Wednesday, December 01, 2004

December, Christmes! (not a typo, try to decipher my, bilingual witty pun)

Wednesday 12/1/04 47.75 minutes, ran around Bryn Mawr Grad school, wet and rainy. Easy 7 miles.

Tuesday- Last day of November
AM: Little tune-up workout. 3 mile warmup to track. Almost got up to do workout at 8 and say hi to Marcus, but didn't sleep well last night, so rolled over and made sure not to be overtired. 10 X 400 (2 sets of 5) w. about 100m jog individually, 400m jog between sets. 67, 42rest, 71, 43r, 68, 41r, 70, 41r, 72.0, 2:18r, 69, 38r, 70, 39r, 68, 39r, 71.9, 41r, 67. Felt pretty good. 2.5 mile cool down. Had to do workout in lane 4 because there was a monstrous machine hogging lanes 1 and 2 and equipment in 3. Pretty annoying, but I figured out the track markings for staggered starts. Felt like a sprinter...except doing a cross country workout. Total miles: 9.

Spent a mostly yawner of a day Wed. finishing up work for Jonathan, my work professor. I'm helping supply some research for a journal submission. If you see this someday, know that I contributed it!: "William Ford Jr. steers Ford towards his own definition of a great company: 'A good company delivers excellent products and services, and a great company does all that and strives to make the world a better place.'"
Ford is actually a pretty good car company as far as environmental standards go. Perhaps I can replace my Taurus sometime soon? Then again, the ANTELOPE is back! It saves me a lot of time to be able to bike to class rather than walk. Will try to take care of the little beasty, for example I even put him in the shed for the weekend. By the way, I'm leaving for Portland, Oregon tomorrow around midday, gonna lay the smack down on Adam Goucher at the cross country club nationals. I am the third Torres brother (and will beat them, too)! Seriously though, I want to finish in the top 5 of a top 5 team. For a list of entries and other info, I direct you to: Apparently, the course is on the inside of a horse track and will feature jumbo-tron tv coverage and team re-rankings every 1000m.

The USAirways simulation in my Leadership class is finally complete! My project team finished first out of 6 groups in 2 classes. I scheduled a one on one meeting on Monday with Len, my professor, to "negotiate" my participation and final grade. I'm sure that'll be fun... on a good note, I got an A on my "life planning" assignment in this class.


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