Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Guess who's back?

Howdy pardners. Long time no blog. As I need to procrastinate from preparing for my accounting final, I will begin the great catch up.

First, my running data, before my watch spills over and purges the oh so vital digits:

Tuesday, 12/14/04
AM: (early! 8 am feels early for my body to cover ground quickly)
2 mile warmup; then a relatively easy "in-out" workout with Nova group. 3 X 2000m, 200s were supposed to be in 35/45 for the first 2 and 33/43 for the last set. I didn't bother with all the splits, but I think we were more or less on. The 2k times were: 6:37, 6:44, 6:16. Rest was 4-5min, 1 or 2 lap jog. I suppose with finals and a cold early morning, we didn't slam this workout. Felt good. 2.5 mile cool down. Total for morning: 9 miles

Monday, 12/13/04
PM: 52.5 min
A decent long Avon (+ 2.5 track laps) run with Nova guys (6:10-30 pace). This run is on roads and has long hills, reminds me of Pretty Brook at Princeton. Cornell was nice enough to point out a spot where I fell on my buttocks last year. Finished up the run with Pilates, hurdle drills, run over mini hurdle drills, and fast step through ladder drills. Not used to doing pilates, and I am sore afterwards (especially my rippling abdominals). This was my first run with the team for a while, as I have been doing my own thing. Feel a little sheepish about my absence. Baaaaaaa.

Weekly Total: 47.5 miles. Took a "down week." No workouts, easy running to try to freshen up for another training haul. Did get decent long run. Focused more on school/work, as semester is rapidly deceasing.

Sunday, 12/12/04
1 hour 34 min, I'd say at least 14 miles. Did run around Baltimore; ran through Wynam Park, then explored a Falls Park"trail," which is basically a macadem bike path. Also explored a mostly abandoned, shady looking industrial area with lots of mills and garbage in the street.

Saturday, 12/11/04
58min, 8.5+ miles. Ran up to end of park behind Hopkins. Muddy from rain earlier in day. Too many dogs in park.

Friday, 12/10/04
56 min, 8 miles, believe I ran out to ye olde golf course and elementary school and perhaps anklebreaker park.

Thursday 12/9/04
28 min, 4 miles. Did this run at midnight, after class and other work. Token run

Wednesday, 12/8/04
35 min, 5 miles. Slow, easy run at night in dark.

Tuesday, 12/7/04
18min, 2.5 miles. Pretty weak run, but at least kept the "juices" flowin'.

Monday, 12/6/04
37min, 5.5 miles, at night, following class. Slow easy tired from looong weekend.

Weekly Total: 53 miles (6 days, taper). Not the highlight of my career, but I'm glad I got a decent cross country fall season in.

Sunday 12/5/04
DAY OFF. Felt torn up from cross race and long travelling. Took 2nd day off of year (since I already have one, might as well do another. The first was in Tokyo about 2 months ago when all my comrades wanted to go out instead of get a run in, and I was swept along)

20min warmup, bout 3 miles.
35.5 min USATF Club Nationals race, about 10.9k, in Portland, OR.
The course was brutal, twice as bad as Districts in West Virginia in '02, a total mud fest. Either run the course through waist deep mud (maybe slight exaggeration), or run way wide and run through knee deep mud. Plus, due to last min. course changes, they didn't know mile markers or even how long it was (it ended up over 10k). They had these "woop-dee-woop" hills- the USATF actually called these man-made abominations this repeatedly. These were annoying, small, steep hills all in a row that were basically designed to injure you. Let's just say I got out strong, got passed by about 100 people, rallied a bit so I could outkick Tom and Ross, and ultimately finished in the mid 35 minute, 122nd range (in my defense guys like Goucher were running 33min). Team ended up in 10th place, just being edged by Jarrod Shoemaker and the BAA squad. I don't think USATF did an outstanding job putting this meet on, especially in contrast to Nike and the HS championships earlier in the day. I'll talk more about the trip in a later post, hopefully.
18 min cooldown, total for afternoon: 12.5 miles

9min am shake out run. 1+ miles to awaken body.

41.5 min + strides, 7 miles


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