Thursday, February 24, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

The following is largely a running update. I also added more to the previous update and added photos from my race.

Thursday 2.24.05
17.5 min, 2.5 mile warm-up
25:28 tempo run, probably around 4.5 miles, a little more maybe.
21 min, 3 mile cooldown. Strides before and after. Total 10 miles. Ran workout on Radnor Trail, 1 full loop. Got out just as storm brewing, so had a faceful of snow the whole interim, but finished just in time before it really started to stick. Not too inspired for the workout, but it was all right. HR probably averaged around 175bpm, but this took some effort. Wore my new Brooks, which don't exactly make me feel fast. Yes, by the way, I got some new shoes finally last Tuesday. I've been meaning to head over to The Bryn Mawr Running Co. for a number of weeks, and finally did so. My achilles feels better running in these shoes, although still remains tight/a bit sore. I chose Brooks out of an assortment of choices because they felt best initially, even though we are going to be sponsored by Mizuno again this year. Mizuno is big in Japan, and much of our gear comes from that market. The Jap market being smaller, the sizes tend a little small. I'm probably getting XL this year, although I had to make due with medium this year, a uniform that really left nothing to the imagination.
But back to the workout... hard to get HR up on downhills, got through it.

I talked with Marcus yesterday, who is going to re-engineer his training methods after a largely dismal Big East meet. I voiced my support of this because, let's face it, results haven't been pretty and the training is pretty easy. In theory, his methods are scientifically sound, at least by some studies. However, running is a lot about psychology and head games. The Nova distance guys are going to up the intensity and start getting used to running outside of their comfort zones. I know I raced some of my best races on dead legs, but something between the ears carried me through. I'm not advocating dead legs, but I don't think you have to be a baby and cry about exceeding a heart-rate range. Time to recognize the art and the grit, and not obsess on all the numbers. It bugs me when runners are overly cautious, and when others try to push themselves, they may face ridicule. One such runner transferred this semester because of jokes that he did too much training. Now, that's a pretty silly thing to do. Bell would've quit Princeton like a dozen times if he was so sensitive. Nonetheless, it's not a good sign. Marcus better do something soon to save this sinking ship. I will welcome harder workouts, they may help me to transform myself again. That's all.
(Disclaimer: Marcus is the man and I'm glad he let's me be here--I have always tried not to rock the boat myself and don't intend to criticize the Villanova program. I've got faith in all those guys).

The clouds poured forth close to 5 inches today. I made it in to school to try to work, but classes were cancelled. A conversation with David Dean:
Me: My class was cancelled tonight.
Dean (shocked): You have class on the weekend!
Me: Dude, it's Thursday.
Dean: Oh yeah. I guess my weekends start early.
What a silly gentleman. By the way, if anyone is an expert on collaborating with NGO's, let me know, my research is at a standstill.
Wednesday 2.23.05
AM: 65min, good pace, 10 miles. Ran Radnor trail, able to run along side in gravel much of the way. Felt good, kept pace broiling on medium well. Wrote memo, went to class, booked trip to London. Travelling to London with Stacy over Easter and got some super-duper-pooper-scooper deals. They're so hot, they gave me 2nd degree burns. More details to come...
Tuesday 2.22.05
23:15 warmup, 3+ miles.
34:49, 6.5 miles, or 5X1.3 mile hilly neighborhood loops. Able to get mile splits, which ranged from 5:15-35. A good workout. HR btwn 175-180 most of way. Tough to fit this workout in, as had meeting at 1 and had to wrap up a draft of Vino Wine's business plan. We're opening up a wine bar in Downingtown. Or at least pretending to.
Went to the grocery store that night. Got lost on the way there. Yeah, I got lost, so what? I was looking for a shortcut...
18 cooldown, 2.5+ miles. Total: 12 miles
Monday 2.21.05
55.5 min, a solid 8.5 miles. Felt purdy good.
33.5 min, about 5 miles late after class.
Total Weekly miles: 75 miles. A fine week with a decent race. Looking towards a few more road races and then track season, with a lean towards the 5K. Don't have mile speed right now.
Sunday 2.20.05
100 minutes, 15 milesish. ran around the Willows trails. First time in a while that the snow is gone. Achilles sore, but got through this long run.


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