Saturday, February 19, 2005

extra, extra, read all about it...

Sat. 2.19.05
3.25 mile warm up
5 mile race. 1st place. 25:32 Course Record. Won $100. Ambler, PA Frostbite 5 miler. Results, photos, etc:
Quite chilly, maybe 20 degrees for race, had to wear tights, long sleeves, and hat (I guess they don't call it "Frostbite" Five for nothing). First half largely uphill, second half mostly downhill. Splits about 5:06, 10:18, 15:30, 20:35, 25:32. Finished nice. Didn't feel too hard, but did have stomach cramps. Had Matt Sandercock sitting about 10-15 seconds back most of the race. He qualified for the Olympic trials in the marathon in '04 and '00, so it was nice to get his scalp. (He also is an estranged former Bryn Mawr team member).
I enjoyed myself at the "Food Fest" afterwards, nabbing as much as possible. Won my dinero, a big silly winner's plate, a doo-rag thing, and also won a raffle for a free 1 hour massage. I would have been disappointed not to have come away with the money, as this was the main reason that I whored myself out to this race. Twas a fine morning, although I was done racing before I usually even wake up. Yawn.
3.25 mile cool-down.
Total: 11.5
Stacy and I hit up The Point, a happening cafe, and studied there most of the day. Later on, we went to The Grog, a bar I've heard about that is located in the same vicinity. The Grog was fine, but a little smokey for my taste.
P.S. Way to leave your pocketbook at The Point all day by accident, Stacy!

Fri. 2.18.05
39 min, 5.5 miles
Easy run to shake out the legs before I race tomorrow.

Thurs 2.17.05
AM: 51 min; 7.5 miles A good lil' run. Ran to golf course I sometimes sneak onto, but maintenance guys were working at my entrance. Continued down the road and discovered another golf course, which I briefly entered, but not for very long.
PM: 30 min; 4.5 miles late. Post-class did a run around 10pm.
Had a big presentation in my European Business class on the laundry detergent business in Europe. A little boring, but I think the presentation went all right. Surprisingly, there are lots of cultural differences in doing laundry that make marketing to the EU challenging. For example--different hygiene standards, environmental laws, size and packaging preferences, language barriers, water temperature/hardness/quality, drying techniques, etc. How you like them apples?

Wed 2.16.05
Hitting up a workout. OOOOOOOyeah. Not awesome, but fine nonetheless.
21 min; 3 miles warmup to the track. Proceeded with 8 X 1000m, weather was a little windy and brisk. Tried to keep rest short. HR in the low 180's. Wore light weight trainers.
3:06, 55 rest, 3:08, 53 rest, 3:08, 51.99 rest, 3:07, 55 rest, 3:09, 56 rest, 3:11, 55 rest, 3:15.08, 58 rest, 3:11. Then 1 min, then hard 100m stride.
19; 2.75 miles cooldown.
Total: 11.5

Tues. 2.13.05
63min; 9-9.5 miles. So I had to rise and shine early this morning (pre-7AM) and drive my car back to the dealership to have it checked out. Of course, since I went to all the trouble of taking it in, the problem didn't arise when I got there. I have filled up the gas 3 times and have had difficulty with the gas pump shutting off prior to completition. My car doesn' t want the gas that I feed it so generously. The mechanic didn't do anything helpful for me pump, but at least he replaced a fan-thinga-ma-gic-a-what due to a recent recall. Wanted to charge me $80, but luckily I spoke with the manager and avoided any fees. Got back late and tired, plodded through my run. Where'd I go? I don't know...think I ran around zee neighborhoods.

Mon. 2.14.05
71min; 10-10.5 miles. Did this run around Baltimore. Ran to Patterson Park, not a bliz-bloz-blazing run by any means. Drove back to Nova for night class, dropping off Stacy to rescue her car from the mechanic on the way. Had to drive back in the rain, but made fine time. Finance isn't a bangin' class. The highlight tonight was right after our break, when the fire alarm went off. Everyone trooped outside, unfortunatley 'twas raining. Some classmates made a break for it, but I hung around for the last half an hour.


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