Thursday, March 17, 2005

with a nick nack pattie wack

Top o' the mornin' to yee. Happy St. Pattie's day. I bought a pack of Peppermint Patties to celebrate. I happen to be a touch Irish meself, jealous?
Don't feel bad, if you need an ego boost, check out:, link courtesty of JB Bell.

What's been going on:

Thurs., 3.17.05
64 min, 10 hefty miles. A bloody fine example of physcial fitness. I proceeded down the Radnor Trail. Although this is macadem, I run along the gravel side. A few pushups and a spot of stretching completed the experience. Woke up relatively early, but I monkeyed around with my NCAA brackets instead of pushing out the door right away.

I made grasps at productivity at my place today, but the Congressional 'Roids hearing and the advent of Basketball Madness distracted much. A plethora of labor looms over the next week, until I hop the pond over to London.

It was tough to watch Big Mac and company testify, or pretend to do so. I actually felt bad for Big Mac, and remember fondly his home run chace back in the day. During the hearing, he appeared weak and unhelpful. Canseco is a snake, but gotta believe him more than the other "superstar" juiced jokers.

Miercoles, 3.16.05
21 min, 3 mile warmup
21:18, 4 miles on the track. Equates to 5:19 per mile. I stepped inside lane 1 onto the turf during most straight-aways. Windy weather, split evenly, felt fine.
6 min--8X100 m grass strides, some rest
14 min, 2 mile cool down. Total for day: 10 miles. I kept the workout relatively light today because I have an exam tonight and already feel a little depleted. Also I am doing a fairly competitive road race this weekend.
Glad to finish my Economics of Strategy Examination. The short essay test went well, I believe.

Toos day, 3.15.05
AM: 50 min, 7ish miles. Easy recovery day stroll. I must've forgotten where to run around here, because I just did loops around the neighborhood and ran back and forth on the tiny trail across from the Hill School. Legs still sore, so want to let some more microtears heal.
PM: 34min, 5 miles. Ran loops around "Clem Macone Memorial Park," a tiny spot a stride or two down the road. Grass felt nice. Out for a 2nd run after the noon. Did plenty of work this day--bleh. Total: 12 miles.

Moanday, 3.14.05
91 min long run 'round Charm City, about 14 miles. Felt decent, kept pace fine. Stepped up and about Dru Hill, as normal. The memorable moment of the run was when a lady's mammonth canine beast ran right at me, colliding with my crouch and upending me. I kinda laughed it off, but it was gross, since my crotch was moistened (by the dogger). Drove back to Villanova, where my Finance teacher let me down by not delaying our midterm scheduled for next week. We missed the last class due to snow, and I was hoping for a bit more breathing room. Alas, alas.

Weekly Total: 75 miles. This was a decent week, although the workouts were a little unconventional. I'm using the road races to get used to competition a little bit, without getting too serious. Unless you count having some serious fun! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA?

Sunnyday, 3.13.05
St. Patrick's Day Race Extravaganza!
Today was the annual St.Pattie's day celebration in Charm City. The race was only a 5 min jog from Stacy's apartment, so I had to do it. The beginning of the course rockets down Charles St., then loops around the harbor on Key Highway, prior to terminating by ESPN Zone in Inner Harbor. The race was just before a large parade, and runs along the same route. There were many more spectators than normal for road races, and it stroked my fragile ego to hear them cheer me on. Hip hip hooray! Weather was nice for the race, around 40 degrees with the sun peeping out. A couple Bryn Mawr guys, Inside Track guys from Lancaster, and the Kenyan showed up, among others. Even with competition, I decided to stick with my plan of pushing the early pace. I led, with Richard the Kenyan drafting off me for the first mile in 4:23-4. This was way fast, and I gave myself a rather unpleasant blister (the pace was that hottt). I relaxed a little after the mile split, and Richard and Dave Berdan opened a little on me by mile 2. Berdan is a decent runner, a petite, curly-haired, multiple All-American midget from Etown College (D3). He kept looking back and I might've had a shot at him, but I think I blinked and lost my eye of the tiger. Anyway... I passed 2 miles in 9:16, which is what I was at when I last PR'ed in the 5K. The last mile I slowed significantly, as nobody was in sight behind me, so I cruised it in for 3rd place in 14:55. Not a smoking time, but still one of my better 5K's (3rd all time, top road time).
I cooled down with Greg Cauller, Berdan, and Justin McCarthy. Justin, from St. Joe's, came down for the race and even painted is hair green. Crazy son of a gun, eh? I used to run a lot with Greg in my younger years, and it was a pleasure to say "Whazzzzzzzup?"
Post-race festivities were fairly good, and I walked off with an entire case of Aquafina water, which I then had to carry back to Stacy's Apartment, 1.5 miles away. This was quite an endeavor, but macho man that I am, I persevered.
We checked out the St. Pattie's parade in the drunk Irish section of the city. All the lil' girls getting jiggy with it in the parade were fun, as were the dudes in skirts with pipes. I would've preferred more leapin' leprechauns, however.
The day involved multiple warmups and cooldowns. My approximate total mileage for raceday is: 9.5 miles.

Saturday, 3.12.05
50 min, 7+ miles easy. Ran relaxed over the course and then some to preview for tomorrow. Felt fine, although my arms are still sore from lifting last Wed.

Friday, 3.11.05
21 min warmup, 3 miles.
20 min fartlek, 2X (3 on, 2 off, 2 on, 1 off, 1 on, 1 off), then some strides.
20 min cool down, 3 miles. Total= 10 miles.

Thursday, 3.10.05
61 min, 9+ miles. Ran ever so early, before going to work for Alan one last day this week. I worked 10-4:30, and it wasn't so bad. I compiled a dandy little accounting package for our international clients. I won't divulge too much more, however, so I don't get fired, like THESE CHUMPS. Apparently, blogging can be a turn-off to some employers. Gor, blimey.


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