Friday, December 17, 2004

Fried, eh

More running notes!
Friday: AM: 3 mile warm-up to the Nova track and field. Did a few striders, then proceeded with a tempo run in trainers on the track (no car and no practice this week=tempo on the track). Marcus has given me the go ahead to do longer tempos, so today I did 10K in 33:48-- which is about 5:24/mile. Felt good. Finished up with 2 strides and a 2 mile cool down. Very windy on the backstretch today. 40s and sunny, a nice day, other then wind. Total: 11.5+

Thursday: 74:40, ran by my lonesome up around the Willows, nice to see some trails. Felt pretty good, tried to move pace along. Hammered back last 3 miles sub-6. Kinda tired after run, about 11.5 miles.

Wednesday: 1 hour, 9 miles. Found a nice new place to run-- Radnor trail. It's really more of a paved bike path then a trail, but at least no worries about cars, and there is gravel along the side that is a little softer to run in. The path extends about 2.5 miles, and I was quite psyched to discover it. There were construction dudes out working on it, as I believe it is a fairly new addition. My pace was moving along, until I got some nasty belly aches and slowed down. Almost had to soil the new trail, but I made it home.

Met with Marcus on Thursday and discussed plans for indoor season. I am going to concentrate on the 3,000m with a goal to qualify for the USATF indoor championships (standard is an 8:04.0 before Feb. 20). We set up a good schedule to hopefully get there. The schedule includes thresh-hold and tempo work till Jan 4th, then I'll be on the track once a week with 1 vo2 workout a week. Long runs will become shorter, and I'm supposed to stay in the 70's for mileage. I've decided to try to make most of my runs quality.

Stacy's here for the weekend, jabbering on the phone with a sister, thus I am updating the blog instead of studying my finals. Almost done with the semester, wahoo! Back to work I go. Unfortunatly, I couldn't go to Ed's party in NYC this year, as it really is in the middle of my exams. Here is some constructive feedback I received on this decision via IM: JonBell03: you are homo for not coming out for ed's birthday tonight.
To that I can offer 2 responses. 1) To quote the great Pee Wee Herman, I know you are, but what am I? or, alternatively 2) Yes, I am a homo sapien.


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