would get HR on rests--down below 130 even at end. The 1000m reps and rests were: 3:03, (1:34 rest), 3:05, (1:11 rest), 3:03, (1:36 rest), 3:08, (1:08 rest), 3:03, (1:34 rest), 3:08, (1:53 rest), 3:03, (1:39 rest), 3:04, (1:54 rest), 3:01, (1:51 rest), and 3:07. As I said, the slower ones weren't exact on distance, but estimated based on a start at the opening of the horseshoe. 2 mile cool-down. Solid, looong workout. Felt sore from Sunday's run, but actually felt better after turning over on workout. Started with pack, finished up with Pelerin + Kerrigan.

PM: 5 miles slow. Left achilles is sore/tight ever since Sunday. Did some lifting with my dumbells. I had this problem all last spring, just ran with it. Massage therapist thinks it stems from problems in my foot. Thus, I continue to apply self-massage to break up lactic junk there.

It's election day, dudes. I exercised my right as an American and voted. USA! USA! USA! Went in the afternoon, seeking to avoid crowds, and did just that. Worst part was riding my bike a few miles away and up some big hills to a random elementary school. I realize that, in addition to all my running, I also ride my bike 15-55 min a day, just in transportation. Adds a little extra exertion to the day. I haven't had a car since Deech murdered it my senior year in college. Deech, a friend and teammate, wasn't paying attention and walloped my innocent Taurus from behind with his Big-Rig SUV. Both our vehicles were full of freshmen runners on their first preseason cross country outing to the miniature golf course. Ari was also in my car, and tried to request a helicopter to airlift him out due to a minor whiplash incident. I saw good times with that automobile (including trips to upstate NY and Florida) , but now my bike (named the Antelope) serves as my primary transportation.
Practice this morning was at 8am, which is quite early for me. Right now I am watching the election 2004 results with interest.
Lots of class and research work for this week, but not too bad.
Until later,
Yours truly,
The one and only,




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