Sunday, December 26, 2004

Pop Quiz: Is it an elf, midget, dwarf, gnome, leprachaun, oompa loompa, or all of the above? In fact it's not a fair question, because the lil' bugger is not dressed up in a hilarious costume. When in doubt I assume elf, as they probably far outnumber the others, and I just watched the movie "Elf," with Will Farrell (2 thumbs up-way up).
To see a non-PC "midget manifesto", I suggest the following: This plan calls for the separation of working midgets, breeding midgets, and special gladiatorial midgets, among other things. While gladiatorial midgets may be extreme, I propose a midget sports league, at the very least.
To see from the perspective of the Little People, check out: "Little People of America (LPA) is a nonprofit organization that provides support and information to people of short stature and their families." I am contemplating becoming a member to show support which would, among other things, give me access to the LP message board. Perhaps they post directions to their gold, or secrets behind their magic powers!

ho ho holiday running wrap-up

Weekly mileage: 73.5 A fine total for a busy, holiday week. I weighed about 165 on my parent's scale (this was just before my mother decided to walk in on me taking a shower). This weight is probably ok, it has fluctuated between low 150s to upper 170s throughout my 20s. Ran my mileage all in singles, which is more difficult. Got some nice rest and holiday cheer. Fought a headache for 3 days, but finally have that jerk whipped, I reckon. Want to continue to do strides, upper body, and core strength exercises in addition to runs.

Sunday, Post-Christmas, 12/26/04
85 minutes, about 13 miles. Ran from my home up to "Woody's Woods," a little patch of state game lands about 3.5 miles down Coventryville Rd. This was the first time a colorful sign, with the colorful title, was present. The trails are rocky, but don't get too muddy, and I know that the Horseshoe trail is still a mess. The difficult part of this run is a steady, strenuous 9 minute uphill mountain slope that you face on the way to the park. Takes the wind out of ones sails a bit. To me, this didn't seem like a tough long run, but it's still longer than I was advised to partake in.

Alas, the holiday weekend is terminated. Somehow, I agreed to commute into Philadelphia and work for Alan at my old lawyer job Mon-Wed. I'm not really looking forward to it, but it should be good for me and keep alive our relationship, and it's good to keep him as an ally. Funny, looking back on my days working fulltime and living in Philly, I have good memories and tend to forget the tough times. I think it's often like that with memories, which tends toward idealization. Yes, no? Anyway, I'm back in my cold cell-like room, typing out my blog, as the snow scatters outside.

Saturday, Christmas day!
64 min, close to 10, will call it 9.5 miles to be safe. Chilly today, in the 20's. Didn't help when I took a dive at a stream crossing on the horseshoe trail. The rocks to cross were peeking out of the water, but were icy, and when I flew off into the water. At this point, I thought of returning home to dry off, but instead I just waded through the 20 ft icy crossing, since I was already wet, and continued my trek. My feet numbed up and it was a challenge to negotiate the rooty and rocky trails. Upon my return, my lower pant legs were iced over, and my shoelaces were so icy that I was unable to untie them. I'm so hardcore, yo.
I sent my Uncle Paul down the same trail, but he was wise enough to turn around at the "raging river."

Friday, Christmas Eve
Workout. 2 mile warmup. 8 mile tempo run in 45:42, which is about 5:43/mile pace. 2 mile cooldown. (total 12 miles). I measured out a 2 mile stretch of road in the AM in the van, then repeated it back and forth twice. (From yellow caution markers beyond the Iron bridge to the end of the elementary school down warwick furnace rd). The course was a series of gradual hills, so wasn't really easy. There were icy sections on the basically deserted road. Managed to get a functioning heart monitor (combined parts of my new and old ones). Kept HR low the first 2 miles, a little below threshhold (170bpm) next 2, then in the lower range of vo2 wrkt the next 2 (175), and in the upper range for the last 2 (178). I think this was appropriate. Unfortunatly, had to make a pitstop around 21min, as my tummy was killing me. (Note of caution: if you think you find some chocolate under the iron bridge, it's probably something much less pleasant). This was my first 8 miler in a long time (since college?). A little draining, took a nice afternoon nap. Lifted weights later in the day, which made me quite sore, but also a little buffer (if that's even possible).

I did a few strides near my house after the run. One of the horses eyed me during the first 2, and joined me for the 3rd, flying around his corral next to the road. Then he just watched me continue, probably laughing at having put me in my place.

(Pretend this is under "Christmas", I wrote in the wrong section and now it's just going to remain here): Didn't get to open gifts until later in the day on Saturday, although eventually I did get my haul. An assortment of clothes, games, etc., much of which had a harry potter/lord of the rings theme to it (unfortunatly not the clothes). I ate much good food today and it was great that my grandmother was able to make it. I had 3 pieces of red velvet cake, a few pieces of Harvey Wallbanger cake, and probably a half dozen cookies. It ruled. I got my parents a microwave, which will hopefully help to beckon them into the modern age. I think they believe that magic spirits make the food hot, and hence don't trust them. The star of the day was "Smokey" the stray cat, who my family is trying to capture. I gave him some turkey, even though he ran away from me. He eats better than Rudy, our real feline.

Thursday, Christmas eve-eve
63min, 10 miles. A wet wet wet day. Luckily, it was nice and mild (50's). Once we got Stacy on the road I hit the road, too. Actually, I did about half of my run slopping around on the trails (later in the week my footprints were preserved in the then iced over mud). Upon hitting the roads, I was able to open up and hit a good tempo. Did pilates (yesterday).

Managed to get my hair chopped today at Supercuts. It didn't have the word "Master" or "Cost", but it was still a pretty good deal, and Erin did a nice job. Consequently, my dad went to the same place at the same time the following day and got the same haircut from the same woman. He's a copycat. Stacy and I went to the Exton mall, where I finally terminated my Christmas shopping. I lost a tad bit of patience because Stacy would disappear with 5 pairs of pants (for herself) in the dressing room for 37 minutes at a time. Managed to get some butt-kicking presents, in spite of all this.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I didn't do it!

Clear out the college diploma frames, I have a new degree!!! I'm ready to assume my role in Santa's sweatshop. To try to earn your own, I suggest visiting elf school, which is part of Santa's village at Maybe this will help keep me on Santa's good side. He gave me the middle finger in Portland, so I'm not expecting much in my stocking. No kidding, on Saturday night, a trolley car went by filled with the fat men in red suits, and so I waved, but then one of them produced his middle finger. Maybe he didn't recognize me?

Christmas Eve Eve Eve

Wednesday, 12/22/04
AM: 10 miles, 61 min around Baltimore, aka Charm City. Since Stacy and I never got to go camping last summer, I put up a tent in her place last night and we slept in it. How cool is that? It felt good to sleep in today. Moved the run along at a good pace. On the trail behind Hopkins there was a woman pushing a baby stroller that I scared by running up behind her. Who pushes a baby stroller down a muddy path with roots and trees in the way? Crazy, batty folks, that's who.

Tuesday, 12/21/04
AM: Was planning a track workout, but there was snow in the inside lanes, and lots of saturation. So, I ran over to Herritown high school, which ended up being fine, so I still got the workout in on the grass. Some of our old landmarks (i.e., soccer goal, bench) have disappeared, so I estimated a turn or two, and I think that the first half I possibly cut a corner too generously, so my 1k times may need a few seconds added to them, but the point of the workout remained the same. Did the first 2 with pants on, as it was a blustery 30 degrees. Also, wore lightweight trainers, as opposed to racing flats, which we often wear. Some light snow and mud on the course, a little hill. 2.5 mile warmup. 8 X 1000m, 3:11 (kind of a warmup), 63 rest, 2:59 more up-tempo, 1:58 (increased rest), 3:01, 64rest, 3:05, 68 rest, 2:58 (more up-tempo), 2:04 increased rest, 3:04, 70 rest, 3:09, 71 rest, 3:01 increased tempo. A decent workout. Did strides prior to and following the workout. Total mileage at least 11. Showered back at school with a bunch of old dudes.

Met with Jonathan, one of the professors I work for. My largest project for the coming semester is going to be rearranging a large, academic textbook into a more up-to-date, streamlined, action-oriented, paperback edition aimed more towards executive MBA programs.

Monday, 12/20/04
AM: It was really, really cold. Frigid even. Felt like I was freezing my face off on the run. It was about 10 degrees out, but -5 degrees windchill. Still had an all righty run, had to stop off briefly at the post office and get a Christmas present in the mail. Unfortunatly, it was the busiest day of the year at the P.O., and I had to wait a few moments. Afterwards, I continued my run around Radnor high school, which had grass and a very limited trail that I ran on. 55min, 8 miles. Took my final exam of the semester! Joy joy joy.

Total Weekly Mileage: 72.5. Skipped a lot of intended doubles, but final exams will do that to you. I'm fine with mileage in the 70's off 1-a-day, solid runs.

Sunday, 12/19/04
AM: 1 hour 30 minutes, around 14 miles. Ran up to Haverford college from my apartment and looped the nature trail twice. It was a solid run.

Saturday, 12/18/04
AM: 9.5 miles. Ran back to Radnor trail and down and about it. A fine run. Blasted off my E-Business final last night, and now only have to get through one more! Went to King of Prussia, studied at a Starbucks, got a little shopping out of the way, and went to see "The Incredibles." Consumed a great deal of popped corn. Ran around the mall like a clucker with it's noggin chopped off.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Huh huh

"I know you are but what am I?" Pee wee has always been an inspiration (well, maybe not always, but he is entertaining). When in doubt ask, WWPWD (What would Pee Wee do?), it always works for me.
Swell Herman sites:, official site with some neato-ness,, dancing pw with loud music,, the church of Pee Wee (admittedly very bizzarre).
Name that tune: "Come on in, and pull yourself up a chair (like Chairry!)Let the fun begin, it's time to let down your hair!Pee-wee's SO excited,'cause all his friends have been invited (that's you!)To go wacky, at Pee-wee's Playhouse!" (Give up? It's the Playhouse theme song!)
By the way, today's secret word is "watch." Do you all know what to do when someone says the secret word right? SCREAM REAL LOUDLY!!! AHHHHHH! Huh huh! (in Pee Wee voice).

Fried, eh

More running notes!
Friday: AM: 3 mile warm-up to the Nova track and field. Did a few striders, then proceeded with a tempo run in trainers on the track (no car and no practice this week=tempo on the track). Marcus has given me the go ahead to do longer tempos, so today I did 10K in 33:48-- which is about 5:24/mile. Felt good. Finished up with 2 strides and a 2 mile cool down. Very windy on the backstretch today. 40s and sunny, a nice day, other then wind. Total: 11.5+

Thursday: 74:40, ran by my lonesome up around the Willows, nice to see some trails. Felt pretty good, tried to move pace along. Hammered back last 3 miles sub-6. Kinda tired after run, about 11.5 miles.

Wednesday: 1 hour, 9 miles. Found a nice new place to run-- Radnor trail. It's really more of a paved bike path then a trail, but at least no worries about cars, and there is gravel along the side that is a little softer to run in. The path extends about 2.5 miles, and I was quite psyched to discover it. There were construction dudes out working on it, as I believe it is a fairly new addition. My pace was moving along, until I got some nasty belly aches and slowed down. Almost had to soil the new trail, but I made it home.

Met with Marcus on Thursday and discussed plans for indoor season. I am going to concentrate on the 3,000m with a goal to qualify for the USATF indoor championships (standard is an 8:04.0 before Feb. 20). We set up a good schedule to hopefully get there. The schedule includes thresh-hold and tempo work till Jan 4th, then I'll be on the track once a week with 1 vo2 workout a week. Long runs will become shorter, and I'm supposed to stay in the 70's for mileage. I've decided to try to make most of my runs quality.

Stacy's here for the weekend, jabbering on the phone with a sister, thus I am updating the blog instead of studying my finals. Almost done with the semester, wahoo! Back to work I go. Unfortunatly, I couldn't go to Ed's party in NYC this year, as it really is in the middle of my exams. Here is some constructive feedback I received on this decision via IM: JonBell03: you are homo for not coming out for ed's birthday tonight.
To that I can offer 2 responses. 1) To quote the great Pee Wee Herman, I know you are, but what am I? or, alternatively 2) Yes, I am a homo sapien.

Bob the Blog Blob

Meet my adopted pet blog blob! Hello. This is Bob the Blog Blob. Try to say that 5 times fast!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


If I was a woofer, this is what I would've looked like out at the Portland cross country race (the fast bitch on the right). Bark-tacular.

Guess who's back?

Howdy pardners. Long time no blog. As I need to procrastinate from preparing for my accounting final, I will begin the great catch up.

First, my running data, before my watch spills over and purges the oh so vital digits:

Tuesday, 12/14/04
AM: (early! 8 am feels early for my body to cover ground quickly)
2 mile warmup; then a relatively easy "in-out" workout with Nova group. 3 X 2000m, 200s were supposed to be in 35/45 for the first 2 and 33/43 for the last set. I didn't bother with all the splits, but I think we were more or less on. The 2k times were: 6:37, 6:44, 6:16. Rest was 4-5min, 1 or 2 lap jog. I suppose with finals and a cold early morning, we didn't slam this workout. Felt good. 2.5 mile cool down. Total for morning: 9 miles

Monday, 12/13/04
PM: 52.5 min
A decent long Avon (+ 2.5 track laps) run with Nova guys (6:10-30 pace). This run is on roads and has long hills, reminds me of Pretty Brook at Princeton. Cornell was nice enough to point out a spot where I fell on my buttocks last year. Finished up the run with Pilates, hurdle drills, run over mini hurdle drills, and fast step through ladder drills. Not used to doing pilates, and I am sore afterwards (especially my rippling abdominals). This was my first run with the team for a while, as I have been doing my own thing. Feel a little sheepish about my absence. Baaaaaaa.

Weekly Total: 47.5 miles. Took a "down week." No workouts, easy running to try to freshen up for another training haul. Did get decent long run. Focused more on school/work, as semester is rapidly deceasing.

Sunday, 12/12/04
1 hour 34 min, I'd say at least 14 miles. Did run around Baltimore; ran through Wynam Park, then explored a Falls Park"trail," which is basically a macadem bike path. Also explored a mostly abandoned, shady looking industrial area with lots of mills and garbage in the street.

Saturday, 12/11/04
58min, 8.5+ miles. Ran up to end of park behind Hopkins. Muddy from rain earlier in day. Too many dogs in park.

Friday, 12/10/04
56 min, 8 miles, believe I ran out to ye olde golf course and elementary school and perhaps anklebreaker park.

Thursday 12/9/04
28 min, 4 miles. Did this run at midnight, after class and other work. Token run

Wednesday, 12/8/04
35 min, 5 miles. Slow, easy run at night in dark.

Tuesday, 12/7/04
18min, 2.5 miles. Pretty weak run, but at least kept the "juices" flowin'.

Monday, 12/6/04
37min, 5.5 miles, at night, following class. Slow easy tired from looong weekend.

Weekly Total: 53 miles (6 days, taper). Not the highlight of my career, but I'm glad I got a decent cross country fall season in.

Sunday 12/5/04
DAY OFF. Felt torn up from cross race and long travelling. Took 2nd day off of year (since I already have one, might as well do another. The first was in Tokyo about 2 months ago when all my comrades wanted to go out instead of get a run in, and I was swept along)

20min warmup, bout 3 miles.
35.5 min USATF Club Nationals race, about 10.9k, in Portland, OR.
The course was brutal, twice as bad as Districts in West Virginia in '02, a total mud fest. Either run the course through waist deep mud (maybe slight exaggeration), or run way wide and run through knee deep mud. Plus, due to last min. course changes, they didn't know mile markers or even how long it was (it ended up over 10k). They had these "woop-dee-woop" hills- the USATF actually called these man-made abominations this repeatedly. These were annoying, small, steep hills all in a row that were basically designed to injure you. Let's just say I got out strong, got passed by about 100 people, rallied a bit so I could outkick Tom and Ross, and ultimately finished in the mid 35 minute, 122nd range (in my defense guys like Goucher were running 33min). Team ended up in 10th place, just being edged by Jarrod Shoemaker and the BAA squad. I don't think USATF did an outstanding job putting this meet on, especially in contrast to Nike and the HS championships earlier in the day. I'll talk more about the trip in a later post, hopefully.
18 min cooldown, total for afternoon: 12.5 miles

9min am shake out run. 1+ miles to awaken body.

41.5 min + strides, 7 miles

Monday, December 06, 2004

Me fighting one of the hills at club nationals. I finished around 123rd in 35min for a 10+K on a mud-soaked, very difficult course. I was the 4th man on Bryn Mawr's team which finished in 10th place. Was a looong weekend, but I enjoy traveling. Expect a detailed report later this week, once I catch up with my work and have a few moments.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Here comes Santa Claus? 12/2: Today final prep, 3 mile warmup, 1X1k at 307, 2X200 36,34, 1 stide, 2.5 cooldown, 7 miles total... I'm off!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

December, Christmes! (not a typo, try to decipher my, bilingual witty pun)

Wednesday 12/1/04 47.75 minutes, ran around Bryn Mawr Grad school, wet and rainy. Easy 7 miles.

Tuesday- Last day of November
AM: Little tune-up workout. 3 mile warmup to track. Almost got up to do workout at 8 and say hi to Marcus, but didn't sleep well last night, so rolled over and made sure not to be overtired. 10 X 400 (2 sets of 5) w. about 100m jog individually, 400m jog between sets. 67, 42rest, 71, 43r, 68, 41r, 70, 41r, 72.0, 2:18r, 69, 38r, 70, 39r, 68, 39r, 71.9, 41r, 67. Felt pretty good. 2.5 mile cool down. Had to do workout in lane 4 because there was a monstrous machine hogging lanes 1 and 2 and equipment in 3. Pretty annoying, but I figured out the track markings for staggered starts. Felt like a sprinter...except doing a cross country workout. Total miles: 9.

Spent a mostly yawner of a day Wed. finishing up work for Jonathan, my work professor. I'm helping supply some research for a journal submission. If you see this someday, know that I contributed it!: "William Ford Jr. steers Ford towards his own definition of a great company: 'A good company delivers excellent products and services, and a great company does all that and strives to make the world a better place.'"
Ford is actually a pretty good car company as far as environmental standards go. Perhaps I can replace my Taurus sometime soon? Then again, the ANTELOPE is back! It saves me a lot of time to be able to bike to class rather than walk. Will try to take care of the little beasty, for example I even put him in the shed for the weekend. By the way, I'm leaving for Portland, Oregon tomorrow around midday, gonna lay the smack down on Adam Goucher at the cross country club nationals. I am the third Torres brother (and will beat them, too)! Seriously though, I want to finish in the top 5 of a top 5 team. For a list of entries and other info, I direct you to: Apparently, the course is on the inside of a horse track and will feature jumbo-tron tv coverage and team re-rankings every 1000m.

The USAirways simulation in my Leadership class is finally complete! My project team finished first out of 6 groups in 2 classes. I scheduled a one on one meeting on Monday with Len, my professor, to "negotiate" my participation and final grade. I'm sure that'll be fun... on a good note, I got an A on my "life planning" assignment in this class.