Tuesday, October 18, 2005

In the words of P Diddy, Vote or Die

I've been considering shutting this site down. Should Baird's Bog live on?
No, find a better way to spend your time.
No, you should have concerns about your privacy.
Yes, I dig it too much; Baird rules.
Yes, it is a ray of sunshine in my life.
Free polls from Pollhost.com
Back from Japan, and quite jet lagged.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Live from Izumo

The plane flight here was quite a long endeavor. I left my Ardmore place around 7am Thursday and got to my hotel in Izumo around 9pm Friday (13 hour time difference). Everyone in Japan has been very nice to us. We have experienced a nice and official lunch with the mayor and other officials, who chilled with us later at a samaurai horseback archery exhibition at the famous Izumo shrine. I have taken 2 onsens so far (hots springs baths). Today we took in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony at a local garden/estate. We also went to an electronics store, where my favorite gadget was a chair that gave very strong and human like massage. Tomorrow is the big race, where our team hopes to have a very respectable, top-10 finish against the top teams in Japan.
Mark, our super-anal interpretor/babysitter/guide, is rushing me. Thus, I must leave. How did he find us here anyway?
28min, some strides

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Well, I just did an update, but think I lost it. All the keys are in Japanese Kanji script, so I guessed which button said *Publish post* and think I erased it instead. Oh well. I made it to Japan, having a good time. Will repeat my effort later.

Koneecheewa (recovered post)

Note: I just recovered this post from 3 months ago, which I thought was eaten by cyberspace in Japan. No doubt it is now obsolete, but I publish it here for the sake of posterity.

Greetings from Japan,

A quick wasabi from the Far East. I am at a comic book store/anime seller/internet cafe in Izumo. 1 hour for 250 yen, not a bad deal. Today was a good day, which included a fancy lunch with the Mayor of Izumo, VP of Japanase college athletics, and a number of other city officials. We also went to a samaurai horseback archery exhibition at a local, well-known shrine.  Later, I took an onsen (public hot bath) and had a Japanese dinner.

The run this morning was pretty good. We ran 77min out to the Sea of Japan along a bike path running along a canal. Very cool when we got to the ocean. Unfortunately, we got a little lost on the way back. Fortunately, we had Ed who could ask directions for us. We hit a decent clip on the way back, 11-12 miles. Looks like Jack made an executive decision to run me on the 5k leg here on Monday.

27min. This was a late run around Izumo. We arrived after a monumental journey, ate a decent meal, and then shuffled out for a run. I took a quick onsen and then passed out after being up and traveling over 24 hours.

31.5 min. This is all I could get in at 545 this morning before beginning my long trek to Japan. Drive to the airport (1hr), flight to Chicago (2.5hrs), flight to Tokyo (12.5 hrs), bus to other airport (1 hr), flight to Izumo (1 hr), plus a lot of downtime. Quite a tiring endeavor. Caught Dr Dolittle, Fantastic 4, and most of About a Boy on the Airplane flight. Luckily, my seat was upgraded to an aisle seat in Economy Plus.

That is all. Sionara.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Leavin' on a jet plane...

I'm off to Japan... Siyonara!
Been very busy getting ready. Will try to update periodically in Japan, as I frequent Internet cafes.
10.5.05 81 min, 4.25 laps at Haverford. Ran with a few Bryn Mawr guys a tad, and JB a tad. A good, decent pace run. 12.5+ miles. Lifted Finally finished take-home exam, packing for Japan, but it's a late night!

17min warmup
502 mile, 2min rest, 458 mile, 2 rest, 4:58, 2 rest, put on flats, 70 400, 1min rest, 71.0 400, 1 min rest, 69.5, 1, 70., 58rest, 70, 61r, 69, 61r, 69, 61r, 67, 60r, 68
14 cooldown

PM: 28min

75min, run up and around the reservoir at Dru hill.

1 hour 44min, at Patapsco with Jon Bell, King of the Gays.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

"O" yeah

10.01.05 Happy October! The month of Halloween! To celebrate, I headed 17 miles North of Baltimore to the NCR Trail. I also baked a cake last night, which I will subsist off of this weekend. Although it was cool outside, and though people were wearing pants and coats, I strutted out shirtless and donned my skimpiest, orange-ist of shorts. Warm up 1.5 miles. 8 mile tempo in 43:02, which is around 5:23/mile. Cooled down 1.5 miles. At the time, I wanted to run 5:20 pace, but upon reflection, 5:23 pace for 8 miles (in trainers, dodging bozos) is quite good. That pace just came naturally, and any faster would've been pushing. My legs didn't feel too fresh, however, and I have been tired this week.
I slept very deeply last night with many dreams. One dream I recall-- I was at a baseball game where Chewbacca was pitching (see photo above). Suddenly, I became Darth Vader and led a contingent of storm troopers out onto the field to take over the world. However, we were really just joking around and doing the stunt as a promotion. However, the U.S. government began to battle us. Then there was a flood, and I was trying to stay afloat while paddling a kayak against the current. I passed Mr. Wenger, my old scout master, also trying to stay above the waves. My psychoanalysis of the dream: I should continue training to be a jedi knight.
Stacy and I went to City Cafe and tried to do work most of the day. I drank a coffee and my arm started twitching. I'm not used to the bean that makes caffeine. I have much work to plow through before journeying to Japan on Thursday. I'm updating my blog in a last-ditch attempt to avoid any more work tonight.
AM: Nigh on 10+ miles. 3 loops of Haverford, then 6 X 30 second strides in the grass. Lifted. Mowed the freakin' lawn. Swung by the Running Co. and re-stocked my shoes, also broke down and bought a new watch. Pointed the Taurus South and ended up in Baltimore, baby.
PM: 5 miles or so around Baltimore. Up to Hopkins undergrad campus and back. Tired, tight.
4 loops Haverford, probably around 1 hour 20min, 12+ miles. My teacher let us vote when a project was due. 12 voted for it to be due early, 11 for it to be due late. Then the teacher said, "Well, I count as 2 people" and made it late. I thought this was funny. Probably because I wanted it put off.

2.5 mile warmup to Haverford. 7X800m on the track in around 2:22-4. (Think 7th one was slow--like 2:27). Rest was 1 min slow jog. Then a leprechaun told me that I should probably step off the track and I did 1 mile out in grass, just over 5min. 1 min rest, 1 X 800m in 2:22 or so again. 2 mile cool down. Originally intended to be 10X800m on track (sore ankle), my calves started to burn, so I took an interval out in the grass.
AM: An hour. Lifted in the Ardmore dojo.
PM: 5 miles. Partied like it was 1999 today. Wait, no I didn't. I tried to get work done.
Approx. 1 hour 57 min Patapsco park.
Today's long run was longer than planned. I had no watch, so didn't realize I went quite so long. On an optional, final steep ascent, I managed to twist both ankles pretty hard. Also ran by a large flock of blackbirds twice, which I took as an ominous signal.

In class, I had to give a group presentation on feminine hygiene products, a subject that I'm not exactly an expert on. Somehow, when I started discussing "scented, flushable tampons" everyone started to laugh. Perhaps because they could tell that I was trying not to laugh. Ah, awkwardness...
20 min warmup. 4 mile race: 19:47, 1st Place. 4 mile cool down. Race at Northrop Grumman, where one Jon Bell works. The race was an out and back course-- it was largely downhill the first mile, then flat, then uphill the last mile. As people were cheering for me on the way back, I waved, "raised the roof," and encouraged them. I was feeling quite good; it's fun to win once in a while. I was awarded a roundtrip plane ticket anywhere in the US, yet the prize advertised a vacation to Florida. I was annoyed, but contacted the Race Director and I am trying to force him to switch my prize. One of Jon's weird co-workers, who used to run for Bucknell, has won this race the last few years. He was quite pumped up for it, and I think I shattered his dreams. I actually found his blog, where he talks about Jon and I: check it out. One of the highlights of the post-race refreshments was "HooterAde." Actually, it made me feel sick, but was quite a novelty.
AM: 50min.
PM: 34 min. About 12 miles today, didn't want to cut back too much prior to tomorrow's easy win.

AM: 4 loops at Haverford. 80 min or so? Decent run.
Drove to Baltimore, met Jon for an Orioles game at Camden Yards. They were battling Boston, and there were as many Red Sox Fans there as Charm City fans. It was slightly sad, but a good game nonetheless. I also picked up some food prior to the game from the many cheap vendors outside the stadium. I really think the heaviest twins in the world from the Guiness Book of World Records sat next to us. To get out of our seats between innings, the options were to try to climb over them, or walk by like 20 people the other way. It was a toss-up each time. These guys couldn't even get up during the 7th inning stretch, and I was afraid of provoking a heart attack by making them stand up. There was also an 8 year old boy harrassing all the Sox fans around us, being egged on by the drunks in our section (they wanted him to go drinking with them later). Did I mention I was sitting in the high class, $5 tickets section?
AM: Finally time to get in a decent workout. 2.5 warmup. 3Xmile in around 5min (with trainers). Rest about 90sec. Changed into trainers (longer rest). 1k in 2:55. Mile back in grass in little over 5. 1k in 2:57. 2X200, 33, 31. 2 mile cool down.
PM: 4 miles or so.
65min. Once again, just a run. Finally got paid by the man whose dog attacked me in Baltimore.
Easy 66 min. Another easy run around Haverford. I attended a conference all morning for the Villanova Center for Responsible Leadership and Governance. Some interesting topics, mostly centering around Corporate Social Responsibility.
Easy 68min. Taking it easy for a few days after the half-marathon. Ran around Haverford.
Easy 2 mile wamup with Wags, who I drove up with. Half Marathon: 69:07. 1st in age division, 27th overall. Slowed down a lot towards end, as I was tired, and 2 guys passed me in the last mile. I basically knew that as long as I didn't blow up, Bryn Mawr would get the team title, so I just finished without blowing up. Today was really quite humid. My splits were approximately: 5k 16:05, 10k: 32:05, 10mile 52:20. 3+ mile cool down, etc.

Before the race, I managed to sneak into the elite athlete tent. I stood in line for the elite toilets behind an Olympic gold medallist from Japan. Later, I ran with her during the early stages of the race. I think the Japanese TV crews kept trying to drive their motor scooter in front of me, as I was blocking their TV shot.

I had to urinate the entire duration of the race. My bladder was going to pop like a water balloon. At one point, I tried to pee while running but that just proved to be impossible. I made it through the race and carried the extra few pints of water weight with me, but it was a mite uncomfortable. Looks like I overdid the pre-race hydration.

Alas, I was vanquished by Deena, who set an American Record. I lost contact with her around 10k. I took water/sports drink at every stop, as it was quite warm. I'm not used to drinking on the run, and don't think I managed to get much down. All in all, the race was a good experience. I was apprehensive of the distance, but survived and came out a man.