Friday, February 25, 2005

Mr. T. pities the fool who don't read my blog

Mr. T is the man. Always an inspiration, ever an American hero, he shapes the world and pities the foo'.
Click to watch T go for a drive.
Here is a link to see Web stories of Mr. T doing battle with things like AC/DC and Mr. Bean.
A-Team fan club. Quote about B.A.: "Although he has Master Jump status, he is deathly afraid of heights and likes milk and children." Wise man.

Speaking of T, did you notice that Paris Hilton's T-Mobile account was hacked? The list of all her contacts is here, at least for now. I found the list relatively early, and almost called Ashley Olsen to say "You're in big trouble mister", but I wussed out. Of course, now that Ms. Hilton's phonebook is on the Web, I'm getting calls all over the place. Why did Paris have to be so careless with my digits? (Note-if you're confused by not seeing my name on her list, it's because I'm under the alias "Hot").

Thursday, February 24, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

The following is largely a running update. I also added more to the previous update and added photos from my race.

Thursday 2.24.05
17.5 min, 2.5 mile warm-up
25:28 tempo run, probably around 4.5 miles, a little more maybe.
21 min, 3 mile cooldown. Strides before and after. Total 10 miles. Ran workout on Radnor Trail, 1 full loop. Got out just as storm brewing, so had a faceful of snow the whole interim, but finished just in time before it really started to stick. Not too inspired for the workout, but it was all right. HR probably averaged around 175bpm, but this took some effort. Wore my new Brooks, which don't exactly make me feel fast. Yes, by the way, I got some new shoes finally last Tuesday. I've been meaning to head over to The Bryn Mawr Running Co. for a number of weeks, and finally did so. My achilles feels better running in these shoes, although still remains tight/a bit sore. I chose Brooks out of an assortment of choices because they felt best initially, even though we are going to be sponsored by Mizuno again this year. Mizuno is big in Japan, and much of our gear comes from that market. The Jap market being smaller, the sizes tend a little small. I'm probably getting XL this year, although I had to make due with medium this year, a uniform that really left nothing to the imagination.
But back to the workout... hard to get HR up on downhills, got through it.

I talked with Marcus yesterday, who is going to re-engineer his training methods after a largely dismal Big East meet. I voiced my support of this because, let's face it, results haven't been pretty and the training is pretty easy. In theory, his methods are scientifically sound, at least by some studies. However, running is a lot about psychology and head games. The Nova distance guys are going to up the intensity and start getting used to running outside of their comfort zones. I know I raced some of my best races on dead legs, but something between the ears carried me through. I'm not advocating dead legs, but I don't think you have to be a baby and cry about exceeding a heart-rate range. Time to recognize the art and the grit, and not obsess on all the numbers. It bugs me when runners are overly cautious, and when others try to push themselves, they may face ridicule. One such runner transferred this semester because of jokes that he did too much training. Now, that's a pretty silly thing to do. Bell would've quit Princeton like a dozen times if he was so sensitive. Nonetheless, it's not a good sign. Marcus better do something soon to save this sinking ship. I will welcome harder workouts, they may help me to transform myself again. That's all.
(Disclaimer: Marcus is the man and I'm glad he let's me be here--I have always tried not to rock the boat myself and don't intend to criticize the Villanova program. I've got faith in all those guys).

The clouds poured forth close to 5 inches today. I made it in to school to try to work, but classes were cancelled. A conversation with David Dean:
Me: My class was cancelled tonight.
Dean (shocked): You have class on the weekend!
Me: Dude, it's Thursday.
Dean: Oh yeah. I guess my weekends start early.
What a silly gentleman. By the way, if anyone is an expert on collaborating with NGO's, let me know, my research is at a standstill.
Wednesday 2.23.05
AM: 65min, good pace, 10 miles. Ran Radnor trail, able to run along side in gravel much of the way. Felt good, kept pace broiling on medium well. Wrote memo, went to class, booked trip to London. Travelling to London with Stacy over Easter and got some super-duper-pooper-scooper deals. They're so hot, they gave me 2nd degree burns. More details to come...
Tuesday 2.22.05
23:15 warmup, 3+ miles.
34:49, 6.5 miles, or 5X1.3 mile hilly neighborhood loops. Able to get mile splits, which ranged from 5:15-35. A good workout. HR btwn 175-180 most of way. Tough to fit this workout in, as had meeting at 1 and had to wrap up a draft of Vino Wine's business plan. We're opening up a wine bar in Downingtown. Or at least pretending to.
Went to the grocery store that night. Got lost on the way there. Yeah, I got lost, so what? I was looking for a shortcut...
18 cooldown, 2.5+ miles. Total: 12 miles
Monday 2.21.05
55.5 min, a solid 8.5 miles. Felt purdy good.
33.5 min, about 5 miles late after class.
Total Weekly miles: 75 miles. A fine week with a decent race. Looking towards a few more road races and then track season, with a lean towards the 5K. Don't have mile speed right now.
Sunday 2.20.05
100 minutes, 15 milesish. ran around the Willows trails. First time in a while that the snow is gone. Achilles sore, but got through this long run.

throw your arms in the air, like you just don't care

Although I wanted to do a victory dance a la NFL stars, I settled for a victory salute! I am king of the local road race!

Slightly richer stud

Stud (around 3 miles)


Saturday, February 19, 2005

extra, extra, read all about it...

Sat. 2.19.05
3.25 mile warm up
5 mile race. 1st place. 25:32 Course Record. Won $100. Ambler, PA Frostbite 5 miler. Results, photos, etc:
Quite chilly, maybe 20 degrees for race, had to wear tights, long sleeves, and hat (I guess they don't call it "Frostbite" Five for nothing). First half largely uphill, second half mostly downhill. Splits about 5:06, 10:18, 15:30, 20:35, 25:32. Finished nice. Didn't feel too hard, but did have stomach cramps. Had Matt Sandercock sitting about 10-15 seconds back most of the race. He qualified for the Olympic trials in the marathon in '04 and '00, so it was nice to get his scalp. (He also is an estranged former Bryn Mawr team member).
I enjoyed myself at the "Food Fest" afterwards, nabbing as much as possible. Won my dinero, a big silly winner's plate, a doo-rag thing, and also won a raffle for a free 1 hour massage. I would have been disappointed not to have come away with the money, as this was the main reason that I whored myself out to this race. Twas a fine morning, although I was done racing before I usually even wake up. Yawn.
3.25 mile cool-down.
Total: 11.5
Stacy and I hit up The Point, a happening cafe, and studied there most of the day. Later on, we went to The Grog, a bar I've heard about that is located in the same vicinity. The Grog was fine, but a little smokey for my taste.
P.S. Way to leave your pocketbook at The Point all day by accident, Stacy!

Fri. 2.18.05
39 min, 5.5 miles
Easy run to shake out the legs before I race tomorrow.

Thurs 2.17.05
AM: 51 min; 7.5 miles A good lil' run. Ran to golf course I sometimes sneak onto, but maintenance guys were working at my entrance. Continued down the road and discovered another golf course, which I briefly entered, but not for very long.
PM: 30 min; 4.5 miles late. Post-class did a run around 10pm.
Had a big presentation in my European Business class on the laundry detergent business in Europe. A little boring, but I think the presentation went all right. Surprisingly, there are lots of cultural differences in doing laundry that make marketing to the EU challenging. For example--different hygiene standards, environmental laws, size and packaging preferences, language barriers, water temperature/hardness/quality, drying techniques, etc. How you like them apples?

Wed 2.16.05
Hitting up a workout. OOOOOOOyeah. Not awesome, but fine nonetheless.
21 min; 3 miles warmup to the track. Proceeded with 8 X 1000m, weather was a little windy and brisk. Tried to keep rest short. HR in the low 180's. Wore light weight trainers.
3:06, 55 rest, 3:08, 53 rest, 3:08, 51.99 rest, 3:07, 55 rest, 3:09, 56 rest, 3:11, 55 rest, 3:15.08, 58 rest, 3:11. Then 1 min, then hard 100m stride.
19; 2.75 miles cooldown.
Total: 11.5

Tues. 2.13.05
63min; 9-9.5 miles. So I had to rise and shine early this morning (pre-7AM) and drive my car back to the dealership to have it checked out. Of course, since I went to all the trouble of taking it in, the problem didn't arise when I got there. I have filled up the gas 3 times and have had difficulty with the gas pump shutting off prior to completition. My car doesn' t want the gas that I feed it so generously. The mechanic didn't do anything helpful for me pump, but at least he replaced a fan-thinga-ma-gic-a-what due to a recent recall. Wanted to charge me $80, but luckily I spoke with the manager and avoided any fees. Got back late and tired, plodded through my run. Where'd I go? I don't know...think I ran around zee neighborhoods.

Mon. 2.14.05
71min; 10-10.5 miles. Did this run around Baltimore. Ran to Patterson Park, not a bliz-bloz-blazing run by any means. Drove back to Nova for night class, dropping off Stacy to rescue her car from the mechanic on the way. Had to drive back in the rain, but made fine time. Finance isn't a bangin' class. The highlight tonight was right after our break, when the fire alarm went off. Everyone trooped outside, unfortunatley 'twas raining. Some classmates made a break for it, but I hung around for the last half an hour.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Anyone feel a draft?

One of my new role models. Seriously, this dude rocks (except for perhaps the fanny pack, unless it contains ice water or vodka or something, which it most likely does). He's in Belarus. This week looks quite heavy for me, but I will think of the superman from Belarus when things look to be getting tough, as you should, too. On a related inspirational note, is a website for "muppet fans who grew up."

Ich ben blog

Now for a quick weekend wrap-up!
Total weekly mileage: 80 miles, 8 runs. This was a good week of running, I reckon. Achilles was feeling good until Friday's workout wrecked it a bit. I am icing more now. Might hop in a road race next weekend to try to pick up a little ca$h. Stay tuned.
Sunday, 2.13.05:
1 hour 39 minutes, 14.5-15 miles. Ran up to Druid Hill Park via Wynman Park. Changed directions abruptly up at Dru Hill bc I thought I might have seen Remus, the guy who keeps calling me (I don't answer). Circumnavigated the reservoir 3 times. Achilles was rather sore, I was also sore from the Pilates action yesterday. Got some work done during the day for a change, enjoyed some Indian food eating stuff I couldn't pronounce, and cheered on the Simpsons. I tried to email my parents but their spam blocker filtered me out. Ouch.
Congrats to David Dean for his hot new blog.
Saturday, 2.12.05
68 min, 10+ miles. Also Pilates and pushups. Ran up around Druid Hill park. This was a nice run, achilles a bit sore. Someone spray-painted "Duck" about a dozen times throughout the park by Hopkins. I was waiting for a "Goose" at the end, but the punchline never materialized. Those darn kids.
Some crazy guy started to run with me on my way back through those mean city streets. I think he was trying to show off to a group of other humans. I gestured to him and taunted--"You can't catch me!" and through in a surge, sore achilles and all. I turned around to comment that I was running 10 miles, but he was already fading off into the horizon.
Should've caught up on work tonight, but spent most of the time searching for European travel deals. Did you know that hotels in London don't automatically come with bathrooms? This "en suite" or private feature can cost $50 extra a day! Urinating in Gatorade bottles (the real man's urinal) here I come...
Friday, 2.11.05
22min warm up. Ran with Villanova lads over to Haverford for mile repeats. Did first 2 in grass (bit muddy), 3rd was comprised of in/out 200s on the track, and finished up with another mile in the mud. HR was hovering around 184 much of the time. Now that I rethink, this is probably fine, if not low. I don't fully recall what my HR should be. As is typical, Marcus cut the workout short, even though Milos really wanted to do more. I would've like to do another, but I know that my achilles will be sore tomorrow, so I don't need to really push it.
5:02, (68rest), 5:06, (2:59rest), 5:07 (comprised of: 33.0, 43.5, 32.9, 44.9, 31.7, 44.0, 32.6, 44.9), (2:27rest), 5:05. Cool, windy.
22min cool down. Total for day: at least 10.5 miles.

Baird Rules,


Friday, February 11, 2005

Jibber Jabba

Jabba deserves a light-saber to the face. Jabba is a Hutt.
Hutts have no skeleton to speak of just a skull, and small spine that holds their heads and chests up. The rest of their considerable hulk is one muscular appendage, used to slither across the ground. For more info re: Hutts, check out the Ultimate Star Wars Guide.


What up, peeps?
Been eating lots of cookies and frosting lately (not to mention fruit, protein and whole grains), Yum. Very mild week, starting to see a lot more green, but still some stubborn white stuff. Not much new, rather a drag of a week. As for running...

Thursday 2.10.05
AM: 64 min, 10 miles. Felt good, rolled some of middle. Radnor trail finally cleared of snow, able to run along side in gravel.
PPM: 32.5 min, 4.5 miles. Did a late late run following class just for kicks. Unfortunately, me tummy almost blew.

My European business class tonight was a complicated negotiation simulation which was radical. My team almost had to walk away from the deal a few times, but we came to a deal in the end, selling our turbines and processes for $3.1 million. Take that, suckas!

Also attended a NetImpact meeting tonight. This is an MBA society that is dedicated to "creating a better world." It basically involves volunteer work and community involvement.

Wednesday 2.9.05
65 min, 10 miles. Ran up to Haverford, a fine run. Nice and mild.

Tuesday 2.8.05
21 min, 3 mile warm-up.
30 min tempo @ about 5:20/mile pace. Started on the track for 1 mile, then down Ithan, etc, then back to track for last mile or so. Somehow, all the water drains into lane 1 on the track, and it was a wet run. Worked out with Milos and Pelerin. HR in the 170's, but varied whether or not I was running up or down hills. Wore trainers, felt decent. Probably about 5.5 miles.
14 min, 2 mile cool down. Total Tues: 10.5 miles.

Monday 2.7.05
66 min, 10 miles. Where I ran, I don't entirely recollect. I bet it was totally sweet, however.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Let's make a deal! (Click picture above to enlarge).
I'm selling one of my old textbooks on for the maximum price allowed, $2,475.00.
Click Here to see the actual posting. No matter that others are offering the book for $3. I cater to a higher scale, elite clientel. If you're cool enough, go ahead and click "Add to Cart." I dare you...

Thank Goodness

The Chef, truly a culinary role model. To see a smurfy Chef Boyardee commercial, CLICK HERE. I think I want to make a go at bringing"smurf" back into the English language. It's a great filler for adjective, noun, verb, et cetera. When reaching for a word to use, just smurf it!
For a view of my own Chef commerical, or to make your own, check out here. I have received mixed reviews, perhaps too much of the dog clip was utilized.

die eagles, die

Running news
Total Weekly Miles: 78 miles. A fine week. I'm getting in 2 workouts and a long run, so I'm getting better. I'm not doing anything super-human in my training, just trying to get some groundwork in and stay physically fit.
Sunday. 2.6.05
1 hour 32 minutes. A good solid 14+ miles. Fabtacular weather. Felt purdy good, temps in the 50's. Ran up and around Haverford and some of the neighborhoods. Slept in and got out the door pretty late, so I was hungry. Mos def a good pace.
Just finished watching the SuperBowl. Alas, the Eagles were not victorious. Don didn't have a McNabb-ulous day (not enough Chunky Campbell's soup?). At least there is something to look forward to and complain about next year. Why did the Patriots mock the Eagles every time they scored? What bozos. I'm going to go out in the driveway and try to flip over my car now.

Saturday. 2.5.05
71 minutes, a good 11 miles. Kept quite a decent pace for some of the run, quite nice weather. Ran around some mansion neighborhoods. Explored some new areas that made the run a little longer than anticipated. Achilles will not cease to feel sore, but it generally loosens up during my run.
After the run, went to an RA interview all day. Went fine, but with a lot of demand and not too many spots open, I'm not counting on getting a spot.
Was nice to go to Gullifty's with Justin McCarthy, a bud from high school now at St. Joe's. A truly selfless guy, Justin once walked around the high school track and picked up all the pebbles out of lane 1 for me. Tonight, he agreed to attempt to eat a whole pie if I purchased it, but I decided against the investment.
Friday 2.4.05
61 minutes. I was quite tired for this run, which was completed around 5:30pm after a long day at work. Jogged around the neighborhoods, will say about 9 miles.
Worked in Philly for Alan today. I finished an accounting package for our main client in Liechtenstein and did a few other tasks. There was lots of excitement about the upcoming SoupBowl on the streets of Philly. Unfortunatly, Stacy's car went on strike, so she failed to make the trip up to see me.
This guy lieks milk and is one cool dude.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Wing Bowl Update

Well, I woke up oh so early this morning and got prepared to fullfill my destiny over at the Wing Bowl.

Then I heard on the news as I was heading out the door that there were riot police at the Wachovia Center, the building had been shut down, nobody else was getting in, and 1000s were stuck outside.

I'm going back to bed for an hour or so, abandoning my WB journey. I guess I'll just watch it on the Internet later. Oh well. Too bad the only reason I was going to work for Alan today was to force myself into the Bowl, now I have to anyway.

Stacy and I at KAWASAKI, A Japanese restaurant in Baltimore. Nothing quite hits the spot like cake served with chopsticks. Sumo, anyone?

Phil lets me down

That hogger saw his shadow. Beware 6 more weeks of wicked cold!!!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

what the deuce have I been up to?

Been busy. I will take the time to write wittier and snappier blogs this weekend, as I don't have the tiempo right now.

Last weekend was fine, yet busy. Stacy and I went to Kawasaki, where I had Japanese cuisine for the first time since my fateful October journey. It was good, but since we were there with a group of 30, it took them 3 hours to prepare. I felt fortunate to escape without shrimp or peanut poisoning (me no likey-ebi). One of the highlights was eating the birthday cake we brought with chopsticks, since I don't think they had enough silverwear. Researched all day Saturday for naught, then returned home Sunday to visit with my brother Andy. Andy is visiting from Colorado for the first time in a year. Nice to see him again and get a nice home-cooked meal. My mother tried to save all our souls by forcing us to watch the beginning of The Passion of the Christ following dinner. It's a film I wouldn't mind watching sometime, but I had much work to do.

Classes are fine. I am working on a big project on selling laundry detergent in Europe, of all things. I am also developing a full business plan to open up a wine bar. Anyone interested in dropping some capital?

I worked one day last week and will work again on Friday, Feb 4th with Alan in Philly. In news there, Ty, my replacement has finally quit. He'll be leaving by the end of the month and made it just about a year, which is longer than most people there. I help out mainly with matters dealing with a particular client in Liechtenstein, which often proves enjoyable (in the short term).

On Tuesday, I had a meeting scheduled with Scott, one of the professors I work with. I remembered up till about noon, then totally forgot about the 1 pm meeting. Later in the day, I received an email from Scott apologizing for missing me because he was at a meeting that ran late. Phheeew! That was a close call. I told him it was cool, man.

I interviewed with AT&T for a summer internship this morning. The phone interview went fine, and I'll hear from them in about a week. It's a position in sales that I don't know if I really want, but I considered the experience to be at the very least an exercise in interviewing.

I have eaten hamburgers for dinner 3 of the last 4 nights. On the 4th night, I ate a pizza.

My Amazon items have been selling well, and every time I go to the Post Office, I get another order right when I get back, and have to return. I'll mail 2 books off tomorrow from Philly. I've made about $170. I try to underbid the competition. (those suckers).Click: One of my listings.

Tomorrow bright and early, I plan to attend one of the premier competitive eating events in the world. Much more news on this follow. (

Remus, my stalker weirdo running dude from Baltimore keeps calling and text-messaging me. I refuse to answer.

Chocolate Chip Cookie dough PopTarts aren't worth trying.

Go Eagles. Go

My parents caught and neutered a feral cat. I look forward to getting to know my new brother, Smokey, better.

It's late and I must be off to lay my head down to sleep and dream of gorging on wings and legal ranting.



Jog Blog

Triumphant return of Baird's Blog!
Here's the running info, as best I can recall:
Thursday, 2/3/05
21 min, 3 mile warmup from track office. Marcus transported our bags over to West Campus, where he measured a 1K course on campus road loop. Decent hill in the middle, kept it relatively difficult. My HR probably hovered between 180-185 bpm. Don't remember what it should be, but that seems about right. Had an uncomfortable side stitch much of the way. Worked out with Milos, Segal, and Pawluk. 8X1000m at heartrate, short rest.
3:12, (55rest), 3:10, (57rest), 3:08, (63rest), 3:10, (63rest), 3:11, (62rest), 3:11, (58rest), 3:14, (59rest), 3:14.
Certainy not a blazing workout, but was wearing trainers on a hilly road course. Was actually relatively strenuous. Ate like an animal upon return.
21 min cooldown, 3 miles
Solid 11+ miles for day.
Wednesday, 2/2/05
67min, ran on my own in the morning for about 10 miles. Ran down to check out Radnor trail, was un-forgeable. Swung out into some neighborhoods I haven't run in before that were quite nice. Big castles and roads with few cars. Ran out towards and about Wayne. What a silly name for a town. Achilles tender. Wrote a memo assignment on business ethics in the afternoon. Do you think that business dealing is akin to a game of poker? Thus, it is ethical to bluff/lie/etc., since everyone is doing it and expecting it. Some examples, like used car dealers or real estate transactions, this behavior is expected. I think as long as everyone definitely knows "the rules" of the game, then this is ok. But I digress... who cares?
Tuesday, 2/1/05
23min warmup, 3.25 miles.
30 min tempo, 5.5 miles. Ran tempo run on the roads. Ithan--> to my neighborhood loop, back to Nova and down Lancaster. Ran with Milos hanging on me. Kept rate up around 177, easier to increase with others around. Hilly tempo, felt really rather good. My achilles will be sore tomorrow, but during workouts it usually loosens up. Someone asked me directions, I gave my best guess, then saw him still driving around looking about 10min later. Haoops.
3, 15.5 min cooldowns, 2.5 miles.
Total: 11-11.5 miles
Monday, 1/31/05
AM:29min, 4 miles easy. Ran around home in Pottstown.
PM:53.5min, 8 miles with Milos, tennis run. First double in a while, made easier to accomplish mileage desires.

Weekly Total: 74.5 miles. This was a pretty good week of training. I'm not killing myself, but getting in good solid stuff to stay with it. There will be plenty of racing to accomplish come spring. I am also considering hitting up the Armory on 2/25 for one indoor venture. At this point, being as healthy as I can is priority. To compare with former college 'mates: I ran about half of Josh's weekly mileage but about 10 times what Jon ran.

Sunday, 1/30/05
90min; Ran in Baltimore in more snow. Had to run down the streets and dodge cars at times, as there was close to an inch on most sidewalks. I ran out to Druid Hill park and around some of the zoo back roads. This was a fine run, rather chilly and snowy, however. Will call it 13.5 glorious miles.
Saturday, 1/29/05
67min, in Baltimore. Ran up to Wynman Park (behind Hopkins), but it remained snowy. Ran backroads over to Druid Hill Park, loooped the reservoir, and took another rail "trail" home. Thus, I made a nice, big fat phat loop. 10 miles.
Friday, 1/28/05
17.5min, 2.5 mile warmup.
35 min tempo run in neighborhoods by my residence. Total distance of tempo most likely between 6 and 6.5 miles, will measure it soon in my proud automobile. I have a decent loop which takes approximately 7 min to go through in tempo runs (thus I did 5 loops). The loop is rather hilly, which will make me stronger, but does make HR monitoring more of a challenge. Kept around upper 170s, let it hit 180 on uphills at times. This was a tough effort, and difficult to get out the door as it was quite cold outside. Glad to get it done.
10.5 min, 1.5 mile cooldown. Total Friday: 10 or 10.5
Thursday, 1/27/05
67min 10 miles. Ran in the afternoon, I believe. Ran around here, I don't recall.
Wednesday, 1/26/05
60-something min?, 9.5miles? Forgot to shut my watch off right away, and I remember remembering how far I really ran, but now it is somewhere lost in memory. Know it was at least 9, and think it was more like 10 miles. I'll give myself the benefit of the doubt-9.5. Ran late at night around the neighborhoods, as I agreed to work in Philly all day at the law office. Why do I do this? I don't know. Suppose I want to maintain a positive relationship for future networking and references. Plus a little green never hurts.
Tuesday, 1/25/05
24min warmup, 3.25 miles. Ran over to Haverford indoor track facility with Nova gentlemen. Worked out with Milos and Segal. Not a super strenuous workout, but nice to get indoors on a track and turn it over a bit. Wore racing flats.
4X1000m at threshhold (like 180s bpm I believe): 3:02, (86rest), 3:03, (78rest), 3:01-I led this one, (1:41rest), 3:08.0, (3:29rest), then a 2000m repeat with every 200m alternating btwn fast and faster as follows: (34, 45,32,46,32.8, 46.8, 33.4, 46.8, 33,2, 47.2).
24min cooldown, 3.25 miles
Total Tuesday Mileage: 11 approximately HOTTTT miles
I'm an "extreme athlete" as Ann would say. (she was trying to remember the term "elite".)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I'll take a shot at updating the site soon...