Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Christmas Eve Eve Eve

Wednesday, 12/22/04
AM: 10 miles, 61 min around Baltimore, aka Charm City. Since Stacy and I never got to go camping last summer, I put up a tent in her place last night and we slept in it. How cool is that? It felt good to sleep in today. Moved the run along at a good pace. On the trail behind Hopkins there was a woman pushing a baby stroller that I scared by running up behind her. Who pushes a baby stroller down a muddy path with roots and trees in the way? Crazy, batty folks, that's who.

Tuesday, 12/21/04
AM: Was planning a track workout, but there was snow in the inside lanes, and lots of saturation. So, I ran over to Herritown high school, which ended up being fine, so I still got the workout in on the grass. Some of our old landmarks (i.e., soccer goal, bench) have disappeared, so I estimated a turn or two, and I think that the first half I possibly cut a corner too generously, so my 1k times may need a few seconds added to them, but the point of the workout remained the same. Did the first 2 with pants on, as it was a blustery 30 degrees. Also, wore lightweight trainers, as opposed to racing flats, which we often wear. Some light snow and mud on the course, a little hill. 2.5 mile warmup. 8 X 1000m, 3:11 (kind of a warmup), 63 rest, 2:59 more up-tempo, 1:58 (increased rest), 3:01, 64rest, 3:05, 68 rest, 2:58 (more up-tempo), 2:04 increased rest, 3:04, 70 rest, 3:09, 71 rest, 3:01 increased tempo. A decent workout. Did strides prior to and following the workout. Total mileage at least 11. Showered back at school with a bunch of old dudes.

Met with Jonathan, one of the professors I work for. My largest project for the coming semester is going to be rearranging a large, academic textbook into a more up-to-date, streamlined, action-oriented, paperback edition aimed more towards executive MBA programs.

Monday, 12/20/04
AM: It was really, really cold. Frigid even. Felt like I was freezing my face off on the run. It was about 10 degrees out, but -5 degrees windchill. Still had an all righty run, had to stop off briefly at the post office and get a Christmas present in the mail. Unfortunatly, it was the busiest day of the year at the P.O., and I had to wait a few moments. Afterwards, I continued my run around Radnor high school, which had grass and a very limited trail that I ran on. 55min, 8 miles. Took my final exam of the semester! Joy joy joy.

Total Weekly Mileage: 72.5. Skipped a lot of intended doubles, but final exams will do that to you. I'm fine with mileage in the 70's off 1-a-day, solid runs.

Sunday, 12/19/04
AM: 1 hour 30 minutes, around 14 miles. Ran up to Haverford college from my apartment and looped the nature trail twice. It was a solid run.

Saturday, 12/18/04
AM: 9.5 miles. Ran back to Radnor trail and down and about it. A fine run. Blasted off my E-Business final last night, and now only have to get through one more! Went to King of Prussia, studied at a Starbucks, got a little shopping out of the way, and went to see "The Incredibles." Consumed a great deal of popped corn. Ran around the mall like a clucker with it's noggin chopped off.


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