Triumphant return of Baird's Blog!
Here's the running info, as best I can recall:
Thursday, 2/3/05
21 min, 3 mile warmup from track office. Marcus transported our bags over to West Campus, where he measured a 1K course on campus road loop. Decent hill in the middle, kept it relatively difficult. My HR probably hovered between 180-185 bpm. Don't remember what it should be, but that seems about right. Had an uncomfortable side stitch much of the way. Worked out with Milos, Segal, and Pawluk. 8X1000m at heartrate, short rest.
3:12, (55rest), 3:10, (57rest), 3:08, (63rest), 3:10, (63rest), 3:11, (62rest), 3:11, (58rest), 3:14, (59rest), 3:14.
Certainy not a blazing workout, but was wearing trainers on a hilly road course. Was actually relatively strenuous. Ate like an animal upon return.
21 min cooldown, 3 miles
11+ miles for day.
Wednesday, 2/2/05
67min, ran on my own in the morning for about
10 miles. Ran down to check out Radnor trail, was un-forgeable. Swung out into some neighborhoods I haven't run in before that were quite nice. Big castles and roads with few cars. Ran out towards and about Wayne. What a silly name for a town. Achilles tender. Wrote a memo assignment on business ethics in the afternoon. Do you think that business dealing is akin to a game of poker? Thus, it is ethical to bluff/lie/etc., since everyone is doing it and expecting it. Some examples, like used car dealers or real estate transactions, this behavior is expected. I think as long as everyone definitely knows "the rules" of the game, then this is ok. But I digress... who cares?
Tuesday, 2/1/05
23min warmup, 3.25 miles.
30 min tempo, 5.5 miles. Ran tempo run on the roads. Ithan--> to my neighborhood loop, back to Nova and down Lancaster. Ran with Milos hanging on me. Kept rate up around 177, easier to increase with others around. Hilly tempo, felt really rather good. My achilles will be sore tomorrow, but during workouts it usually loosens up. Someone asked me directions, I gave my best guess, then saw him still driving around looking about 10min later. Haoops.
3, 15.5 min cooldowns, 2.5 miles.
11-11.5 miles
Monday, 1/31/05
AM:29min, 4 miles easy. Ran around home in Pottstown.
PM:53.5min, 8 miles with Milos, tennis run. First double in a while, made easier to accomplish mileage desires.
Weekly Total:
74.5 miles. This was a pretty good week of training. I'm not killing myself, but getting in good solid stuff to stay with it. There will be plenty of racing to accomplish come spring. I am also considering hitting up the Armory on 2/25 for one indoor venture. At this point, being as healthy as I can is priority. To compare with former college 'mates: I ran about half of Josh's weekly mileage but about 10 times what Jon ran.
Sunday, 1/30/05
90min; Ran in Baltimore in more snow. Had to run down the streets and dodge cars at times, as there was close to an inch on most sidewalks. I ran out to Druid Hill park and around some of the zoo back roads. This was a fine run, rather chilly and snowy, however. Will call it
13.5 glorious miles.
Saturday, 1/29/05
67min, in Baltimore. Ran up to Wynman Park (behind Hopkins), but it remained snowy. Ran backroads over to Druid Hill Park, loooped the reservoir, and took another rail "trail" home. Thus, I made a nice, big fat phat loop.
10 miles.
Friday, 1/28/05
17.5min, 2.5 mile warmup.
35 min tempo run in neighborhoods by my residence. Total distance of tempo most likely between 6 and 6.5 miles, will measure it soon in my proud automobile. I have a decent loop which takes approximately 7 min to go through in tempo runs (thus I did 5 loops). The loop is rather hilly, which will make me stronger, but does make HR monitoring more of a challenge. Kept around upper 170s, let it hit 180 on uphills at times. This was a tough effort, and difficult to get out the door as it was quite cold outside. Glad to get it done.
10.5 min, 1.5 mile cooldown. Total Friday: 10 or 10.5
Thursday, 1/27/05
67min 10 miles. Ran in the afternoon, I believe. Ran around here, I don't recall.
Wednesday, 1/26/05
60-something min?, 9.5miles? Forgot to shut my watch off right away, and I remember remembering how far I really ran, but now it is somewhere lost in memory. Know it was at least 9, and think it was more like 10 miles. I'll give myself the benefit of the doubt-9.5. Ran late at night around the neighborhoods, as I agreed to work in Philly all day at the law office. Why do I do this? I don't know. Suppose I want to maintain a positive relationship for future networking and references. Plus a little
green never hurts.
Tuesday, 1/25/05
24min warmup, 3.25 miles. Ran over to Haverford indoor track facility with Nova gentlemen. Worked out with Milos and Segal. Not a super strenuous workout, but nice to get indoors on a track and turn it over a bit. Wore racing flats.
4X1000m at threshhold (like 180s bpm I believe): 3:02, (86rest), 3:03, (78rest), 3:01-I led this one, (1:41rest), 3:08.0, (3:29rest), then a 2000m repeat with every 200m alternating btwn fast and faster as follows: (34, 45,32,46,32.8, 46.8, 33.4, 46.8, 33,2, 47.2).
24min cooldown, 3.25 miles
Total Tuesday Mileage:
11 approximately HOTTTT miles
I'm an "extreme athlete" as Ann would say. (she was trying to remember the term "elite".)