Monday, November 29, 2004

Spanksgiving Holiday Extravagaza Weekend Wrap-Up

Long time no post. A quick run-down of my running, with a few observations interspersed:

Monday, 11/25/04:
AM: 5.5 miles easy around home (in Pottstown). Gunshots flying around as deerhunting season began and the Bambi-hating hicks are out in full-force; my mother: "You're not running, are you?"; I decided to stay on roads, but more because the trails remained swamped.
PM: 5 miles back in Bryn Mawr. Ran around Ankle-Breaker park (as I dubbed it today). It was hazardous before the leaves all cluttered it up. Too hungry to go any further.
Total Monday: 10.5

Weekly Mileage: 72.5
Dropped the mileage down this week purposely. Want to have taper for club nationals next weekend. I examined some training logs from college, and noticed that I would routinely do like 100 miles the week before Heps or another big race, dropping down only like 2 days before the race to rest up. I can see now how this would probably leave me with fatigued legs. I guess the idea was to keep training and improving, but I've learned that maybe was not wise. Congrats to Craig Miller of my Alma Mater, Manheim Township, who made it to the Footlocker National championships.

Sunday, 11/24/04
AM: 80.5 minutes, about 12.5 miles. Ran some of the trails in County Park. Hilly. Rained hard all night and quite a bit of flooding and mud. Some of the stream crossings I normally take were now as wide as football fields, and rushing like the Philadelphia Eagles' tenacious d. The terrain was like running on a moist, dirty sponge. I fell at least once. Chest rather sore from lifting. Took whirlpool bath.

I'm reading The Rule of Four these days, is a DaVinci Code-like book, except it takes place in Princeton. It makes me a little nostalgic with its great detail--two of the main characters are in my eating club, Cloister. When comparing it to Ivy, they say, "Half of our chairs are plastic, all of our cutlery is replaceable, and sometimes when the parties we throw are too expensive, or the taps we run are too loose, we find hot dogs in the lunch tray on Fridays." This is a slight exaggeration. We always had pizza on Friday lunch, and I looked forward to it. My friends and I also got very involved with the Dannon yogurt they served us, especially during a special promotion where you could send away lid tops for free items. We were eating as many as we could, hauling them home to our refrigerators, asking people for their lids, aye, even taking them from the trash (allegations flew that a certain neighbor would go looting for our own lids). When all was said in done, we were outfitted with multiple hats, long sleeve shirts, pins, backpacks, and birthday presents. One night Jon and I ate 10 yogurts in a single, sick sitting (The infamous Yogurt Challenge). These were the behemoth 8 oz. yogurts, not the pip-squeak 6 ozers that now pollute the supermarket shelf.

Saturday 11/23/04
AM: 40 min (including 6 X 100m strides); 6 miles, ran a nice scenic road loop. Also did sprint drills, lifted weights, and did Pilates. So I made myself take an easy day, but then I couldn't help but compensate with a bunch of other things. Didn't lift extremely hard, but not used to it and quite sore afterwards.

Went to go see American Treasure with my parents. Pretty good movie. We got there a little late and I sat separately, preferring to crane my neck straight up in the front rather than to look at the screen from an angle. I never realized that there is a treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. I enjoyed the film scenes from Philadelphia.

Friday 11/22/04
AM: 3 mile easy warm-up. 21 minute tempo run in County Park on a rocky muddy hilly trail. Able to measure about 3 miles of tempo, which were usually between 5:15-25 pace (depending which direction- uphill or down). Tried to go to local track, but it was locked and made due with the non-optimal trail. However, it was a proper run in the spirit of the waning cross country season, although not as quick as possible. After tempo, I ran 4 X hill sprints. 2.5 mile cool down. Decent workout, about 10 miles.

Gobble 11/21/04
AM: 75 min, at least 11.5 miles. Hit up the trails at home in Pottstown. Wore lots of orange to avoid deer hunters. Ample amount of hilly trails. Did my standard loop: through powerlines, around county park, and back. Hilight was shimmying across a 15-20 ft. fallen tree as my bridge at one of the stream crossings. The stream was deeper than usual, so the crossing was difficult, yet stream crossing all-star that I am, I completed the mission. Had to get up early which wasn't the most fun.

Went to cousin's house for the feast of Thanks. Twas a nice day. Cute babies running around. Even got to meet a Mary, the Mennonite midget, who works at my grandmother's residence. Also agreed to help drive home from dinner, and won free driving tips and advice from my dad.

Wednesday 11/20/04
AM: 56min, about 8.5 miles. Ran around my Bryn Mawr area domicile. I believe I ran around Bryn Mawr college, but I don't recall. Thought about doing more after travelling home, but I was dark and tired and it was unnecessary. Attempted to get haircut at the mall, but they must not have desired my $. At first, they said it was a short wait, but then I waited 30min, and then they told me it would be a long wait. Oh well, looks like the mane is going to get mangier...


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